Entering the interior of the city through the wide and tall city gate, Bennettnaxiu couldn't help looking around.

Unlike the gourmet city, which is like a collection of architectural styles of the world, the streets of the commercial city of Cortana are full of the style of Arab nights that can only be seen in the story of The Thousand and One Nights in childhood.

There are many open-air shops on both sides of the street, and merchants enthusiastically sell all kinds of goods, showing the vitality of this huge city everywhere.

And in that vibrant market, a large number of magic items and equipment that do not exist in reality are sold in various shapes and colors.

Bennettnaxiu curiously approached one of the stalls, but when he saw a series of zeros behind the number marked on the stall, the newbie who had just entered the game was unconsciously discouraged.

Hestia stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, pretending to look like an old predecessor: "You young man, don't think about these equipment for now. With the little money you just entered the game, the cheapest You don’t necessarily have to buy the equipment. And even if you don’t have the level-restricted equipment, you can’t use it.

Bennett Nasio sighed: "Oh~ It seems to be the case. I only have 5 silver coins for the road fee given by Mr. Cat when creating the character, which is 5000 Baileys. I really can't afford any equipment. But Miss Tia, what's the matter with the job?"

"This game is different from other games. The initial level of the character is level 0. Only when you successfully find a job and set your job as the main job can you get the corresponding professional experience and increase your job level. If you don't find a job, even you No matter how many monsters you kill, you won’t get experience. As for getting a job, your fetus creation hasn’t hatched yet, and it’s not too late to build a career framework based on your own fetus creation characteristics after it hatches.”

Bennettner nodded sharply: "It turns out to be like this. Thank you so much, Miss Tia."

Afterwards, Bennettnaxiu obediently gave up the equipment, and Hestia took him to buy some specialty snacks, including kebabs that do not know what meat, and fried snacks in a bag.Although the taste is mediocre, it has an atmosphere as a seasoning, and Bennettner is just right to eat while walking.

In this way, Bennett Nasio is not so much playing a game as a tourist destination overseas, the environment conveyed from the five senses, or the people who bargain at the roadside stalls, are all so real, even if he doesn’t already know it. It is hard to believe that this is a game after logging in for more than an hour.

Let him inadvertently sigh with emotion: "When did human technology progress to such a point?"

While Sun Luo and the others were explaining some common sense of the game with Bennett Nasiu while walking on the street, a few people walked and unknowingly entered the unpopular area next to them.

The atmosphere here is a bit quiet. The vibrancy of the previous streets is no longer visible here, and some are just squeezed and lined up next to each other.

At the same time, a doubt arose in everyone's mind: "It is obviously an adjacent block, can the atmosphere of the street be so different?"

While doubting, the group did not stop and continued to walk in this block.

As we walked, a thin figure caught the eyes of a few people. In the narrow alley between the masonry house and the house, a girl was leaning back against the wall just a little bit in the entrance. Sitting on the ground, beside her, there was no family or other people to accompany her.

The child was very thin and thin. It looked thinner than the refugee children Sun Luo had seen on the battlefield before. Even the Toriko whom he met for the first time after entering the game was much better than this little girl.

At the same time, the little girl also spotted Sun Luo and the others, so she turned her head a little, and looked at Sun Luo and them, no, to be precise, she looked at the guy Bennett Nasio was holding. It is considered a bag of fried snacks with a general oily taste.

The little girl raised her arm that was thinner than a dead branch and pointed to the pocket in Bennettna’s hand, but her waist was unable to straighten up from the ground. Her hands were shaking. That expression, that gesture, let Bennett Nasio's heart slammed like it was pinched.

"Are you going to eat this? Okay, I'll give it to you." Bennett Nasio said quickly thinking that the little girl leaned over.

At this time, Senro also saw that the little girl was in a bad state, so he called Bennett Nasio and asked Hestia to take out a cake with the effect of restoring HP and hand it over.

"The girl's physical condition is extremely bad. Let her eat this. This is a magic snack that can restore 30% HP."

Bennett Nassau took the cake and thanked him, then turned and handed the cake to the little girl.

The little girl wanted to reach for the cake in Bennettnasch's hand, but she was a little weak to lift her hand, and she touched it several times.

Upon seeing this, Bennett Nasio brought the cake to the little girl's mouth.

"Come, open your mouth, I will feed you."

The little girl opened her mouth slowly, wanting to eat a snack, but at this moment, the little girl opened her mouth and stopped moving.


The cake fell from Bennett Nasio's hands and rolled to the ground. He tremblingly touched the little girl's shoulder. As a result, the little girl's body, which was like a dry tree branch, fell slowly horizontally.

The fallen girl did not move as if she had fallen asleep, but her eyes were still open, but there was no light in her eyes. There were grains of sand on the ground, but there was no movement of a grain of sand near her mouth and nose. After a while, the sand ant climbed onto the girl's cheek, but the little girl still did not respond.

Bennett Nasio clutched the girl's shriveled wrist, but there was no more pulse there.

In this way, the little girl who didn't even know her name died in front of a few people in hunger and thinness.

Facing the sudden tragedy, Senluo was used to seeing dead people, but still frowned. Hestia beside her couldn't help but tighten his hand a little bit.

It is undeniable that this is the status quo of Cardina. The gap between the rich and the poor is like heaven and hell. When the rich are singing every night, the poor are always due to hunger, cold, disease, etc. And die.

Before Yilong and Mansam talked about these things with Senro, but in the gourmet city and the capital Doraganomat, because the strong governed properly, Senro did not see what they said. I thought they were exaggerating. Now it seems that the commercial city Cortana is the third largest city in Cardina. If this is the case here, other relatively weak cities should be even more unbearable.

At this time, Sen Luo also gradually understood why Yilong and Speaker La Place would rather touch the interests of those mayors to carry out reforms.

Compared with Senro, who is still thinking about problems calmly and calmly, Bennettnaxiu, as an ordinary person, is much more unbearable. In order to pursue a sense of experience, Bennettnaxiu adjusted the three visual aspects of the game into real perspectives. Now, things that are hard for ordinary people to encounter in reality happened to him as if they were real.

The first encounter with the impact of cruel death directly overwhelmed Bennett Nasiu's sanity. He yelled hysterically while desperately logging out of the game.

Seeing Bennett Nassau had logged out of the game, Senro shook his head helplessly: "The first day I logged into this game, I encountered this kind of thing. Should I say that this little brother is lucky or should I take it back? I hope he Don't give up the pit because of such a blow."

"Well, Hestia, let's go too, it's time to buy the ferry tickets, Alyssa is still waiting for us."

After speaking, Sen Luo called the city guard to deal with the corpse, then turned Hestia and left the block.

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