See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 355: Bennett Nasi's Decision

In the real world, at an ordinary home in a residential area in the United States, a young man with [Infinite World] game hardware suddenly sat up from the lounge chair in the room, and threw the helmet-like game hardware. The bed behind him.

"Why choose Cardina?"

"Why set it to a real perspective?"

"Why did you go that way?"

"Why start playing [Infinite World]?"

"Why is [Infinite World] so real?"

The young man held his head tightly with his hands, his mouth turned over and over and asked himself, and this young man was Bennett Nasio who had just logged out of the game.

Now he feels that [The Infinite World] is too real for him, just like feeling real to the streets of A Rabo that I have never been to. Children I have never seen before are weak and weak. The passing scene in the hand is also that reality.

As soon as Bennett Nasio closed his eyes, the moment of the little girl's death and the last thing she wanted, but the feeling when the cake fell but did not eat, kept coming to mind, repeating it over and over again. .

"At least in the end, if she can eat that piece of cake, maybe she will be saved."

Although Bennett Nasiu repeatedly told himself this way, it is already impossible to achieve, because [Infinite World] is different from any game so far. In order to pursue reality, NPC will not go through a period of time after death. The CD of time is refreshed again, just like the thing that has ended in reality cannot be repeated, the little girl who died in the game will not be resurrected.

"This is obviously a game, it's just a simple matter of the death of the NPC in the game, but why is it not like that in my heart... This is the real game?"

Unknowingly, Bennett Nasio had been holding his head in regret for half an hour. Suddenly, he suddenly raised his head: "That's right! That child’s funeral, if you bury her well, present a bouquet, and then Praying in front of the tomb might make this regret a little weaker. Well, the cake she didn't eat in the end will also be offered to her."

Thinking of this, Bennett Nasio picked up the game hardware on the bed again, and logged into the [Infinite World] again.

When he logged in, the game had been eight times as long as it was in reality, and the sky was already dark. Although the lights were far less bright than in reality, it did not have a flavor to match the exotic atmosphere of the city.

Bennett Nasio soon came to the alley where the girl died, but the body of the girl was no longer in the alley.

"Ahhh? Why is it gone? Oh, the flow of time here is different from reality. It must have been taken back by my family and buried during my absence. If there are no relatives, Miss Tia and the others may be buried. If that's the case, go to Miss Tia and ask for some snacks to tribute to the grave, and pray for her by the way."

In order to know the location of the little girl's grave, Bennettnax stopped the guards patrolling nearby.

After the meeting, the assembly has decided to accept the rulers and give them friendship and preferential treatment. After returning home, the mayors and mayors have already informed the decision of the meeting and the characteristics of the rulers who will not die, become stronger and faster, so the city After Wei saw a jewel-shaped unhatched fetus on the back of the person who called him, he did not ignore him because he was a cute new one, but greeted him enthusiastically.

"Mr. Master, is there anything you told me to do?"

Bennett Nasio asked, "Well, do you know where the child who was here just now was buried?"

"Child? Where's the child?" The city guard listened to Bennett Nasiu's question a little confused.

Bennett Nasio pointed to the alley: "It's the kid who died in that alley during the day."

The city guard suddenly realized: "Oh, ah, this morning a master lady did let us carry a corpse here, but the orphans who died on the road are usually buried in the north outside the city."

"By the way, do you know where that master lady has gone?"

The city guard pondered for a while: "I don't know about that, but apart from carrying the body, the master lady also asked us where we sell tickets. It should be a boat trip. If you want to find her, you might as well go to the port to touch it. Good luck."

Bennett Nasio thanked the city guard and ran towards the port of Cortana.

It was also Bennettna's good luck that the sand boats heading to the border would be there tomorrow. In the evening, Sun Luo had to take Hestia to stay in the hotel near the port.

The characteristic of a girl with a tall monster was very obvious. Bennett Nasio inquired about it for a while at the port, and then he came to the hotel where Sun Luo and the others stayed.

It was a classic-style hotel that often appeared in fantasy adventure games. As soon as he entered the door, Bennett Nasio saw two figures, one large and one small, having dinner in a corner of the restaurant, but the richness of the dinner was definitely not Such a small hotel can be served out.

This is also of course, because the cooking is done by Sun Luo himself, which is by no means comparable to ordinary hotels. As the cost of using the kitchen, Sun Luo pointed out the owner of this hotel and gave him a qualitative leap in his cooking skills. He used his two new dishes as the signature dishes in the store. According to Sun Luo's prediction, this will definitely bring a lot of business to the hotel.

Before Bennett Nasio got close to the table for the two of them, he couldn't wait to call out, "Miss Tiya, I can find you."

Hestia and Sunro looked in the direction of the sound: "Oh? You are in the daytime... Bennett Nassau, it is not easy to encounter such a thing as soon as you come up, I thought you would pit Well, it looks like you have overcome it now."

Bennettnaxiu shook his head embarrassedly: "I didn't get out of the shadows so quickly, but I was thinking about going to the little girl's grave and praying. In this way, the pain in my heart should be relieved. By the way, although I am a little embarrassed, can you give me another cake this morning? I want to put it in front of the little girl's grave with flowers."

Senro and Hestia looked at Bennett Nasio in front of him with interest: "Oh huh? Obviously just a game NPC for you, why do you still achieve this level?"

Bennett Nasio suddenly said to Sunro and the others with a serious face: "Think of such a real world as a general game. I think except for fools, those who treat the official instructions as really good kids. How could such a world be just as simple as an ordinary game, to be honest, if there is no such thing as a game system that has been reminding me that this is a game, I would never think that this is a game, a sense of reality, an object mod. , And the sense of reality of life, etc., all aspects except the game system have surpassed the field of games. Although I don’t know what this is, even if you tell me now, this is a world-scale virtual world. Experiment, I will not doubt."

"So, you are the so-called extreme world player in this game, right?"

Bennettnaxiu was puzzled: "World School...what is it?"

"Because this game is too real, the players are now roughly divided into two groups. One group argues that no matter how real the game is, it is nothing more than a game. No matter how self-conscious an NPC is, it is only an NPC after all, so the life and death of the NPC has nothing to do with it. Importantly, as long as you play this game with the same mentality as before, this is the so-called game school, and the other group advocates that in this game, unlike the previous games, NPCs have their own Consciousness, personality, and thinking are no longer the same as those in previous games. NPCs should be treated as stubbornness. They should be treated more cautiously and more friendly as if they were a life. This is the so-called world school."

After hearing the explanations of Sunro and Hestia, Bennettna was clear: "So, I am indeed a player of the world faction. By the way, Miss Tia, which side do you agree with?"

"Me? What I have to say is half and half. I have my own rules. Of course, I will not kill innocent people just because the NPC is not a real person. But when I meet a guy I hate, whether he is an NPC or a player, I will not You are merciful, and the opposite is true when you meet someone in need. Don’t you want to go to the grave? I’ll go with you, oh, this is the cake you want, just after dinner, I’ll exercise after dinner ."

With that, Hestia handed out a cake to Bennett Nasio, and then walked out of the hotel with Sen Luo.

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