See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 357 Resurrection and Determination

In the end, Bennett Nasio made a decision: "Persephone, use your power!"

Under Bennettnassi's order, Persephone spread his arms and sang an ancient ballad, which echoed over the desert and floated into the distance.

Amidst the singing, the little girl's body disappeared. Instead, a purple triumphal arch appeared in front of Persephone.

The little girl who was supposed to be dead came out from the door.

The little girl was really resurrected, but she didn't seem to remember the fact that she was dead, just like replaying the action before her death, she stretched out her hand to Bennettnaxiu.

Bennett Nasio hurriedly handed the cake over. The little girl took the cake and ate it beautifully. After eating the cake, the little girl smiled and said to Bennett Nasio: "Thank you, big brother, you can eat this. Delicious things, it’s great to be born."

After speaking, when 3 minutes arrived, Bennettnaxu's MP was exhausted, and the little girl lost all life and turned into a corpse again.

The words of the little girl as if she was born just to eat cake now deeply hurt Bennett Nasio's heart, because this is proof that she has never experienced anything happier than eating cake.

But the heartache, the heartache, Bennett Nasio still felt a trace of redemption, after all, this time the little girl passed away with a happy smile on her face.

Bennett Nasio looked away from the little girl's body, turned and bowed to them: "Miss Tia, thank you very much for your cake. Thanks to you, I feel better in my heart, but no matter what Say, I still can’t forget what happened today, so I don’t expect to log in to [Infinite World] again. Then, bye bye."

Looking at Bennett Nasio who was about to log out of the game, Senro threw out a ball of rice cake and stuck him to the ground.

Bennettnaxiu, who was interrupted after logging out, looked in the direction of Sen Luo in astonishment: "Miss Tiya, what are you doing?"

Hestia did not speak, but Sen Luo answered him: "It's too early to abandon the pit. I said you are too impatient. [Creation Tire] will evolve, although it can only be resurrected for 3 minutes now. , But as you and Chuang Ti continue to strengthen, the time limit will get longer and longer. Even if it is completely resurrected, it is not impossible. After all, the slogan of [Infinite World] has unlimited possibilities. "

Hearing what Senro said, Bennett Nasio turned his head and looked at Persephone beside him: "Are they true?"

Persephone said weakly: "The possibility is not impossible."

Bennett Nasio had the spirit in an instant: "Really? In this world, there must be many children who died like that. In this city alone, there are countless children who end up like that child in the past and in the future. , They are still unfortunate. They died without even knowing the little happiness of eating snacks. They still don’t even know what salvation is. For the children who died, I want to become stronger!"

Bennettnaxiu looked at Persephone with scorching eyes: "We are still weak now, with only three minutes of resurrection time, but if we become stronger together, maybe we can save all the children who died like that. Maybe they are given a second life without time limit."

Persephone showed a timid expression: "However, that kind of thing is a miracle far beyond the power of mankind. It is almost a daydream. Even if the concubine body becomes a [super fetus], even if it reaches that further state, I don’t know. Can it be achieved! And this goal itself is just suffering for you, you should abandon this side and return to your world!"

Bennett Nassau shook his head: "I can't do it because I already know that there are absolutely unacceptable misfortunes in this world, and I may have the power to change this. Therefore, I will choose this path. This is My belief in being a human being. Be stronger! If I want to become stronger, you will become stronger too. As long as you keep repeating this, you will reach that state sooner or later. Isn't this world like this?"

Persephone closed her eyes, seeming to be worried about what happened. After a while, she opened her eyes: "It's really a master who makes people headache when I come up. I understand. Let's continue. The concubine will pray that one day our wish will come true."

Just when the two vowed to work hard together for this grand goal, a voice rang from the side: "Ah, I'm sorry to interrupt when you are enthusiastic, but this matter may not be what you imagined. So difficult."

The two dumbfoundedly looked in the direction where the sound was made. There, Sen Luo was looking at the two people who were over the middle two with a helpless expression.

"what did you say?"

"It means literally. You are not the only person in this world who can resurrect other people. There are also props that can resurrect NPCs. I have seen a type called [Center] in the ancient literature of Food City. The legendary Susheng ingredients, although I don’t know what it looks like, it is said to make the deceased perfect Susheng. Originally, I thought this was a joke, because this legend is contradictory. After all, since it is an ingredient, it must be I eat it, but the dead cannot eat, so Su Sheng is even more nonsense, but after seeing you today, I feel that this might be possible."

Bennett Nasio was shocked: "Really... Is there such a magical thing?"

"Of course it is true, this game has unlimited possibilities."

After a while, Bennettnaschau, who was frozen in place, slowly said, "I'm really sorry, according to you, my thinking is really too narrow. You are right. I will pay attention to this aspect in the future. Thing."

At the same time, a doubt arose in Bennett Nasio's heart, but before he could ask, Sen Luo continued: "Furthermore, I think your starting point is a bit wrong, instead of waiting for the children to die. Resurrection, don’t you think it’s better to build this world into a world where such a tragedy will never happen again? How, you just entered the game and you are helpless, just follow me, and it’s better than doing it alone. Oh."

Bennett Nassau nodded stupidly: "If you think about it carefully, what you said makes sense. I have decided that while changing the future of the world, I will still save the tragedies of the past."

"But having said that, Mr. Chuangtai, you can not only read ancient books, but you can also say such reasonable things. This game is too smart, just like a real person." Bennett Nasio said with a smile in his heart. Doubts.

When Bennettnaxiu stabbed him in the secret, Senro didn't speak, but Hestia, who was beside him, let out a flustered cry, which attracted the attention of Bennettnaxiu and Persephone.

Hestia, who was uncomfortably stared at by the two of them, moved his gaze aside, pretending to whistle to demonstrate his guilty conscience.

At this time, Persephone, who had been observing for a while, suddenly cried out: "Ah!!! You guy, like your concubine, is also a girly birthplace!"

The look on Hestia's face panicked again: "Sa...I don't know what you are talking about."

This made Persephone more firm in his judgment: "You used the skill of [heraldry forgery], don't deny it, even if you can't tell the appearance, but the concubine is proficient in the soul power, the soul will not lie. Yes, you can't fool my eyes!"

Hearing this, Senluo laughed loudly: "Haha, Hestia, it seems that your acting skills still need to be improved, although this time I talked more is one of the reasons."

While speaking, the tall Asura gradually collapsed and melted, exposing the body of Sen Luo inside.

Bennettnaxiu and Persephone stared at Sen Luo who appeared in front of them dumbfounded, and could not speak for a long time.

Sen Luo said with a smile: "Hey, did you mean it? I introduce myself again, I am Cook Horchmitz, this is my creative fetus, TYPE: Maiden Domain, [God's Kitchen-Hestia Asia]."

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