"Ohhhhh! So handsome! How did this work? Is it also the ability to create tires?"

After a long time, Bennett Nasio suddenly screamed with excitement, and his tone returned to the way he had just logged into the game.

Sen Luo smiled: "Well, after all, the selling point of this game is the infinite possibilities. As long as you want to, there are still many things you can do."

Then Sen Luo said sternly: "Benneth Nasio, continue the question just now, my next goal is to travel around looking for like-minded companions by the way, and then form a Clan (Note 1), and everyone will change this country, even this The world, you are the first person I invited. How, are you interested in joining?"

Bennettnaschau pondered for a while, and said, "Indeed, my goal is too inefficient to rely on Persephone and I. If there are like-minded partners working together, I believe this possibility will expand infinitely, Cook Sir, I’ll join, please take care of the operator in the future!"

"Yo Xi! That's the decision, you will definitely not regret it!" Sen Luo smiled and patted Bennett Nasiu on the shoulder, and then turned into Ashura again.

Bennett Nassau asked puzzledly: "Mr. Cook, why are you doing this?"

Senluo explained: "This is the first thing I teach you about Bennett Nassau. Remember, [Anyone can easily PVP art] One: In games with PVP, intelligence war The key point is that the amount of false information that the opponent has mastered often becomes an important factor in determining victory or defeat, especially for non-combat professions like me."

"It turns out that although it is a game, there are also profound things."

While talking, several people returned to Cortana together. After arriving in the city, Senro did not rush to return to the hotel, but took Bennett Nasio to the archive point in the central square of Cortana. Pointing to a large blue crystal in the center of the square, he said: "Bennett Nasio, that is the professional crystal for employment. You only need to touch it to complete the inauguration. Now that you have the direction to move forward, change The first step to be strong is of course to start with the inauguration."

Bennett Nasio followed Sunro's words and stepped forward and pressed his hand on the crystal. In an instant, an inaugural menu appeared before his eyes.

On the above, it goes without saying that there are conventional combat professions like warriors and mages, and there are even many non-combat professions like tailors and farmers. Looking at the various and dazzling professions, Bennettner hesitated. .

Upon seeing this, Sen Luo asked, "What's wrong? Bennettnaxiu, is there no career you want?"

Bennett Nassau shook his head: "No, on the contrary, there are too many careers to be employed, and it is impossible to decide."

"It turned out to be like this, you need it at this time... Well, wait for me."

While talking, the Ashura-like Senro resembled a Doraemon X dream, and with the sound of trying to take out some secret props, he pulled out a thick book from his pocketless and empty belly.

"Jiang! [Occupation Diagnosis Directory], as long as you read this book, you can find the most suitable one among the currently available occupations."

After receiving the [Professional Diagnosis Directory] from Sen Luo, Bennett Nassau suddenly beamed his eyes: "Oh oh oh, this is really a convenient magic item!"

"Because this book uses question and answer forms to search for occupations, I don't know if the occupation he found is really suitable for you, but if you don't know what occupation you want to find, you can use this search. After all. In an average town, there are more than a hundred lower-level occupations that can be employed from the beginning."

"That's too much!" Bennettnaxiu murmured, flipping through the catalog.

Fifteen minutes later, Bennettnaxu's gaze stayed on a superior class called [High-level Spiritualist].

Sen Luo came over and took a look, and said strangely: "Humhum, that's weird. [High-level Spiritualist] shouldn't be a job that can be employed at the beginning of the game, it's a higher-level job. "

"Superior occupation?"

"Well, [High-level Spiritualist] is a higher-level profession in the Necromancer system. Generally, if you want to find a [High-level Spiritualist], you will start with the lower-level [Necromancer] and gradually reach it. The conditions of employment are right, maybe your [Creation of Fetus] fits well with this necromancer system, so that's why."

"Eh~ Persephone is really amazing!"

Hearing Bennettnasch's compliment, Persephone triumphed to straighten out his own not rich chest.

Bennett Nasio smiled and stretched his hand to the inaugural crystal again.

In a short while, Bennett Nassau succeeded in inaugurating the [Necromancer] of the lower-level profession and his higher-level [High-level Spiritualist].

After checking his skill bar with more new skills such as [Necromancer], [Necromancer Aura], [Necromancer Repair], [Blood Skeleton], etc., Bennettnaxu recovered the feeling of the game.

Seeing that Bennett Nasio had finished his inauguration, Sen Luo asked: "Players can find 6 lower-level occupations and 2 upper-level occupations in total. Is it enough for you to choose only two occupations?"

Bennettnaxiu nodded: "At the moment I think it should be enough. I decided to train these two professions to full level before considering finding another profession."

Since Bennettnaxu made the decision by himself, Senluo didn’t say much. Afterwards, Senluo traded some level 0-wearable equipment that was dropped along the way to Bennettnaxiu. After all this, Sun Luo took Bennett Nasio and the others back to the hotel, and asked the boss to open a room for them.

Then a few people sat in the dining room, Sen Luo waved a big hand, and took out many [time-keeping freshness] dishes from the item storage box.

"Today is the day when Bennettnaschau and Persephone have joined together. Please let your stomach eat and drink, you are welcome!"

It is a pity that since few people have reached the age at which they can drink in their own country, they are restricted in the game and can only drink.

Bennettnaschau and Persephone skeptically took a bite of the unfamiliar food that Seng Luo took out. As a result, at the moment the food was taken, a torrent of deliciousness surged in their mouths, and the volcano was between them. The heart erupted, and the word "delicious" appeared in front of my eyes. After a bite, the two of them couldn't stop.

"It's delicious! Although it is made with unknown ingredients and unknown cooking methods, I can't stop it for some reason!"

"This dish is too delicious, no, it should be said that it is too delicious! I feel like my body cannot resist it!"

Looking at the two people who kept stuffing their mouths, Senro and Hestia nodded in satisfaction: "How can I say that I am also a super professional [God's cook]. It is natural that it is delicious."

"Super professional? Is it even more powerful than the superior one?"

"That's right, and the super profession has the only job hunting feature. Only the first player who meets the hidden job requirements is eligible to find a job."

Bennett Nassau said with some envy: "Mr. Cook, you are so amazing, you are already a super professional, I don't know if there is a chance."

Sen Luo encouraged: "Believe in yourself, you can do it."

After everyone was satiated and drunk, Senro asked Bennettnaxiu about his next itinerary: "Benetnaxiu, tomorrow I will leave Cortana and go to Barbad, a small country on the border. You Do you want to come with me?"

Bennett Nasio agreed casually: "I don't have any plans for the next time. As long as I can become stronger, I can go anywhere. If Mr. Cook does not dislike me, I am still level 0, then I will bother. "

"Okay, then it's settled. Let's go on a sand boat together tomorrow. So many things have happened today, and you must be tired, so take a good rest."

After speaking, they each returned to their room.

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