See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 359 Going to the border and encountering the sand boat

The next day, Senro took Bennettnaxiu and left the house early, and then came to the port, Sanluo bought Bennettnaxiu's boat ticket with him.

After waiting for a while, several people boarded the sand boat heading to the border.

Senluo and Hestia sat on the deck boredly, looking at the deserts of various colors around them, yawning constantly.

And because it was the first time for Bennettnax and Persephone to take a sandboat, they leaned on the ship's side and looked at the scenery outside the ship with great interest. Every time they passed through a different desert, they would ask Sen Luo.

"Mr. Cook, Mr. Cook, come and see, the desert outside turned out to be white!"

"Ah~ this is a snow-salt desert now, of course it is white."

"Eh~ Is it a desert made of salt? This game is really amazing."

After a while, Bennett Nasio yelled again.

"Mr. Cook, Mr. Cook, come and see, the desert outside turned black. What is this?"

Just after speaking, a strong wind rolled up a layer of hot black sand baked by the sun, and swept toward the sand boat.

"Pattern shape·Biscuit shield!"

Upon seeing this, Sun Luo immediately set up a few huge biscuits as a shield, and surrounded himself and Hestia.

But Bennettnaxiu and Persephone, who did not react, were rushed by the black dust. In an instant, the two knelt on the deck with their hands supported, tears streaming down, and coughing violently.

"Cough cough cough! I know, this piece of land turned out to be a pepper desert!"

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Sen Luo and the others, Persephone said angrily: "Ah! You are too cunning, you only add protection to yourself!"

Removed the cookie shield, Hestia's twin ponytails flicked and said triumphantly: "Oh, this is not a line that people who want to become stronger should say, at least they have to take care of their own safety. Cultivation is everywhere. We are training you and for your good."

"Damn it, it's just a fetus created like a concubine body, so arrogant..."

"That's because I have arrogant capital." As he said, Hestia wrapped his arms around his chest intentionally or unintentionally, holding up his strong capital, and looking condescendingly at Persephone.

Persephone looked up at Hestia, then looked down at his own, speechless for a moment.

Senro on the side slashed Hestia's head with a hand knife: "Oh! Now we are partners, don't bully the newcomer."

Hestia pursed a small mouth, her voice was long: "Hi~ I see."

In this regard, Senro looked at Bennettnaschau and Persephone helplessly: "I'm sorry, Hestia was rude, but she was right about one thing. The opportunities to become stronger are everywhere. It depends on whether you can grasp that the strength of my team members is not required to be among the best in all games, but the strength of self-protection is still necessary."

Bennettner calmed down the pungent tingling of pepper in his chest and nodded firmly: "I know Mr. Cook, for my goal, I will definitely work hard."

Sen Luo nodded with satisfaction: "Well, that's the momentum, right, do you want to eat biscuits, sweet, salty, salty, crunchy and crispy pretzels, paired with pepper naturally baked by the hot sun. really not bad."

With that said, Sen Luo handed over a cookie shield.

Bennett Nasio and Persephone were surprised: "Huh? Isn't this a shield, can you eat it?"

"I am a cook of the gods, and the things I make are not only useful, but also exquisite in taste."

"Um... good... such a great craftsman spirit, but please allow me to refuse."

Although they thought that Senro wouldn't lie to them, Bennett Nasiu still turned down Senro's biscuits when they recalled the painful experience of being tortured by pepper.

Sen Luo smiled and looked up at the time. It was almost noon, and he was about to take out the food from the item storage box, but at this moment, the alarm on the ship suddenly sounded.

Then, the hull of the sand boat shook for a while, and a black sand like a geyser rose into the sky from the right side of the boat.

When the dust fell, a huge worm-like monster emerged from it.

With a scream, the two rows of centipede-like feet on both sides of the monster's body grabbed the ship's side and dragged the body onto the deck.

"A desert worm was found on the starboard side of the hull. It is speculated that the strength of the Yalong class. Please take refuge in the cabin as soon as possible... repeat..."

When the captain made an evacuation notice through the broadcast, the guards on the sand boat quickly gathered on the deck after spotting the enemy.

The growth of NPCs in the game is generally slow. Even if the guards of the sandboat are all incumbents of combat occupations, they are just general lower-level occupations, and their levels will not go as high.

The desert worm is a sub-dragon class, and the positioning of the sub-dragon class in the game is to match the strength of a full-level professional. Faced with the desert worm that is screaming with its teeth and claws, the guards can't help but sweat, and no one dares to step forward .

However, this time it was destined to be less than their turn to take action. Just when the guards flinched, Sunro, who was sitting on the deck, stood up and walked towards the desert worm casually: "I was thinking that time is almost up to the meal. I ordered it. I didn’t expect the ingredients to be delivered to the door. Because there is a carapace on the outside and the meat has toxins, desert worms without natural enemies are very plump. As long as they can remove the toxins, it is a good ingredient."

A young guard just wanted to dissuade him, but was pulled back by an older guard on the side: "Look at the girl next to the weirdo. She has a coat of arms on her hand. That is the characteristic of the ruler. The weirdo should be a legend. To create a fetus, the ruler is an immortal body, so you don’t need to worry about it, and if the ruler can eliminate this desert worm, we will be protected from damage."

In response, the other guards nodded in agreement, and then all returned to the cabin to guard the door, making more room for Sun Luo.

On the other side, the Desert Worm saw Sun Luo coming towards him, immediately raised his huge head, opened his blood basin and bit towards Sun Luo.

In front of the huge desert worm, Ashura, who was more than two meters tall, also appeared to be much smaller, but Sen Luo did not panic, and did not even pull out his machete.

When the head of the desert worm came to the front, the crumbs of the biscuit immediately turned into a pair of gloves and wrapped it in Sen Luo's hand, and then Sen Luo, with a thunderous force, struck a strong dragon fist. On the lower jaw of the desert worm, its head was beaten high, and then it took the opportunity to rush into the desert worm's hinterland.

"Today's lunch is determined to be you! Take the move, Mr. Jiro's secret skills, hit acupuncture points and semi-cooked!"

"Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula!"

The special strength of the Sun Luo skill was passed into the desert worm's body through the carapace following the attack of the six arms of Asura. The parts of the desert worm hit by Sun Luo immediately became immobile, but the parts that were not hit But still struggling to wield his spear feet, trying to attack Sen Luo.

"Huh? You can move? The insect's ganglia are so many and complicated. Gag, boxer shorts! Boxer shorts! Punch acupuncture. Fully cooked! Big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood!"

Sen Luo thought, who saw the problem, caused Ashura's six arms to pour down the desert worm with a more rapid offensive.

After a while, the desert worm stopped as if it was being attacked by Sun Luo, spreading out on the deck, unable to move, and could only make a sound of neighing weakly, and then slaughtered.

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