See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 360 Worm Cooking and Encounter

Seeing the scene of the desert worm falling, made the other guards and passengers on the ship feel fortunate, but at the same time that they were fortunate to be rescued, they were also shocked by the strength that Sun Luo showed was so powerful. There was no way to fight back under his hands.

There are actually a few masters among the passengers, but they are all ordinary low-level professional incumbents, and they are not opponents of the Desert Worm at all, so they did not rush to fight monsters in the first time.

At this time, they couldn't help but bring a little envy in their eyes when they looked at Sunro and Hestia, thinking that if their fetuses could evolve to that level, they would definitely be able to kill the pesky worm.

On the deck, Sunro came straight to the desert worm, just like buying meat in a vegetable market. After groping on it, Sunro took out two huge serrated kitchen knives from the item storage box. , Followed the gap between the desert worm carapace and easily pierced into its body.

Then I saw the kitchen knife in Sen Luo's hand, two dazzling knife lights flashing through the interface of the desert worm carapace, and then, the meat section wrapped in the carapace was unimpeded by the forest. Roche came down, and the desert worm broke into two sections, completely losing its vitality.

Sen Luo lightly patted the characteristic equipment on his waist [Alligator Ghost Bag Gallarog]. The dark red crocodile skin rucksack the size of a purse instantly became large and floated into the air, opening to the desert worm. After leaving the bag mouth, the next moment, a force of suction gushed out of the bag mouth, and the huge body of the desert worm was sucked in without any hindrance.

After the rucksack fell, Senluo tied him back to his waist, then took out the cooking props from the prop storage box, called Hestia, and the two of them dealt with the cut off the mass of meat together.

The rest of the people on the boat watched Sunrao's movements intently, just like tourists watching the tuna disintegration show in Tsukiji, they seemed so excited.

The steps of peeling, removing tendons, drawing blood, and removing toxins proceeded like flowing water under Sun Luo's hands. After a while, the horror worm with dark blue viscous venom disappeared, replaced by a large mass of white and flawless. , The plump meat section with oil blossoms appeared in front of everyone. If it hadn't been known in advance that it was part of the desert worm, everyone would never associate this ingredient with that terrifying desert worm.

After processing the ingredients, Sun Luo set up the stove and started cooking today’s lunch with this piece of meat. After a while, that piece of meat became meatballs, steaks, burgers, skewers, broth, etc. in Sun Luo’s hands. Kind of delicious.

After doing all this, Senro greeted Bennettnaschau and Persephone who were still in shock: "Hey~ you two, come over for lunch!"

While talking, Sen Luo handed over two savory burgers: "This is a spicy desert burger. It contains insect meat patties with black sand pepper and secret spices, and topped with sugar desert products. The pickles made from the shredded sweet spring onion and the dripping cucumber produced in the sweet water oasis are not only delicious and not greasy, but can also increase the MP and END limit by 10% within one hour after eating."

Hearing Sunro's introduction, Bennett Nassau and Persephone came to a sense of shock. Looking at the attractive burger in front of them, the two suddenly remembered the hideous appearance of the desert worm, but couldn't help but hesitated.

"This... is it made from that insect's meat? Is this really edible?"

Seng Luo nodded: "Of course, although their meat is poisonous, they have the creamy fat as fine as cows, and the smooth taste and sweet taste of lobster meat. They are regulars on the table of the nobles of Cardina, nobles. It often pays to hire adventurers to form crusade teams to hunt desert worms. After all, there is nothing else in the barren desert. After seasonings and cacti, this ethnic group ranks third in number."

The two listened for a while ashamed: "Uh, this time it is really upright..."

Then, the two hesitated to bite the burger.

() Chew!

The instant the patties were bitten, the sweet gravy of wagyu beef and lobster burst into the mouth, and the aroma and spiciness of the spices that followed brought up the taste again.

It felt as if there was a desert worm in the mouth, stabling the taste buds continuously.

"Good~yummy~!!! This taste is simply irresistible!"

After the two took the first bite, they had no intention of stopping. In less than a minute, two huge burgers entered their stomachs.

After the two of them had eaten the burgers, they turned their attention to other dishes, scrambling to feast on them.

This kind of scene makes the other passengers on the ship not calm down. Although ordinary sand boats also have galleys, they are generally where the crew make their own meals. They can only provide drinking water to the passengers and will not provide food to the passengers, so the passengers Often they bring their own food.

This time, seeing Sun Luo and the others eating a hearty meal, the other passengers instantly felt that the dry food in their hands was not fragrant.

At this moment, a naive voice rang beside Sen Luo and them: "Wow! What a hearty meal, big brothers and sisters, if you don't mind, can you give us some dishes? I can pay you."

Everyone turned their heads and saw that two children, a man and a woman, came behind them at some unknown time.

The boy looks about 10 years old. He is wearing a slightly worn-out A Raber-style national costume, with a headscarf wrapped around his head. His long blue hair is tied into a braid behind his head, which is still hanging on his chest. He is holding a golden clarinet and holding a stick similar to a staff.

And the girl looks a little bigger than the boy, and she is a lot taller than the boy. She is also in a national costume, with blood-red hair on her shoulders, but somehow, Sen Luo is on the girl’s body. Feel the dangerous breath of a large beast.

Sen Luo glanced at the backs of the two of them, and found no traces of heraldry, so the two of them should be NPCs.

With the shadow of the previous events, seeing that the two of them were not well-dressed and both were children, Sen Luokai did not speak, and the good old man Bennett Nasio very generously invited: "Since you are hungry, don't talk about money. It’s not money, let’s eat together, Mr. Cook’s food is the best in the world.

"Really!" The little boy smiled and took the girl beside him and sat next to Bennett Nasio.

"Thank you so much, kind brother, my name is Aladdin, and this is Sister Morjana. Sure enough, there are not all bad people in this world."

Following the introduction of the boy, the girl named Morjana did not speak, but nodded slightly, even if she had greeted everyone.

At this time, Aladdin saw the coat of arms in everyone's hands and asked curiously: "Big brother and big sister, are you the masters of the legend?"

Bennett Nasio and Hestia nodded subconsciously. Stars appeared in Aladdin’s eyes, and he looked to the side of Sen Luo: "Really! I came from a small place. I have never been here before. I just heard about it on the road before. I finally saw a real person this time! Is this big guy a fetus? I also saw the battle just now. It's really amazing!"

The next moment, Aladdin suddenly swooped into Hestia’s arms. At first Hestia didn’t care about him as a child, but then, Aladdin desperately slammed into Hestia’s surprised eyes. His head was buried in Hestia's career line.

"Don't stop, you stinky kid!"

An angry Hestia grabbed a handful of pepper batter from the deck and put it on Aladdin’s face, so Aladdin followed in the footsteps of Bennettnasch and Persephone, from Hestia’s He rolled down and rolled on the deck while covering his face.

On the side, Morjana seemed to be familiar with this, and did not do anything special, just quietly eating the food in front of her.

However, Aladdin soon recovered, and once again became one with the others. In the envy and hatred eyes of the other passengers, several people finished their lunch with talking and laughing and entered the lunch break mode.

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