See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 376 The Reason for Joining the Thieves Group

After listening to Alibaba’s experience, Aladdin and Morjana raised a question at the same time: "Alibaba, if according to your statement, Qasim betrayed you in the first place, why are you in the group of fog now? Become their leader?"

Alibaba continued: "Shortly after that, I heard the news of the death of the old king, so I felt that I should have a break with this country, so I returned to Barbad alone..."

In Alibaba’s story, when he returned to Barbad, he found that the faces of the people were full of haze, and the whole city was filled with a lifeless atmosphere.

After questioning a roadside uncle, Alibaba learned that after the death of the king, his brother Abu Maduo became the new king. Abu Maduo had already shown his faintness when the king was alive. After the death of the king. Even worse, the whole country can be said to be worse off.

And it's not just the king. Recently, there has also been a band of thieves in the city that specializes in robbing wealthy households.

Alibaba had a guess in his mind when he heard about the thieves. After he saw Qasim who was carrying people on a merchant ship burning and looting, Alibaba also believed that Qasim and his thieves were in chaos in the kingdom. source.

Alibaba immediately drew out special weapons and rushed forward to question why Qasim had committed such evil deeds, but Qasim did not fight with him or talk nonsense with him, but pulled him directly. To the old site of the former slum.

There is still a ruin there, there is no sign of the so-called redevelopment, there, Alibaba also saw some people in the former slums.

And under a dead tree in the middle of the ruins, Ali Baba saw a tombstone carved with stones that can be seen everywhere on the road.

When Alibaba asked whose tomb it was, the answer was that Qasim's sister was buried inside.

Alibaba was shocked, because Qasim told Alibaba before that although they were all driven abroad, their lives were fairly decent, but in fact it was obviously not the case.

In fact, the plague broke out in the slums just the second year after Alibaba was received from the palace, but the officials of the country deceived them for their own benefit and even ignored the incident as if it had not happened. Regardless, in order to prevent the spread of the epidemic, the slums were completely sealed off.

In this way, without the support of medicines and medical treatment, the people in the slums passed away one by one, Qasim's sister was one of them, and none of them survived.

After the plague subsided, in order to prevent the disease from regenerating, the officials directly set fire to the slums, regardless of whether there were any living people in the slums, so that those who survived by chance became homeless.

Qasim felt that all this misfortune was the fault of the kings and noble officials of this kingdom. In order not to be killed by such a country, he took the remaining survivors in the slums to absorb the vagrant bandits and formed the fog. In order to retaliate against the kingdom and survive, the regiment used Alibaba to steal the treasure house of the palace.

After listening to Qasim's words, Alibaba also understood that what was really wrong was the kingdom. It was this kingdom that forced Qasim and the others to be like this, so the hatred of being betrayed at the time disappeared.

When Alibaba was in conflict and did not know how to face Qasim, Qasim sent an invitation to Alibaba, inviting him to join the group of the fog, and willing to give up the position of leader to Alibaba.

Because Qasim felt that the band of thieves was always a band of thieves and there was no way out, but with the addition of the prince, the band of thieves might be able to get rid of the name of the band of thieves.

Alibaba wanted to refuse at first, but he couldn’t bear to see the kingdom that he had lived in decayed by his elder brother. He wanted to change the country and contribute to the people of the country, but it only depends on one. Humans are absolutely impossible to complete. Out of righteousness, Alibaba finally took over the position of leader.

Later, under his leadership, the band of thieves distributed the looted property to the disadvantaged civilians in order to gain support from the people.

When the time is right, Alibaba will plan to disclose its identity in front of the people, and then use public opinion to negotiate with Abu Maduo, forcing him to change the country's attitude towards the people.

Speaking of the end, Alibaba got more and more excited. Looking at Alibaba, who was dazzled by the blood, Aladdin asked calmly: "Alibaba, have you ever thought that if you can't do what you want even if you do, go there What should you do at that time?"

Alibaba was speechless when asked by Aladdin, and Aladdin enlightened him while the iron was hot: "If you let anger control yourself to fight, very sad things will happen."

"Of course I know this is not the right way! But I can't think of any other way besides this! What do you think I should do! This kingdom is too bad now. Someone must take the lead in making changes. Reform is urgent! "

Alibaba said, rubbing his hair frantically, "Ahhhhh! I am so disturbed by you and I don't know what to do! That's why I don't want to see you! Please, Please leave this country, please!"

Finally, Alibaba's voice has turned into a hysterical roar.

As soon as the voice fell, Aladdin picked up the staff beside him, "Duang!" and knocked Alibaba's head directly, stunned him.

After a while, Ali Baba came back to his senses, holding his head in pain and exclaimed: "It hurts! Aladdin, what are you doing all of a sudden!"

"Calm down, Alibaba. Indeed, the problems in this country are very difficult for us. But it's okay. I believe that if it were Alibaba, it would be okay. And now there are me and sister Morjana, we will I’ve worked with you to figure out a way. For your important friend and the people of this kingdom, let us do our part. As the saying goes, three heads are better than Zhuge Liang. If you think of a way together, there will be better A better way."

"╥﹏╥Well, thank you, Aladdin!"

Looking at Aladdin, who was smiling and offering a helping hand, Ali Baba's eye sockets became wet.

Then, the atmosphere in the room returned to the harmonious state of the three people traveling together. For the rest of the matter, the three people also made a lot of planning.

Just when the three people talked happily, they didn't know that just outside their room, Sinbad, who heard the sound coming over to check the situation, listened to the conversations of the few people.

In the room on the top floor of the hotel, Sun Luo and the others also saw all these things in their eyes through the magic camera.

Senro shrugged: "(~▽)~ It’s so wise to secretly install magic cameras in their rooms, Pestoya GoodJob! In this way, things will be all clear, that special weapon user unexpectedly It's the third prince of this country, and that special weapon comes from a maze made by gods. No wonder it has such a powerful force."

Bennettnaxiu said with a somewhat ugly face: "According to Ali Baba, the royal family of this kingdom is too bad. Just like Miss Maria said, such a king should step down quickly. But. How does this Mr. Ali Baba look like he has been used? And more than once."

Sen Luo raised his brows: "Oh huh? Even you can see that Bennett Nasiu has grown very fast. You are right. This guy named Alibaba is a tool man from beginning to end. Sim is constantly using him. Like this time, I am afraid that the ultimate goal of his entanglement with the band of thieves is to rebel, but he is afraid that his name is not right and people will not support him, so he wants to rely on the identity of Prince Alibaba to win the hearts of the people I really don’t know if this Alibaba is stupid or naive, but he believes the words of people who have betrayed him."

Alyssa nodded in agreement: "In a sense, this Alibaba is a better person than Abu Maduo. Although others are not bad, they are timid and fearful, indecisive and indecisive. People around, if he inherited the throne in the first place, I might be able to take this country faster, as long as he restrained him with things like righteousness, people, and settled his minutes. ..."


Before Alisha had finished speaking, there was a sudden bang from the magic camera.

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