See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 377: Night Attack by Thieves

"What happened!"

Sen Luo and the others were jumped by the sudden noise, and quickly looked at the magic camera.

I saw that a big hole was blasted into the wall of Aladdin's room at this time, and Qasim walked in with a bunch of thieves swaggering.

"Let you wait for your partner for a long time and found that you were kidnapped. I brought someone to rescue you!"

Unlike yesterday’s three-legged cat thieves, the band of thieves Qasim brought tonight looks much better equipped, and there are even several people with magic weapons, so although I experienced yesterday’s setbacks, Qasim 'S voice still sounds quite confident.

At the same time, a group of thieves surrounded the first floor of the hotel with swords, bows and crossbows.

"Try to grab! Try to grab! The person we are looking for is here, but I don't know which room it is in. Anyway, here are all rich people who come to suck our blood. Don't be merciless, grab them first!"

Following the shouts of several leading thieves, thieves entered in file, robbing people at sight, and the hotel guard was not their enemy at all.

With the attack of the band of thieves, the hotel was completely chaotic, with screams and shouts one after another.

Listening to the chaos from below, Ali Baba was surprised.

"Kasim! We are righteous thieves, I have no plan to attack the hotel! How can you make your own claim!"

Facing Alibaba’s questioning, Qasim said naturally: “Idiot, if we don’t take the initiative, we will only be killed!”

Alibaba was at a loss: "Get killed? Who will kill us?"

"You really don't know anything? I got the news that those people yesterday lived in this hotel. We moved Cardina's goods before. Yesterday, those masters were Cardina who sent us to destroy us. Yes, and not only dominates, that man is also in this hotel."

"That man?"

"It's Sinbad! That [Seven Seas Overlord] is also here. It's different from Cardinal. He came to arrest us under Abu Maduo's instructions. If we sit and wait to die, the mist group may really be over. ."

After speaking, Qasim grabbed Ali Baba's hand and was about to flee here, but was stopped by Aladdin and Morjana.

On the other hand, listening to the words of Kassim in the magical image, Sen Luo shook his head helplessly: "This man named Kassim is really a talent. No word is true. Although the result is the same, the reason is That's not the case at all, and it's really bad for Alibaba to believe him. But you have heard that, their target is us."

After the words fell, Sen Luo once again activated the [Patterning Shape] and became like an Asura.

Alyssa slapped the table: "The life that I managed to escape yesterday is not easy to cherish, but today I came to die again. I really don't know who gave him the courage! But since he's here, don't even think about leaving!"

A pair of T-shaped crooks made of gold coins appeared in Midas' hand, ready to fight.

Robert did not speak, and silently drew out two firearms resembling SPAS-15 multi-function shotguns from Ares' belly, and at the same time took out two submachine guns and threw them to Alyssa and Bennett Nasio. .

At this moment, Sun Luo and their room door was kicked open very roughly, and a group of thieves armed with crossbow arrows rushed in, set up their crossbow arrows and aimed them at Sun Luo and others in the room. The leader was the leader who fled yesterday. One, Hassan, the one-eyed man with the yellow eclipse dream knife.

Seeing Alisha and the others, Hassan waved his hand without saying a word: "It's them, all of them shoot and shoot them into a beehive!"

In an instant, countless crossbow arrows flew towards Alyssa and the others, but at this moment, the three-headed six-armed tall figure of Sen Luo in the room stepped to block them in front of them. If he couldn't splash in, he easily cracked the volley of thieves.

Later, Robert did not give the thieves a chance to shoot the second round. He held two Xia bullet guns and jumped out from behind Sen Luo. Apart from anything else, the two were loading arrows on the crossbow. Ya's thief pulled the trigger.

Hearing only two "bangs" gunshots, the two thieves at the front of the team burst into rags with their shirts bursting into rags. The whole person whirled over the heads of other thieves and hit the walls on both sides of the door. .

Seeing bullet holes all over his body, and the dead companions who could no longer die, the other thieves couldn't help but sweat.

But Robert didn't mean to stop, and a few jumps rushed into the band of thieves.

"It's not a magic bow and crossbow. It's just a dream to use such a tattered magic hot weapon against me!"

Roberto's two spears flew, reaping the lives of thieves around him like a tiger into a flock.

Seeing that the companion he had brought with him continued to fall, Hassan turned around and was about to come to the rescue, but as soon as he made a move, Sen Luo jumped straight and took his way.

"Oh, your opponent is me."

Sen Luo took advantage of the situation to smash Huashan with a force, and two scimitars slashed at Hassan's head from top to bottom.

Upon seeing this, Hassan hurriedly raised the Hidden Blade in his hand and held Senluo's double swords at the very moment of his death, and the two of them froze in this way.

After a while, Hassan discovered something wrong: "My yellow eclipse dream knife can easily dissolve even the heavy walls, why is there nothing wrong with your weapon?"

Upon hearing this, the three ghost faces on Sen Luo's heads all showed mocking smiles: "Weapons? No, no, you may be mistaken. This is not a weapon, but my cooking. It is entering the mouth of the diners. Before, no matter what kind of damage they could not shake them."

Sen Luo said while suppressing forcefully, "Did you come to attack after knowing our identity? It seems that not many people died yesterday, and it didn't make you remember. And don't you know that the master will not die? Do you? You can't kill us."

Hasan fought hard: "Of course, but you masters can only be resurrected after you die for eight days. During this time, there is enough for us to do a lot of things!"

Sen Luo shook his head: "But you are afraid that you will have no chance."

The voice fell, and the scimitars in the other four hands of Sen Luo pierced Hassan's body from four directions at the same time, slashing him to the ground at once.

Looking at Hassan falling in a pool of blood, Senluo hummed disdainfully: "Thieves are thieves after all. They are only worth living in darkness. When you show up in the light, you are doomed to fail The ending."

Looking at Roberto in a blink of an eye, Sunro found that Roberto had almost cleaned up the fish. He walked over and chopped down the last standing thief. Sunro clapped his hands and said to the others: "Okay. , The choppy here has been cleaned up, but there should be a lot of thieves in the hotel. Let’s get rid of them all this time."

Everyone exchanged glances, nodded one after another, and then walked out of the room and walked in different directions.

Sun Luo came all the way to the lobby of the hotel, and saw that there were members of the band of thieves who were robbing property, and the wealthy people who were driven by thieves to squat into a circle holding their heads.

It may be attributable to the hatred of the rich. These thieves are especially crazy when they snatch their belongings.

Seeing such a scene, Sen Luo couldn't help but feel a little irritable, so he looked at Hestia next to him: "There are too many of these miscellaneous fish, it is too troublesome to chop them one by one, Hestia, activate [Great God’s Kitchen]."

Under Sun Luo's order, Hestia turned into a phantom, and the invisible barrier instantly enveloped the entire hotel.

"Magic Ingredients Generation·White Snake Rice Cake!"

With the activation of Senluo's skills, a group of white rice cake-like objects appeared beside the thieves in Senluo's field of vision.

"Ah! What the hell is this!"

Under the manipulation of Sun Luo, those rice cakes were like living creatures, quickly stretched and wrapped around the thieves’ bodies, wrapping them into white cocoons, and then in the horrified eyes of the thieves, those rice cakes came from their mouths and ears. There are also nostrils and other holes that are constantly filling their bodies.

The pain of suffocation caused the thieves to struggle desperately, but it was a pity that Sun Luo did not let them off. After struggling for a while, there was no robber who could move in front of Sun Luo.

Sunro clapped his hands and tried to attract the attention of those who were robbed around: "Well, everyone, I am the master of Cardina. The thieves in this area have been wiped out by me. You are safe. Get yours quickly. Leave the robbed thing here."

Hearing Sun Luo's words, the people who had shrunk into a group looked around and looked around. After confirming that there were no thieves, everyone quickly got up and searched for their belongings, and then left this place thankfully. It is the place where the white rice cake balls are infiltrating.

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