See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 408: Ways to Surpass Fresh Ingredients

In the restaurant, the food table in front of the people in Izumoliao is filled with a grilled saury, a dish of grated radish with soy sauce, a dish of pickles, a bowl of miso soup, and a bowl of white rice. It was a standard Japanese breakfast, but everyone was delighted with it.

"Hahu~Hahu~ It's delicious! It's really an autumn of appetite, and the fresh saury is still the best salt-baked!" Everyone sighed with emotion while exhaling.

Sen Luo smiled and said, "Is it right? This is the power of seasonal fresh ingredients. Just grill this fresh saury with charcoal fire, and then simply sprinkle it with light salt to taste. It can make such an outstanding dish. the taste of."

Everyone nodded again and again: "Yeah, yeah, with such delicious grilled fish, Senluo must have won the roll this time?"

When the audience asked, Sen Luo pondered: "emmmm... It's not easy to say."

Seeing Sun Luo hesitating, everyone was puzzled: "This grilled fish is delicious, why are you still hesitating?"

Senluo explained: "This is just the simplest grilled fish in the final analysis. It is impossible to win the finals of the autumn selection just like this. Moreover, the other two people are very good at cooking, and their eyesight for ingredients is no less than mine. I will also pick out the freshest ingredients, and then add a lot of hard work and creativity to challenge me with all my strength. If I only cook fish, I won’t necessarily win, so I must think of a more delicious dish. Row."

At this moment, Wu Yacha walked into the restaurant, still holding a tray in his hand, which contained some red ginger marinated in sweet vinegar on a plate.

"Sure enough to eat saury with red ginger, I'll bring it for you."

Sun Luo hurriedly got up to pick it up: "Thank you mother, I was negligent."

"Oh oh oh, what can I do for this little thing, we are a family."

Looking at the red ginger in his hand, Sen Luo seemed to have a flash of inspiration in his mind, and suddenly shouted: "That's it, why didn't I expect it just now!"

Senluo's reaction shocked everyone, and Alyssa hurriedly asked: "Senluo, what's the matter with you? Why are you yelling suddenly?"

Senluo said with a smile on his face: "I thought of a way to make these delicious and fresh saury more delicious!"

Everyone looked at Senluo in a daze: "∑(O_O;) just now had a difficult expression, did you think of a way so soon?"

"Yeah, I was too obsessed with fresh ingredients just now, and forgot the deliciousness that time can bring. In this era, the saying [freshness is the lifeline of ingredients] is outdated!"

After hearing Senluo’s explanation, Liangtian Hudie and Tamako, who are agricultural and forestry students, were the first to react: "Senluo-kun, are you talking about [mature] craftsmanship?"

Sen Luo nodded heavily: "Yes, it's the popular [Mature] now."

In the current world, [Aged] ingredients are becoming more and more popular, and more and more restaurants are launching [Aged Meat] dishes. Although others in the restaurant may not have eaten them, they have seen some [Aged] dishes. Ingredients or dishes.

Naoe Yamato asked suspiciously: "Sin Luoyou, [Mature] is the kind of craft that ferments meat? Is that kind of rotten meat really delicious?"

"Of course. Although [Mature] looks similar to spoilage, it is quite different. [Mature] will put meat and fish under strict control and designated temperature and humidity for natural fermentation to make it more flavorful and flavorful. Softer, "aged" ingredients, the proportion of delicious ingredients like inosinic acid, glutamic acid, etc. will increase by 5-6 times."

Kawanshin, who was next to Yamato, stood up and patted Sen Luo on the back, drooling and said, "Don’t keep saying things that people don’t understand. Simply put, what’s the name? After the process of maturation, the current grilled fish can be five or six times more delicious? It shouldn’t be too late. Senluo quickly make it and give us a taste."

Sen Luo looked at Kawanshin EMI, who was constantly wiping his saliva: "(=ω=;) EMI-senpai Yo, although fish matures much faster than meat, it takes 3-4 days. So I can’t do it now."

When Chuan Shen Baidai heard this, his momentum instantly withered, and he returned to his seat and continued to pick up the grilled saury in front of him.

Then Sen Luo looked at Elisa, Hu Die and Tama Zisang again: "Eliza, Die Hu and Tama Zisang, I have some materials and equipment to prepare. I want to ask you, can you please help me? what?"

Alyssa waved her hand: "We are the companions of the same group. Just tell me if you have something."

Liang Tian Hu Die and Tama Zi also nodded one after another: "Sen Luo-kun, you are too far-sighted. You usually take care of your three meals a day, so it is okay to help you."

"D=(▽*) really helped a lot, thank you..."

While talking, Sen Luo confessed what he needed to three people.After that, everyone in Izumoliao who had a good meal began their new day of life.

The next day, Sen Luo did not go to Tsukiji to buy fish, but directly commissioned Wangdai Aquatic Products to purchase the fish the next night. He believed that He Lu Jicheng and their professional vision would not disappoint him.

Early in the morning, the truck of Wangdai Aquatic Products directly delivered the freshest saury that was just caught before it broke.

After a while, several battery workers in black suits also drove a van to the door of Izumo Ryo.

Ringing the doorbell, Sun Luo opened the door to greet them.

The staff saluted Sun Luo Qi, and the leader said: "Sir Sun Luo, we brought what you asked for according to your and Miss Alisha's orders."

Sen Luo nodded slightly: "Come in with me while moving things. Be careful not to damage the scenery in the courtyard."

"Yes, do it right away!"

"Hey! You guys, hurry up and help Master Sunro remove the things from the car."

Under the instructions of the leader, several employees removed from the van a huge cabinet-shaped machine that looked like a multi-door refrigerator and an oven, and then followed Sen Luo to the backyard of Izumo.

After installing the machine, the leader introduced to Senro: "Master Senro, according to your requirements, this multi-functional maturing machine can keep the interior at a low temperature of 3 degrees Celsius and a humidity of 90%, which is very suitable for maturing. , And it can be smoked, marinated and other processes at the same time, and automatically manage time. I believe that with the craftsmanship of Mr. Senluo and this machine, any matured ingredients can be caught by hand."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

"I dare not dare, if there is nothing wrong, we will say goodbye first, and wish you prosperity."

The staff of Batley was sent away and was about to return to Izumo. Senluo happened to see Tamako walking in the direction of Izumo with a few students from agriculture and forestry, some of whom were dressed in lumberjack costumes. Carrying two thick sections of wood, while the other people are wearing white coats for scientific research, holding several huge airtight jars in their hands.

Senluo stepped forward and greeted him. According to Tamako, these people were students from the Fermentation Department of Agriculture and Forestry Class B and the Forestry Department of Class F. Yesterday, Senluo asked Tamako and Liangtian Hudie to start with smoked wood, and Marinated salt, rice bran, and seasonings such as miso.

After learning about Senluo's request, Tamazi and Liangtian Hudie used their authority as the four-day farmer in agriculture and forestry, and quickly found all the materials Senluo wanted. Today, these people sent things.

As before, Sun Luo asked them to put their things in the backyard. After serving them some tea and snacks, the students of agriculture and forestry also left Izumoliao and returned to agriculture and forestry with full praise.

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