Looking at the complete equipment and materials in the backyard of Izumo-ryo, Sen Luo rolled up his sleeves and began to mature his saury.

There are three kinds of aging methods that Senluo can think of. One is the standard aging method under low temperature and high humidity environment, the other is the smoking method using wood smoke, and the other is the use of salt, rice bran, and A pickling method in which fermented condiments such as miso are pickled.

I saw Sunro quickly classify the saury sent this morning according to their size, and then apply different treatment methods to them.

After everything was handled properly, Sun Luo put all these saury into a multifunctional maturing machine.

Looking through the transparent valve at the saury that is receiving various maturation methods, Sun Luo nodded in satisfaction: "Yo Xi, the next step is waiting time."

While humming a little song leisurely, Sen Luo returned to his room, put on the helmet of the infinite world, and set the alarm.

The reconstruction work in Barbad is still going on. Although the game is very important, there is no intention to give up.

After 3 days of regular observation, the first batch of mature saury has been completed. In the evening, Senro left the people in Izumoliao in the restaurant after dinner, and made some grilled fish with the matured saury. Everyone tasted it.

I heard that these grilled fish are five or six times as delicious as Senluo said before. Chuan Shen was the first to take a smoked grilled fish with chopsticks and bite it.

"(✧◡✧) Hmm~ it's delicious! This grilled fish made of smoked saury has improved its flavor and chewy texture by several levels than before!

Seeing Chuan Shen's reaction, others also moved their chopsticks.

"Really! This saury marinated in miso sauce has a soft and mellow taste, and a sense of harmony is born."

"There is also this standard maturation method of saury. The fish's own umami has really increased several times, which is simply unstoppable."

"And I feel that in addition to salt-grilled saury, it should be better to cook other dishes, such as tin foil roasting and vinegar fried fish."

"Yes, yes, it's also good to make sushi, even if it's the same as eel, I think it's okay."

While everyone was eating saury, they expressed their opinions and radiated their own thinking, which also brought a lot of inspiration to Sen Luo.

In this way, under the comments and suggestions of everyone, Senluo continued to improve his harvesting technology, and successively made two sets of mature saury, and finally got the finished product to his satisfaction before the final.

On the morning of the final day, Ryo Kurokiba and Ryo Hayama, who went to pick fresh fish, met again at Tsukiji Market.

As soon as the two met, Kurokiba Ryo tied his flame-patterned headscarf directly, showing his aggressive and fierce color.

"Ye——Shan——!!! Don’t think that you can be at ease by tying with me in the semifinals. The shame of a draw in the semifinals, I will definitely ask you back today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Alice, who was behind Kurokimaba Ryo, tore off Kurokiba Ryo's turban.

In an instant, Kurokiba Ryo looked like a discouraged ball, and immediately shrank back, and looked back at Alice listlessly: "Miss~What are you doing, I'm declaring war."

Alice took out a whistle and blew it twice like a dog trainer, and then reprimanded: "Cool! Didn't I tell you that you are forbidden to wear a headscarf in public. You see. The performance scared others."


Kurokuba Ryo responded slowly, and then looked at Ye Shanliang: "Anyway, I must beat you today. You can wash my neck and wait."

Facing Kurokiba’s declaration of war, Ye Shanliang didn’t take it seriously, with a cool mocking expression on his face. He pointed to his nose and said, “Do you want to beat me? Don’t dream, as long as there is mine With this nose, it will be more difficult for me to lose to you, right?"

Kurokiba Ryo looked at Ye Shanliang disdainfully: "Cut, still posture as always, but soon you won't think so. Like you, a guy who only adds a bunch of spices to his cooking, I have After seeing through your ability, I will definitely get rid of you in the finals!"

"Only add spices, the routine is single...?"

Ye Shanliang did not dispute this any more, and asked Kurokuba Ryo, "Speaking of which, Kurokuba, except for the first day, have you seen Mr. Mori at Tsukiji Market these days?

Kurokiba froze for a moment, then thought for a while and said: "After you say that, it is true that you have never seen the guy Mori since the first day. But to get the freshest saury, there is nothing else but Tsukiji. He's the other way around. Did he cut corners on the ingredients because he didn't look down on us and wanted to release the water?"

Ye Shanliang shook his head: "Sir Luo is not that kind of person. There are definitely other reasons why he doesn't come to Tsukiji. He must be plotting something. You have to be careful."

After talking for a while, the two went to the shops they frequented and chose the best saury from the shop that day.

During these 10 days, under the intentional promotion of Haruo Niijima, the school newspaper wrote Hayama Ryo and Kurokimaba Ryo as brave men who bravely challenged the devil without fear of hardships and dangers, highlighting the strength of Senra from the side. One enemy two is still worthwhile.

These reports can be said to have earned enough attention, and every day the newspaper is sold out as soon as it goes on sale.

Thanks to them, at 7 o'clock in the evening, the game hasn't started yet, as the finals will be filled with seats between the moon and the sky.

As the host, Rei Kawashima walked into the arena early, and she took out the microphone and said: "Dear audience, let everyone wait for a long time! Next we will start the finals of the autumn trial. Let me introduce you to today’s judges."

In Kawashima Rei’s introduction, all the spotlights in the stadium were concentrated on the judges' bench in the center of the stadium.

"First of all, the chief inspector, the commander-in-chief of the academy~ Your Excellency Nagiri Prefecture Sae!"

"Next, it is the TOP of the academy's tourism department, the chief chef of Entsuki Resort ~ Dojima Ginsen!"

In Kawashima Rei's introduction, the two of them boarded the judges seat in the spotlight one after another.

Kawashima Rei went on to introduce: "Finally, there is a distinguished guest from afar!"

Kawashima Rei's voice fell, and a white and beautiful Nordic beauty in a purple dress stepped on a pair of purple high heels "Tatata" and stepped onto the judges' bench, and stood next to Nagiri Senzaemon.

Rei Kawashima hurriedly introduced: "This is the TOP of the research department of the academy, Your Excellency Nachereonora! Your Excellency Nacereonora is an academic institution that creates new gastronomy and molecular culinary technology with the latest science and technology [ The commander-in-chief of the Nagiri International Research Association, this time specially came from Dan Mai from Northern Europe for the final selection in the fall."

While introducing, Kawashima Rei handed the microphone to Naceronora: "Your Excellency Naceronora, I think many of you here must not know you yet, please say hello to everyone. "

Nacere Leonora took the microphone and coughed slightly. Just when everyone felt that the beautiful voice of this beautiful woman should not be bad, a very strange Japanese with a strong European and American accent came from Nacer Leonora It came out from the mouth.

"Big... Good drive, Wo is like Nacere Leonora. Now she lives in a single sale. Although it is difficult to comment on the job, it seems that Wo can stand up..."

The unfamiliar Japanese and Nacereo's image formed a strong contrast. After listening to Nacereo's introduction, everyone left the same sentence: "This beautiful Japanese is too bad... "

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