See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 410: The Sword Informing Qiu Yi

On the other side, when she saw the Nacere Leonor stage, Alice Nacere sitting in the audience rushed to the judges seat.

Seeing this, Nageri Erina, who was in charge of the operation, immediately stopped him and said: "Wait a minute, Alice, except for the operator and other people on this stage are forbidden..."

However, Nagiri Alice's momentum was too strong, and Erina Nagiri hadn't finished her words, so she was brought directly to the judges seat.

"Mom, you are so true. If you want to come to R Ben, you must at least contact me first!"

Seeing the two sisters of Nageri on stage, Nagerie Onora directly ignored Alice Nageri’s complaint and said with a smile: "OH! Alice, Guian, and Erina, too. But you Erina. It’s still the same as when I was a child. It’s just too cute."

Hearing Nagiri Onora's words, Nagiri Erina immediately exploded her hair: "(Sa)This is not all thanks to your daughter!"

Seeing a few people pulling up on the stage, Kawashima Rei became a little messy as the main person. In order to advance the game, Kawashima Rei reminded: "Leonora, please get in place quickly. It's going to start."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I couldn't help but say a few more words when I saw Alice and Erina." After speaking, Leonora smiled and sat next to the judge seat Nakari Senzaemon.

Rei Kawashima breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "Sa, let us regroup, and then let us invite players in!"

"First of all, [Prince of Spices], contestant Ye Shanliang!"

Ye Shanliang is handsome in appearance and exotic. He is very popular among the school girls. With Ye Shanliang's appearance, his admirers screamed.

"Next to appear is [Dictator of the Kitchen], Ryo Kurokuba!"

Kurokiba Ryo appeared on the stage, and there was another cheering in the student seat. Among his supporters, most of the boys were boys. It can be seen that he used his own strength to overwhelm many students in his previous study and life.

When the voice calmed down, Kawashima Rei went on to introduce: "Sa, let us have the highest call for this autumn selection to win the championship, just like the devil-level existence of the BOSS at the bottom, Wu Senluo is on the stage!"

With the appearance of Sen Luo, the audience was completely boiling.

"What kind of offensive will be launched by Ye Shanliang and Kurokuba Ryo against the big devil Senra, and how far they can fight is one of the biggest highlights of this game, let us wait and see!"

In the sound of Kawashima Rei's introduction, the three of Sen Luo came to their cooking table.

Seeing Sunro, Leonora cried out happily: "Oh! Sunro, are you the kid who came to our institute to visit and study at that time?"

Senro nodded: "Yes, Ms. Nacere Leonora, greetings for a long time, it is very happy to meet again."

Leonora covered her mouth and chuckled: "You don't need to be so rigid. I haven't thanked you for defeating that Xingping Chuangzhen and avenging Alice. I didn't expect that the child at that time was so tall and handsome. Ah, I look forward to your cooking."

Just listening to the sound of "Duang!!!", the finals of the autumn trials officially started.

In the eyes of the audience and the judges, Hayama Ryo and Kurokimaba Ryo looked at each other, and took out the saury they prepared from their incubator like two samurai pulling out their swords.

A cold light flashed by, and the audience's eyes could not help but brighten.

"Look, the straight and tight bodies of those two saury fish are undoubtedly the highest grade in terms of luster and firmness!"

"That's right, that saury is like two unsheathed white blades, and will win this battle for their master!"

"What about Chef Sunro, he must also come up with amazing ingredients, right?"

Seeing the saury from Ye Shanliang and Kurokishang Ryo, the audience couldn't help but look forward to Sunra's ingredients.

As if in response to the audience's expectations, after Hayama Liang and Kurokita Ryo took out the ingredients, Sen Luo also opened his food incubator in the eyes of the audience.

But what people didn't expect was that what Sun Luo took out was a strange fish with a dull color and no luster, and it was covered with dark spots and rotten little fluff.


After seeing Sunro's saury, the audience was really frightened, and the audience was in a commotion.

"Then that...what the hell is that? Is that thing really a saury?"

"Hello, what happened to Chef Sunro this time? What about the super powerful ingredients that I said? That fish has hairy, can it still be eaten?"

"This time it's really inexplicable. Compared with the sharp blades of the other two saury, Chef Sunro's saury is just like a dull knife."

"It's more than a blunt knife, I think that knife is rusty..."


In the field, Kurokita Ryo tied the flame turban and went directly into the violent mode: "Hey! Sen Luo, what are you kidding about, using such a blunt knife to play the game, do you look down on us!"

Sen Luo didn't care about Kurokuba Ryo's roar, and responded with a smile: "Ryo-kun, I didn't look down on you. It is precisely because of my all-out effort that I brought out such ingredients."

Kurokuba was taken aback for a moment: "Nani?"

At this moment, Ye Shanliang, who was on the side, kept sniffing, and walked up with a serious expression: "Kurokichang, don't take it lightly. Although the saury is rotten on the outside, it does not have a trace of rotten sour. The smell, on the contrary, also has a nutty fragrance, which is a unique characteristic of mature food."

Kurokiba suddenly realized: "Masaka! It turned out to be mature!"

The smile on Senluo’s face was even greater just now: "As expected of Mr. Ye Shan, I was smelled by you. I originally wanted to say that the mystery is gone, but you are right. It’s the ingredients I chose, matured saury."

With Sen Luo's affirmative answer, the two of them couldn't help but feel tight.

"Because I know that your ability to choose ingredients is comparable to me. If you want to have an advantage in ingredients, ordinary fresh saury is absolutely not feasible, so I considered it for a long time and finally reached [Mature] This option."

On the judges' bench, Nacerreonora said in surprise: “I didn’t expect Sunra to ripen saury. If this is the case, then Sunra’s ingredients are quite excellent, in terms of freshness and quality. Under the condition of being flat, the saury content of saury after aging is several times that of ordinary saury. At the same time, the fiber in the fish will reduce about 20% of the strength due to the aging, so that the fish will be softer. What kind of cooking will be made? I am really looking forward to it."

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