See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 412: Italian Paper Wrapped Fish

Faced with Kurokiba's arrogant declaration, Senluo still had an unchanging smile on his face: "It's such an amazing master-servant relationship. If that's the case, I can't fall behind."

While talking, Sun Luo took out the bones of the saury that had been put aside before.

Kurokisha Ryo looked surprised: "Huh? That's the bones of saury? You guy, what are you doing with this thing?"

"(~▽)~Of course it is used as an ingredient."

"Masaka, I have never heard of dishes made with saury bones."

Sen Luo looked up at Kurokuba Ryo, and said seriously: "Ryojun, it is because no one has done it before, so I will do it."

After finishing talking, Sun Luo threw all the fish bones into the boiling oil pan. After the fish bones were fried to golden and crisp, Sun Luo quickly picked up the fish bones to drain the oil, and then sprinkled the spices for seasoning, and finally the fish bones I threw it into the food grinder and smashed it into pieces.

Kurokiba Ryo didn't understand Senra's intention at all, but he didn't get entangled, and continued to devote himself to his cooking.

As for Sun Luo, after taking out the minced fish bones, Sun Luo mixes the minced pieces with flour, almond powder, butter and other ingredients to form a hemispherical biscuit dough, which is then neatly arranged on the baking tray and placed The oven.

Then, Sen Luo continued to cook other ingredients while humming a little song.

On the other hand, because the cooking methods and ingredients of Senluo and Kurokishang Ryo are more eye-catching, the audience paying attention to Ye Shanliang is pitiful.

Ye Shanliang, who used to be fascinating with spices, did not exude the same refreshing scent in the final this time. The cooking techniques are also unremarkable. This is one of the reasons why the audience rarely pays attention to him.

After a while, some spectators looked up at the sky and found that the moon had already walked halfway along the way of the sky where the roof split between the moon and the sky, which meant that the game time had passed halfway.

At this moment, there was a muffled sound of the oven opening and closing, and Ryo Kurokiba took out three bags wrapped in heat-resistant film from the oven with a confident smile.

Put the three heat-resistant film packs on the pre-prepared tray, and Ryo Kurokiba walked towards the judges' seat with the tray containing the dishes.

When passing by Ye Shanliang’s cooking counter, Ye Shanliang, who has always been cool, ridiculed: “Are you finished in just one hour? It’s really impatient, but don’t make mistakes in the cooking because of carelessness. Oh."

Kurokiba glared at him fiercely: "You only have to play tricks now. In this game, my cooking will crush your best weapon!"

Moving on, the bright moonlight shining down from the opened way of heaven, Kurokima Ryo and his cooking bathed in the moonlight seemed to be purified, revealing a touch of solemnity and sacredness.

When he came to the judges' table, Kurokisha Ryo put the dishes in front of the judges. He meant that he wanted the judges to open the heat-resistant film bag by themselves.

Looking at the food in front of her, Nacereounora couldn't help clapping her hands and exclaimed, "Wow! The heat-resistant film bag is still tumbling and tumbling until now, and looking at it warmly makes me appetite."

Nakiri Senzaemon nodded, "Then, the tasting will begin!"

The three people opened the heat-resistant film bag at the same time, and the scent of the food that was originally enclosed in the bag burst out instantly, and the strong tidal breath rushed out, making the three judges feel like they were in the sea.

Dojima Gin was stunned: "Oh! Shrimp, various shellfish, and saury, the whole person will be dragged into the deep sea by this raging fragrance! A smile appeared on his face before he knew it."

Even Nagiri Senzaemon, who has always been known for his seriousness, raised the corners of his mouth that was hard to control under the direct blow of the flavor of this cooking.

Looking at the cool dishes of Kurokisha on the stage, Ye Shanliang showed a clear expression: "That's it, Kurokisha set up a delicious detonator in the semifinals, and this time it was set with fragrance. No wonder he has the confidence to say such things to me."

On the stage, Kurokiba Ryo introduced triumphantly: “Although my dish is similar to AcpuaPazza (Italian boiled fish) in terms of ingredients, when I use the heat-resistant film, this dish also changes from ordinary The Italian-style boiled fish has sublimated into other dishes, [Cartoccio (Italian paper-covered fish)], my dish today is the [Cartoccio (Italian paper-covered fish)] of saury!!!"

During the introduction, the three judges couldn't wait to pick up a knife and fork and took off a piece of saury, dipped in the seafood broth below and sent it to the mouth.

After a bite, the delicious dishes overflowing with fresh fish and shellfish hit the mouths of three people.

Nacere Leonora couldn't help exclaiming, "Ahhhh!!! This saury is so fresh! This sweet and fat fish seems to melt in your mouth!"

On the side, Dojima Gin could not help but deliver saury to his mouth again: "Well, this extremely fresh seafood, full of overflowing umami, can actually force such a bold delicacy to wrap it up. This How wild is it, is this the true skill of Kurokibaba?"

At this time, he realized a little bit unusual about Kurokibaba Ryo cuisine: "But although the ingredients are very fresh, it shouldn't produce such a rich flavor without using any extra seasonings?"

As he said, he picked up another piece of fish meat and put it in front of his nose, and sniffed it carefully with a fan: "Huh? In the rich fragrance, there is a refreshing and pleasant aroma that slightly penetrates into the nasal cavity. This is not seafood. Scent, what is this..."

At this time, Nageri Senzaemon, who was sitting next to him, told the secret of this taste.

"This turned out to be the scent of [Herb]!"

Kurokiba smiled, and took out a piece of solid buttery food with dots of green on it from the tray in his hand and showed it to the judges.

"As expected of the commander-in-chief, I added this herb garlic butter to the cooking before putting it into the oven!"

Nakiri Senzaemon smiled "it is true": "Herb butter is made by putting solid butter at room temperature to soften it naturally, then adding chopped herbs and garlic, stirring together until it is completely mixed. When the food solidified in the refrigerator, the herb butter is heated in the oven, the butter will gradually melt, and the mellow flavor will penetrate into the saury and other ingredients bit by bit."

Looking at the judges who were full of praise, Alice Nagiri suddenly changed her face: "It seems that mother's'clothes ripped' will appear too."

Hearing this, the gentlemen in the audience could not help but gasp, while the girls blushed and exclaimed: "Eh eh eh!!! Will it be so good in such a public occasion!" "

Under the attention of all the people, Nagereonora slammed the table up, just when everyone thought her clothes would really explode like Nagereenzaemon, Nagereonora But the whole body exudes the holy brilliance of the Virgin.

Then she just said: "This is really an excellent saury dish. First, it is served at one end. This dish has a strong visual and olfactory impact. The modern way of serving dishes is also regarded as one of the important aspects of cooking. Ryojun has inherited this trend perfectly so that the guests are already full of expectations for this dish before eating ○×△□○×△□○×△□○×△□○×△□"

The audience stared at the stage with a mouth-cannon comparable to the speed of a machine gun. The audience was silent.

Behind Nunchereonora, Alice put her cheek in her hand and said, "As long as my mother eats delicious food, the rusty Japanese will burst and she will speak fluently."

Listening to Alice's explanation, the gentlemen in the audience felt very uncomfortable.

"What the hell is language cracking, let us watch this if I take off my XX? It's the Nagiri clan. Even their daughter-in-law reacts uniquely after eating the food."

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