See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 413 Italian Sashimi

After eating Kurokiba’s cool dishes, Nagiri Senzaemon wiped his mouth and said, “No other fish can do it. Only seasonal saury can create the deliciousness. This is the mastery of Kurokiba’s cooking skills. A work? It makes my body and mind and the sea become one!"

After speaking, the upper body of Nagiri Senzaemon's kimono exploded in all directions, and the fraying of the authentic skirt appeared in front of the audience.

The audience applauded Kurokiba Ryo.

"Did you see it, Sen Luo, Ye Shan, this is the power of my cooking, please brand it in my eyes!"

Standing on the stage, Ryo Kuroki turned and looked down, only to see that Ye Shanliang had already finished his cooking for some time.

At the call of Kawashima Rei, Ye Shanliang also walked over to the judges' bench with his own cooking.

Kurokiba Ryo glanced over Ye Shanliang's cooking, and suddenly became angry, and roared: "Hey! Ye Shan! What a joke! You want to fight me with this kind of cooking, are you looking down on me?"

It’s no wonder that Kurokiba Ryo would have such an idea. The dish on Hayama Ryo’s plate is [Carpaccio (Italian sashimi)], which is a kind of sliced ​​fish and then mixed with olive oil and salad dressing. Appetizer dishes.

In such a competition occasion, in order to show their strength to the maximum, contestants generally choose thicker ingredients. Compared with these dishes, as a set meal appetizer, the easy and convenient appetizer is the power Because of the inherent deficiencies, it can be said that Ye Shanliang's cooking has lost half of everyone's subjective consciousness before the two are compared.

But even so, Ye Shanliang still chose to make this appetizer. Facing the anger of Kurokiba, Ye Shanliang did not waver at all, and said with a cold and confident expression: "Kurokiba, even if I say it, you still can’t understand. Yes, the aroma of spices can even rewrite the concept of cooking, making my [Carpaccio (Italian Sashimi)] enough to serve as the main course."

Kurokiba Ryo showed an expression of "believe in you to have ghosts", and shouted at Ye Shanliang, "Yeshan, I admit that your method of selecting ingredients is comparable to mine. You probably want to highlight the top saury Isn’t it fresh and sweet to choose this dish? But the umami and aroma of my [Cartoccio] is enough to crush your dishes. You can never win with this dish. !"

The judges on the judges' bench also had roughly the same thoughts as Kurokibaba Ryo. Seeing that there was almost no scented sashimi in front of him, Dojima Gin was somewhat uninterested and picked up the knife and fork: "Then, let us Try it and see."

After saying that he was about to start his hands, Ye Shanliang stopped him loudly: "Please wait a moment, everyone, there is one final step in my cooking."

While talking, Ye Shanliang took out a gas torch, and as Ye Shanliang adjusted the nozzle, the hot tongue gushed out from the muzzle.

Seeing Ye Shanliang's actions, the judges had already guessed his purpose.

"Do you use a gas spray gun to grill the surface of the sashimi? It does add a bit of smoke and fire to the cooking, but it still can't match the Kurokiba Ryo's aroma detonator."

However, what everyone didn't expect was that the moment the tongue of fire licked the surface of the sashimi, the skin of the sashimi quickly scorched, and an indescribable rich fragrance immediately drifted away.

Everyone who smelled this scent swallowed involuntarily, and Ninchereonora lay on the table with a weak waist.

"Wow! This dish is completely different from before grilling. Just smell it and you know it must be delicious!"

"The heated part of the fish is slightly reddish, tender and juicy, like a charming and enchanting fairy, constantly tempting the appetite of the diners."

Ignoring the whispers of the audience in the audience, Ye Shanliang waved his hand and said, "This will be done. This is my dish [Grilled saury sashimi]. Please taste it."

Hearing this, Nacereonora slapped the table: "I can't help it for a second!"

After speaking, Nachereonora skewed a piece of sashimi and sent it into her mouth. The next moment, Nachereonora let out an enchanting scream.

"Ahhhhh!!! The sauce on the sashimi is made with wine vinegar, top-quality virgin olive oil, and saury liver. The mellow and dense taste of fish liver lingers on the tip of the tongue, which emphasizes the autumn. The sweetness of the saury fat, the overflowing aroma and flavor make people immerse in it... How many spices are added to this dish!"

However, as soon as Nacere Leonora asked this question, she was immediately rejected by Nakiri Senzaemon: "No! He uses only one kind of allspice."

Hearing Nakiri Senzaemon's words, not only Nakiri Onora, but even the audience in the auditorium became agitated.

"Nani? There is only one kind of spice? Isn't Ye Shanliang's mastery of using a variety of spices to compose the top aroma?"

Unlike the audience, Senluo and the judges knew Ye Shanliang's strength. Senluo looked at Ye Shanliang on the stage with interest, and said to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "Ye Shanyou , Your ability to handle aroma has improved again. It is not limited to adding spices, but boldly removing excess spices, so as to more vividly guide the flavor of the seasonal saury itself. Sure enough, you are drawn to our camp. It's the right choice."

On the stage, Nacere Leonora was surprised and couldn't help but wondered: "This fragrance is completely comparable to the previous cooking. It is definitely not just made by allspice and grilled fresh saury. There is something else in it."

Looking at the frowning and silent judges, Ye Shanliang explained: "It is [Kaeshi (Japanese sweet sauce)]. Before serving, I coated the surface of the sashimi with Japanese sweet sauce. "

Nincherei Onora tilted her head, turned her head somewhat cutely and asked, "Kaeshi? Is it [Yanhui]? Kojiro Sasaki?"

Nagiri Erina was rather helpless for her aunt’s off-line: "Fortunately, you still know such a vocabulary, but you are wrong. The so-called [Kaeshi] is a kind of soy sauce, mirin and Japanese wine. The Japanese-style sweet sauce that comes out can be diluted with the stock to make a dipping soup for soba noodles. It is known as the all-purpose seasoning in Japan."

After listening to Ye Shanliang’s explanation, Dojima Gin on the side suddenly realized: “That’s how it turns out, it’s hard to produce burnt noodles even if fish meat is grilled with a high-fire gas spray gun, but with Japanese sweet sauce The sugar contained in it is easier to caramelize, and this also prevents the loss of freshness due to excessive heating time."

Ye Shanliang shook his hair and smiled confidently on his face: "The oil on the surface of saury and the sugar contained in the Japanese sweet sauce will merge with each other after roasting, and the roast will burst out with a strong fragrance. Say, I have displayed the opposed concepts of [subtraction] and [emphasis] of fragrance in this plate at the same time!"

After speaking, Ye Shanliang looked at Kurokushiba Ryo who was on the side: "You said before, I am a single guy who only adds spices, right, but now you can see it, the so-called conquering spices is like this. thing."

Kurokiba Ryo was full of anger, but he couldn't find any words to refute, so he could only stand still and furious.

At this moment, the saury seemed to have turned into a sharp arrow, penetrating the hearts of the judges. On the judges' bench, Nakiri Senzaemon couldn't help but exclaimed: "Is this the true face of Hayama Ryo, the master of fragrance? The pure power and flavor of the saury are unleashed, and the orthodox shot must be hit. It is really wonderful!"

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