See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 415 The Final Winner

The three judges gave out compliments without hesitation while tasting Sunro's cuisine, but as they ate, a few blue pebbles on the plate attracted the attention of the talkers.

"What is this again?"

Nacere Leonora picked up a piece with a fork and looked at it, and found that the pebble was actually made of two hemispherical biscuits, with a layer of sauce-like paste in between, and placed it in front of his nose. After smelling it, Nacere Leonora searched for something similar in her mind, and asked a little uncertainly: "Is this an Italian baked snack [Lady’s Kiss]? But it is still in the fragrant butter aroma. Mixed with a faint saury smell?"

"Ms. Leonola has good eyesight. This is a special [Lady’s Kiss] made by mixing the bones of smashed saury with butter, almond flour, flour and other [Lady’s Kiss]. To express the rocks in the mountains, some saury innards are added to the sauce in the middle. Whether it is eaten with saury or some side dishes around it, it will have a different taste. I hope it will taste with yours."

Nagiri Onora turned her head suspiciously to look at the Nagari Erina behind her, and asked in a low voice, "[_?] Now, Erina sauce, I don’t even put the bones when I eat saury. Have you ever?"

Erina Nagiri shook her head helplessly: "Please don't get Aunt Leonora. Generally, we don't eat fish bones when eating saury. This is just his personal behavior and cannot represent the public."

Unexpectedly, Leonora slapped the table and jumped up, her pretty face bulging into a bun: "Old woman? It's too much Erina sauce, are you showing off your youth to me?"

Nagiri Erina was embarrassed for a while, and quickly explained: "Calm down, be calm, Aunt Leonora, it's still time for review, and in Japanese, although the pronunciation of [Old Woman] and [Auntie] are the same, they have different emphasis. Are two different words."

"Ah, is that right? Excuse me, Erina-chan."

Nacere Leonora returned to her position and focused again on Senluo’s cooking. She picked up a lady’s kiss and sent it to her entrance, her eyes brightened.

"(✧◡✧) Ah, this is super delicious! The mouth tastes like a cookie, and then the flavor of saury spreads in the mouth as you chew, ah! This is the flavor that adults like, saury offal The bitterness of the sauce constantly stimulates my appetite."

As he talked, Nacerreonora’s eyes became blurred: "Italian grilled dim sum [Lady’s Kiss] is paired with Japanese saury to create a brand new delicacy. I can’t help but think of the scene when I met my beloved Zong Weisang at that time! The two people who grew up in different countries and different cultures hand in hand to nurture a unique existence..."

After speaking, Nacere Leonora turned to look at Alice, her eyes were full of love, and Erina was envious.

Seeing the judges praising Sun Luo's cooking, the audience outside the field boiled again.

"Look, the judges have a very high evaluation of Chef Sunro!"

"Yeah, what kind of cuisine is that? I really want to eat it!"

"Unprecedented new cuisine, as long as I can eat it, I am willing to pay for it!"


During the conversation of the audience, Morira's entire dish was wiped out by three people like a windstorm. Nakiri Senzaemon "Pata" put down the knife and fork in his hand and stood up suddenly: "Mori Luo! What an excellent dish! The Shanzhen paired on the same plate has been processed with the most appropriate preparation methods. The gentle and soft taste brings the three already delicious grilled saury to a higher level. To compare the taste that our tongue feels, it is the magic weapon named [Mature Saury] that was able to slash through the hands of the gods and demons. Today we have seen the real thing from you. World-class level!"

After speaking, Nagiri Senzaemon returned to his seat and announced, "So far, all the tastings are over! Next is the judgement time!"

Then, the three judges whispered and discussed.

Sen Luo looked at Ye Shanliang and Kurokiba Ryo who were both on the stage, and saw that the two of them looked solemn at this time, as if they had realized what would happen next.

Not long after, Nagiri Senzaemon stood up again and said with a serious face: "First of all, I want to tell you all of your hard work. This is a wonderful showdown that is worthy of school history. The three of you have shown yourself. However, the person who can truly stand at the top should be the chef who pursues his own cooking most deeply, and the chef who can truly face the question of [what is your own cooking], and this person’s name is--!!!"

Speaking of this, the audience couldn't help but held their breath. There was no sound in and out of the field, and even the slight beating of the heart seemed to be able to catch everyone's ears.

"Winner! Wu ~ Senluo!!!"

As Nagiri Senzaemon yelled out the name of the winner, Morira's name was also displayed on the big screen in the stadium. Congratulations and cheers suddenly flooded towards Morira, Morira's face. Filled with a smile, raised his hands up to pose as a winner, accepting the victor's honor calmly.

The people in Izumo-ryo rushed down the auditorium and came into the arena with excitement, and they could not help but carry Sen Luo up.

"Congratulations on your victory, Sun Luo!"

With that, everyone worked hard together and threw Sun Luo high into the air.

Contrary to the joyous atmosphere of Sen Luo, Ye Shanliang's face was gloomy at this time, and his whole person stood slouched and motionless.

But at this moment, Xi Jianrun ran to him: "Jun Ye Shan, Jun Ye, are you all right?"

Seeing that Ye Shanliang did not speak, Xi Jianrun hurriedly took out a cigarette-like cinnamon from his pocket and put it under Ye Shanliang’s nose, smiling and comforting: "Ye Shanliang, come and smell this, cinnamon. The scent has the effect of invigorating the body and mind. It’s just a loss of one game. What is there to lose? Wouldn’t it be better to work harder to win the next time? I believe you will not lose again next time."

Ye Shanliang's eyes were moved, and he looked at Xi Jian Run and said softly: "Well, I see, thank you, Run."

Xi Jianjun shoved his glasses with embarrassment, "Didn't you tell me, you want to call me Professor Xi Jian in front of outsiders?"

Ye Shanliang ignored Xi Jianrun, but went straight to where the group of Senluo was.

When he came closer, Ye Shanliang said respectfully: "Sir Senluo, congratulations on your victory. It seems that I am not at home yet. I will definitely work harder to catch up with Senluo as soon as possible."

Sen Luo pushed aside the crowd and came to Ye Shanliang's front: "It's Mr. Ye Shan, your cooking this time is also very good, I see that you have great potential, I will look forward to this day."

"Master Sunro, I have an unsympathetic request, I don't know whether to speak or not."

Sen Luo looked at Ye Shanliang suspiciously: "What's the matter? Just talk about it if you have something."

Ye Shanliang said: "You only have no ingredients for the final dish. Can you make another one? I want to taste the dish that made me lose the game."

At this moment, Kurokiba Ryo's wild roar came from the side: "Sen Luo, you bastard, make me a portion too, I want to eat too!"

Senro looked at Kurokuba Ryo, who was being beaten by Alice with her small fists on her chest, with a black line: "(=ω=;) How come you guys are going to fight? Is that an attitude of begging others? "

Then some helplessly said to the two of them: "If you want to eat food, you can, but there is no material for the time being. Tomorrow night you come to Izumoliao. Anyway, even if you don't mention it, these guys will definitely clamor for me to do it. "

While talking, Sen Luo also pointed to the people in Izumoliao behind him.

"I know, then I will come back tomorrow." After that, Ye Shanliang left the arena with Xi Jianjun.

In this way, the autumn trials came to an end amid the noise of everyone.

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