See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 416 Field Training

On the second day, in the aftermath of the fierce competition, Yuanyue’s students returned to their daily study life.

In the evening, Mori was preparing food for his victory celebration party. Hayama Ryo and Kurokuba Ryo arrived as scheduled, along with Alice Nagari and Shiomi Jun, as well as the uninvited Kohei Soma.

"excuse me!"

As soon as he entered and exited Yunliao, Xingping Chuangzhen led a few others carefully around Bastet, who was playing in the courtyard, and went straight to the restaurant. At this time, the people in Izuyunliao had gathered together.

After Xingping Chuangzhen came in, he left the other people aside, and sat down in a seat familiarly, and chatted with the others in the restaurant, but Ye Shanliang and the others stood in embarrassment at the entrance of the restaurant.

But fortunately, Wu Yacha passed by the corridor and saw Ye Shanliang and others, who were either entering or retreating, and enthusiastically invited them into the restaurant and arranged a place for them.

In a short while, the few of them became acquainted with the enthusiastic people of Izumoliao, especially the petite but choppy Shiomi Jun. When the girls learned that she was over 30 years old but still looked like a student, The girls looked at her as if they had seen a panacea, and flocked around her to ask her for the secrets of beauty and maintenance.

After a while, Sen Luo led the servants into the restaurant with a sumptuous meal.


Everyone fired the prepared paper salute, then toasted together, saying in unison: "Siluo, congratulations on winning the autumn selection!!!"

After some congratulations, the banquet officially began. Everyone in Izumoliao continued to plunder the food on the table as usual. The noisy scene frightened Ye Shanliang and others who attended the banquet for the first time.

But when they tasted those dishes, such fear disappeared instantly, and they joined the ranks of the powerful army bravely.Alice even had plans to ask Kurokuba Ryo to take her over for dinner every day.

At the banquet, Senro made a final dish for everyone. At the entrance of the dish, the unspeakable and wonderful taste constantly pierced everyone's taste buds. Ye Shanliang and Kurokisha Ryo understood their relationship. The gap between Senluo put aside the last trace of arrogance in his heart, accepted the failure convincingly, and asked Senluo how to improve his cooking skills.

Ye Shanliang said sincerely: "Sir, how can I cook something like this to you, please teach me the secret of improving my strength?"

Sen Luo was not stingy either. He tilted his head and thought for a while, and said: "What I want to say is to listen and read more, and continue to study and innovate. Since I was very young, I have been traveling with the masters for practice. The world, this world is too vast. In places we never expected, there will often be creative and delicious dishes and superb chefs that we have never seen before. Every time I meet, I will write down these and digest them into Your possessions have reached this level over time."

Ye Shanliang and Kurokichang fell into deep thought after listening, and after a while, their eyes became firm again.

"Indeed, I am too focused on my own world, ignoring the infinite possibilities of the outside world. Thank you Sir Sunro, I know what I should do next."

On the side, Xi Jianjun listened to Sen Luo and the others, and immediately knew what Ye Shanliang wanted to do, and said, "Ye Shanjun, if you want to go out and broaden your horizons, the teacher will support you, but in the near future, even if you don’t If you are willing to go out, you will be forcibly thrown into the outside world."

Xi Jianjun's words aroused everyone's curiosity, and Sen Luo asked suspiciously, "Professor Xi Jian, what do you mean by forcibly being thrown into the outside world?"

"Because the days of [Stagiaire (field training)] are about to begin after the annual autumn trials."

Xingping Chuangzhen, who has a limited level of education, did not understand the meaning of the French words that Xi Jianjun said, and asked stupidly: "(O_o)?? Silky chicken... What is it?"

Xi Jianjun let out a light cough and explained, "It's Stagiaire, which means intern in French. It refers to the apprentice in the kitchen who is responsible for washing dishes, washing dishes and serving dishes."

Xingping Chuangzhen hammered the palm of his hand: "So, what is the main purpose of this field training?"

"The field training at Totsuki Gakuen is a course in which first-year high school students are sent to the forefront of cooking-related fields in society for internships. The internship sites range from large, medium and small restaurants, food companies to the Food Sanitation Administration. Such official departments can be described as diverse, mainly for the purpose of allowing students to experience the atmosphere of actual combat and increase their practical experience. Of course, this is an era of difficult employment. If you are lucky, you will be directly affected by those seniors because of their outstanding performance in field training. There are also many trainees admitted as regular employees in restaurants every year."

Hearing Shijianjun’s introduction, Kurokiba’s expression relaxed, and he leaned back in a chair without an image, put on an unruly attitude, waved his hands and said, “Just work in the shop. Hey? Relaxed, I have been the owner of a shop since I was a child, and there are few so-called professionals on the scene that can match me."

Shiomi Jun said angrily: "It's not that good to be mixed up! Listen, no matter where the training place is, it is only with the trust of us to send us a commission application, if it is in the training place If you do something that humiliates the reputation of Yuanyue Academy, you will be punished accordingly. Serious dropouts are possible."

Kurokiba, who was reprimanded by Shiomi Jun, was instantly dumb, and Ye Shanliang on the side also asked, "Jun, what is the qualification standard? It doesn't necessarily mean that the work that was delivered was completed without causing any problems. Simple?"

Shiomi Junxiang also cast a kindly approving look: "Yashan-kun, your focus is right. Each stage of the field training lasts for a week. The eligibility criterion is to leave [visible achievements] for the training place during the training period. As for what is [visible performance], this standard varies from place to place, and it is necessary for interns to explore it after they arrive."

Hearing this, the corners of Xingping Chuangzhen's mouth could not help but raised: "Good opportunity, I didn't expect to have the opportunity to enter the kitchen of other people's store, it is great!"

In this way, everyone ate and chatted until late at night. In the end, it was Wu Yacha who asked the servants to drive Ye Shanliang and the others back to their accommodation.

In the restaurant, the people who were full of food and drink also dispersed one after another, and only Alisha and Sen Luo were left.

"Hey, Senluo, it's a coincidence that your field training is a coincidence. The Japanese-style food pavilion that we prepared earlier happened to be on trial operation recently. If you say otherwise, I will also go to the next commission and let Zou Liuyuan The director will clear it up and arrange you to come to the store directly."

Sen Luo thought for a while and nodded: "Well, going to other places is actually not very helpful for me now. That's okay. I really should go and guide the new store. This will kill two birds with one stone. As long as the trial operation is successful, I don’t think Yuanyue will complain."

Alyssa snapped her fingers: "Then it's settled, I'll go to the commission tomorrow, good night Sumro!"

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