See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 417: Training Location

Time flies quickly. A few days after that day’s banquet, the staff of Far Moon Academy, just as Shiomi Jun said, sent a document recording the specific matters of the field training to Senluo. The first-stage field training is conducted by two or more people in groups, so the meeting place and time are also stated on the document.

After the secret operation of Alyssa and Ziyin of Zouliuin, everything was proceeding in the direction expected by Senluo and Alyssa.

The main purpose of the field training is to allow students to gain some practical experience, but for Senro, who has been an executive chef for many years, this has no meaning. Tomotsu is also because he understands this level. Relationship, so I readily agreed.


On the day of the field training, the autumn was clear and cloudless, and Tian Suohui took the tram early to the station near the city center as the designated meeting point, where he waited for the other member who was doing the field training together according to the document.

She dragged a large trolley suitcase and stood at the exit of the station. While looking at the document in her hand, she muttered: "Hey, the designated meeting place is here, right? What kind of person will the internship person be? I hope I’m an easy person to get along with, I don’t have anyone from Chuang Zhenjun and Ji Xingliao by his side. It would be too bad if you encounter difficult people~~~"

While she was thinking about it and waiting for her colleague to appear, a strange voice rang behind her, attracting her attention.

"Is it Miss Tian Suohui?"

Tian Suohui turned her head and saw a girl in a maid costume with two braids standing there greeting her.

"Hi, I'm Tian Suohui, may I ask if you are..."

Tian Suohui responded while looking at the maid in front of him, using his brain to carefully review the memory, vaguely remembering that she seemed to be one of the residents of Izumo Lao, and she had been following Senluo to help him.

Tian Suohui asked uncertainly: "I remember you were by Sen Luosang's side... Isn't Robert Sang right?"

Robert nodded, and the plain round glasses reflected a bright light: "Yes, Miss Tian Suohui, Master Mori has been waiting over there for a long time, please come with me."

As he said, Roberto spread his hand flat, leading Tian Suohui's gaze behind him.

In the direction she was guiding, she saw an extended limousine parked on the side of the road in front of the station, which attracted frequent glances of pedestrians.And Sen Luo was poking his head out of the car window and beckoning to her.

After Robert got into the car, Tian Suohui noticed that there was Alisa in the car besides Senro, so she greeted a little nervously, "Sirosan, Alisasan, how are you guys, I didn’t expect this time on the ground. The training turned out to be a team with Sen Luosang, so please give me more advice."

The car started, and Tian Suohui nervously shrank in the corner of the car after saying hello, and kept swallowing the word [].

Looking at Tian Suohui who was trembling all over because of nervousness, Sen Luo smiled and said: "We are also acquaintances. Don't be so nervous, Tian Suo-sang, and you are also the heir of a big company and a high-level material pavilion. You can be more confident and upright. come."

Tian Suohui shook harder when she heard it: "No, no, it's all grandpa and mother. I'm still far behind the heir or something."

Sen Luo shook his head helplessly, took out the cup and tea from the cabinet in the car, made a cup of vanilla tea for Tian Suohui and handed it over.

"Come on, Tian Suosang, this is a herb tea that you can concentrate on, and it should be better after drinking it."

"Ah! I'm sorry, Sen Luosang, it makes you bother."

Tian Suohui hurriedly took over the teacup, with a hint of sweet vanilla tea, Tian Suohui finally calmed down a bit.

While drinking tea, Tian Suohui couldn't help but look at the environment in the car for the first time in this luxury car: "It's the first time I've been in such a good car. I was so nervous just now and caused you trouble, but this car is good. It’s amazing. It’s like a small kitchen inside. I feel like I can do anything."

This car was the one used by Eliza and Sunro in the United States before. When someone praised her car, Alisha's chin was slightly raised, her face showing a deep complacency.

Sen Luo on the side said with a smile: "It's amazing, this car, from the development of the on-board cooking equipment, to the modification of the car, to the installation of the equipment, is all done by Alisa alone."

"That's amazing, Alisha Sang!"

Tian Suohui missed the opportunity to compliment, and Alyssa smiled happily: "How can I say that I am also a leader in the catering industry, these are all trivial."

At this time, Tian Suohui thought of the field training, and asked a little uneasy: "Sen Luosang, are we on the way to the field training? Do you know where our internship is? But since it is Yuanyue The store should be very high-end, what if I can’t do it clumsily."

"This, you'll know when you arrive."

Sen Luo didn't explain it directly, but sold it off. Hearing this, Tian Suohui became a little nervous.

When the car drove all the way through the bustling area, everyone found a piece of news rolling on the big screen in front of major shopping malls.

"Battery’s Japanese food pavilion [Liu Shui Ting], which is highly acclaimed all over the world, will open its first branch in Tokyo. Today is the first day of trial operation. It is recognized by diners all over the world. The food in the Liushui Pavilion, the majority of the gluttons have already been overwhelmed with excitement..."

Seeing the news, Sen Luo and Alisa showed a satisfied look, but Tian Suohui ignored this because of nervousness.

Driving from the city center station for about half an hour, Roberto drove into a quiet residential area. From a distance, you can see that a huge Japanese castle-like building is located in the center of this residential area.

The car was parked at the door of the building, and everyone got out of the car.

Looking at the entrance of the building, the three words "Liu Shui Pavilion" on the plaque, Tian Suohui's spirit was a little tranced: "Sen Luo Sang, isn't this the new Japanese-style pavilion opened by your Battery Company? I was on TV the other day. I saw the advertisement in it, it seems that the trial operation is today, right? Is this the place for our field training?"

Sen Luo gave a thumbs up to Tian Suohui: "Yes, you will be an employee of this Liushui Pavilion from today. I also need you to teach our employees how to be more erotic and warm to receive guests. I did not expect the school to be so Assigning you to me really saved me a lot of time."

Upon hearing this, Tian Suohui immediately panicked, both eyes widened.

"Ye(ДД) !! How dare you dare, Sen Luosang, you exalt me ​​too much, there is something like me to teach your staff, I think I should go to the kitchen It’s fine if you can help me out. Let me teach people that I’m really not this piece of material. If you offend the guests because of your hands and feet, it will adversely affect your new store."

Sen Luo slapped Tian Suohui on the back with a "pop": "Tian Suo-sang, don't be arrogant, cheer me up, maybe you don't know it yourself, your strength is much stronger than you think. "

After speaking, Sen Luo pushed Tian Suohui into the Liushui Pavilion.

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