See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 421 Conan: Long time no debut, it's time to go to your store to shoot an episode.jpg

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the trial operation has reached the last day. In the past few days, both the pavilion itself and Tian Suohui, who came to the field for training, have made great progress. The trial operation can also be said to be very successful.

That night, when the moon was rising, a large number of reporters with long guns and short cannons seemed to have made an appointment. They all aimed at the last day of the trial business and flocked to the gate of Liushui Pavilion, saying that they wanted to tell Alisha who was the person in charge. Interview with Sun Luo.

However, because there are many big people with extraordinary identities in the restaurant, they usually hate meeting the media in private. Senluo has laid down rules long before opening the store. In order to create the best dining environment for customers, all media are not allowed. Entering, so these people were blocked by Anxi Gardenia as soon as they arrived.

"I'm really sorry, in order to ensure the privacy of our customers, we decline all media to interview the store. I have sent someone to notify the person in charge. Please wait outside the door."

At the same time, Anzai Gardenia also sent someone to inform Alyssa and Sunro who were still busy in the store.

After a while, Sen Luo and Alisa walked out together after receiving the notice, and a group of reporters swarmed over when they saw the two figures.

A beautifully dressed female reporter brought the microphone in front of the two of them, and couldn’t wait to ask: “Ms. Alisha, your Liushuiting Tokyo branch has achieved great success during its trial operation. May I ask you next? What are your plans? Will you continue to open new stores?"

Alyssa is obviously used to dealing with such scenes, she said generously: "Speaking of plans, it is natural to build this Liushui Pavilion into a famous store like other branches in the world, and I already have a new store in my heart. Plan."

When the voice fell, other reporters immediately asked: "What kind of cuisine will your new store be?"

Alyssa raised her eyebrows, but she did not choose to conceal the plan: "The next store, I plan to move the French restaurant [Christmas Hotel], which is among the most popular among our many brands of chain stores. Oh."

The reporters hurriedly took down this important information, and then several reporters asked some questions one after another, and Alyssa and Sen Luo also answered them one by one without fail.

After a group of reporters were dealt with, Alyssa returned to the store with Sen Luo tiredly.

But when they passed by the entrance, the complaint of a middle-aged man reached their ears.

"Really, there are obviously 30 minutes left before our appointment time, why are you here so early?"

Sun Luo and the others turned their heads to look, and saw a middle-aged man with a moustache on his mouth looking at the watch in the crowd sitting on the waiting seat of the hallway, facing the one with a weird unicorn hairstyle on the side. The girl was complaining about something. Next to them, there was a little boy with two heads sitting there bored.

I only heard the girl say helplessly: "But this store is so popular, if it arrives later than the scheduled time, it will be cancelled immediately."

The middle-aged uncle put on a stinky face: "I'm so impatient to wait!"

While talking, he also took a bite of the refreshment served to the waiting guests.

Looking at this strange combination, Senluo suddenly remembered who they were.

"Isn't this Moriran, Conan, and his substitute, Kogoro Mori?"

At the moment of seeing the three of them, after more than ten years after the rebirth of Siro, the somewhat vague memory became clear again. Although he could not recall the specific plot, he vaguely remembered that there was such an episode in Conan. They encountered a murder while eating in a restaurant, and the name of the restaurant where the murder occurred was also called Liushuiting.

Thinking of this, Sen Luo couldn't help but feel tight: "Hold the grass (a kind of plant). I knew that when I named the restaurant, I had to find a fortune teller. Come here, there will be a bloody disaster in my shop tonight."

Eliza on the side saw Sen Luo's expression suddenly tense, thinking that something had happened, and asked a little anxiously: "Sen Luo, what happened? Why did she put on such a serious expression? "

Senluo couldn't tell her directly that there are nine out of ten people in the store tonight, so he could only relax his expression and said to her: "It's nothing, but I didn't expect to meet acquaintances here."


Sen Luo pointed to Mao Lilan's direction: "Hey, look there."

Alisha looked at it, she was taken aback, and then said, "Isn't that Maori Lansang?"

Because of the keen sense of martial arts training, Xiao Lan immediately caught the movement of Alisha and looked at Alisha and Sen Luo.


After being called out, Senluo, who didn't want to talk to them, had no choice but to respond with a helpless expression: "It's a coincidence, Lansang, this is also the material pavilion under our Battery Company."

Mao Lilan suddenly realized: "It turns out that this is the case. I got the set voucher here in the shopping street lottery. Today is the last day, so I pestered my dad and they came together."

After speaking, Mouriran called for Kogoro Moori who was sitting there with a golden sword, and Conan who was trying to pretend to be cute.

"Dad, Conan, let me introduce to you. These two are my classmates at school, Alyssa Sang and Sen Lobsang. Tell you, this restaurant is the property of Alyssa Sang."

When it heard that it was the boss, Conan sat there and greeted the two people obediently, and Kogoro Mori immediately straightened his posture, concealing his embarrassment about his misbehavior with a light cough, and said, "Ahem... I didn’t expect that the boss of such an advanced material pavilion was such a young female high school student. I’m Xiaolan’s father and detective Kogoro Mouri. My daughter was taken care of by two of them at school."

Kogoro Mori pronounced the word Detective very hard, and while speaking, he respectfully handed over his business card.

Alyssa took the business card and glanced at it, then stuffed it into her pocket. After saying "please take care", there was no more text, and the scene suddenly became awkward.

In order to alleviate the embarrassment, Sen Luo offered to offer: "Lan Sang, which one is your private room? In a while, in addition to the original set meal, I will give you some dishes."

Xiaolan happily asked: "Huh! Is it okay? I'm so embarrassed."

Sen Luo waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay. I usually receive a lot of help from you in the school department. This time it's a return."

"Thank you, Sen Luosang, then I'm better off being respectful."

After speaking, he took Moori Kogoro and sat back in the waiting seat. Fortunately, Conan didn't leave the waiting seat witty, just a few words later, there were already a few more groups of guests behind them.

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