See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 422: Please reserve the appearance of the dead

After a while, two more guests in suits and leather shoes walked in straight from the door. One of them was wearing a dark blue suit with an honest and sturdy guest who called Anxi who was serving the waiting guests at the entrance. Gardenia.

"Excuse me to bother you, Miss Gardenia, we are here again. Our companion should have made an appointment in advance."

Anzai Gardenia obviously knew these two people too, and said with a smile: "Hey, is Mr. Jintian who made an appointment? I have been waiting for a long time."

Unexpectedly, after listening to Anxi Gardenia's words, the guest looked at the companion behind him suspiciously: "Hey Jintian, what's the matter?"

The slender eyes of the person named Jin Tian slanted, avoiding the eyes of the two of them, looking away, and replied irritably: "That was not what I ordered, but the female player made a mistake."

Every guest’s appointment with Anxi Gardenia was kept in mind. Just when Anxi Gardenia was puzzled, a thin middle-aged man walked from the courtyard to the entrance. After seeing the two guests, he waved and said: "Hey~Kinda-kun, Arai-kun, you are finally here, I'm getting impatient with waiting."

When the middle-aged man came to the front, the guest named Arai said apologetically: "Professor Iwama, I'm sorry to keep you waiting, I blame Jintian for being too slow."

Then he looked at Jin Tian who was aside: "Hey, you guy is an apology."

As a result, Jin Tian snorted disdainfully, and said unsatisfactorily, "I didn't ask him to invite me to dinner, why should I apologize."

When Arai heard the anger, he came up: "You fellow, today is to celebrate your promotion to associate professor. Professor Iwama specially invited you to dinner!"

Hearing Arai's words, Jin Tian's expression sank: "Don't think that students who are the same as me can point fingers at me. From today on, I will be Associate Professor Jin Tian. Please pay attention to the tone of voice when you speak to me, my assistant Arai Lord."


When Jintian spoke, he deliberately said the word assistant very hard, making Arai's cheeks flushed with anger.

After that, Jintian ignored Arai, pushed him away, and asked Anzai Gardenia to himself: "Madam, what is the most expensive dish in this restaurant today?"

Anzai Gardenia was puzzled by his behavior after arriving at the store, but she still introduced skillfully: "Today our store arrived at the top-quality Echizen Crab (Note 1) that was just caught from Echizen Port, so today we have the most delicious dishes except the set menu. The expensive dishes are the dishes made by Echizen crabs. Whether it is sashimi, kamen or shabu-shabu, they are all recommended dishes today."

Jin Tian didn't even think about it, and said directly: "For the three kinds of dishes you mentioned, give me three servings for each."

Then he looked at Professor Iwama on the side, Yin and Yang said strangely: "Professor, you can still afford this, right?"

Professor Iwama's face was cold, but he was soon concealed with a smile, "Ahaha, of course there is no problem. Anyway, today is also a banquet celebrating your promotion to associate professor. Miss Gardenia, please press Jintian. You can add a few more dishes at your request."

Anxi Gardenia leaned slightly and bowed: "Hey, I'll make arrangements for you."

"Sa, the dishes are ready, let's go back to the private room first."

After speaking, Professor Iwama led the way, leading the two to walk into the courtyard.

Seeing the back of these three people leaving, Alisha showed a disgusting expression: "Sister Gardenia, do you know those three people? What is that guy named Jintian? Why does it make people feel so bored."

Anzai Gardenia explained: "Yes, Miss Alisa, that thin middle-aged man came with Teito University's President Yukio Dazai on the first day of the trial operation. He is a physics student in Teto University. The professor is Nobuo Iwama, the other two are Keizo Kanada and Ryuichi Arai, both of whom are his assistants. After coming here on the first day, Professor Iwama seemed to like it very much and brought friends every day since then. I came to have a meal, so I met as soon as I came and went."

Sen Luo felt that there was a sense of inexplicable violation in the professor’s behavior, but he didn’t understand where the problem was, so he asked, “Sister Gardenia, you mean that professor brings People come here?"

Anzai Gardenia nodded and said, "Yes, and Professor Iwama seems to have a good face. Every time he comes, he will order a table full of dishes, but every time there is a lot of food left to eat, it feels good to watch. People feel distressed."

Eliza on the side asked: "Siluo, you care about those people so much, do they have any problems?"

Sen Luo shook his head: "It's nothing, it just feels like a professor obeys an associate professor, and there are probably unknown secrets in it."

"What, when did you gossip, Senluo? But when you look back, Sister Gardenia, you still remember the situation of guest reservations. This is really rare. Is it because you are too tired for the trial business? It’s the female general in the store, and you can’t live without you in the store. Pay more attention to your health."

Anzai Gardenia sighed, shook her head and said, "Ms. Alisha, it's not what you think. The person named Jin did make an appointment for eight rooms, and the private room of Professor Iwama is indeed not the same, but no I know why he just refused to admit it."

Alyssa frowned: "Emmm... Is that guy secretly meeting other people, and can't let the people in the same group know? Well, anyway, as long as he pays, he is a guest, and whoever wants to meet with us It doesn't matter, well, sister Gardenia, you can go ahead and work."

After speaking, the two of them greeted Xiaolan and the others and returned to their jobs.

After waiting another half an hour, Xiaolan and the others finally waited for their appointment time.

"Ahhh~ finally it's our turn, I'm almost starving to death."

Under the guidance of Anzai Gardenia, while complaining, Kogoro Mouri opened the sliding door and walked into the room they had reserved. Conan, who was behind him, was about to enter, but he turned his head and saw that he had just seen it in the hallway. Kinda Keizo walked out of the private room next door.

Although it was a little surprised that the other party was next door to him, Conan didn't think much about it at this time, but regarded it as a coincidence. Under Xiaolan's urging, Conan also walked into their own private room.

After entering the private room, Xiaolan took out three vouchers from the shopping street lottery and gave them to Anxi Gardenia.

"Miss Anzai, we want 3 sets of the set meal written on this voucher, please."

Anzai Gardenia ordered: "Hey, I see. In terms of cooking, please wait for a while. The tea and side dishes are prepared for you on the table. Please take it yourself while you wait. "

After speaking, Anxi Gardenia left the private room and closed the door respectfully for them.

After Anzai Gardenia had left, Kogoro Mouri sat on the tatami without an image, looking at the stream flowing slowly outside the private room window, looking forward to the arrival of the food.

After a while, a large wooden boat full of food slowly drove towards them, and Moori Kogoro immediately turned into a hungry dog ​​with fleshy bones and stretched out his hands toward the wooden boat.

"Ohhhhhh! Is there so many dishes in that set meal? It's amazing..."

But before the words were finished, the big wooden boat did not show any signs of docking. Instead, it drove past their private room and stopped at the window of the next private room.

"Cut, what? It's not ours."

Kogoro Mouri withdrew his head dejectedly, but heard Arai Takaichi's delighted voice coming from the next door: "Professor, it's such a hearty meal. This time I will bother you to spend money."

Then Professor Iwama's voice came over: "Well, it's a celebration after all, and it should be richer."

Arai Ryuichi complained a little bit angrily: "Speaking of celebration, where did Jintian go? Why hasn't he returned?"

Professor Iwama didn't seem to care, and casually guessed: "Maybe it's going to the bathroom. It's estimated that I will be back soon. Come here, fill up the wine, let's start."

Although Arai felt that Jintian, the protagonist of the banquet, began to eat and drink a bit impolite, but then again thinking of Jintian's arrogant attitude just now, Arai's guilt instantly disappeared from his heart.

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