See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 424 Investigation

The criminal action was quite swift. Soon after Anzai Gardenia called the police, the Mumu Police Department, affiliated with the third branch of the Forced Criminal Search Division of the Metropolitan Police Department, rushed to the scene with his subordinates and others.

Seeing the criminals arrived, Sen Luo cooperated to open the door between the eighth room and let them go in to check the scene, and informed the Megumi Police Department of the actions of Kogoro Mouri and Conan just now.

"(ω;) Hmm? So you happened to be here again this time, right? Maori Jun?"

"Hi! Megome Police Department, it is the next detective Kogoro Mouri. This is the incident calling the detective Mouri. It is definitely not a coincidence."

The Megumi Police Department looked at the unconscious Mouri Kogoro very helpless, so he had to cough lightly to cover up the embarrassment, and then walked into the eight spaces with Mouri Kogoro: "Well, since you are here, watch it with us. Look."

"Hi! Megome Police Department."

While talking, Kogoro Mouri didn't forget to glance in the direction of Mori before entering, revealing a mocking look like a villain, as if saying: "Did you see it? Even if you don't let me in, As soon as the criminal case came, I still took it in."

Senro didn't pay attention to this, and Majin directly walked towards the kitchen with Alyssa.

On the way, Alyssa asked, "Siluo, did you find anything when you just entered?"

Sen Luo recalled the scene when he entered the door just now, and analyzed: "From the perspective of the deceased falling down, he should be sitting in the lower seat at the time. When he got up to meet the murderer who entered the door, he was stabbed in the heart by the murderer who entered. . Of course, it does not rule out the possibility of the murderer falsifying the scene after killing people, and it feels that the murderer did not enter the private room through the waterway, because the room did not have the slightest trace of water, and the deceased’s thumb was stained with brown marks, which felt like The soy sauce or sauce that is about to be dried out, except for these, I haven't seen anything else yet."

Hearing Sun Luo listed all the observations, Alyssa was surprised, but when I thought about Sun Luo Na's extraordinary eyes, everything became clear in an instant: "It's Sun Luo, I didn't expect it to be just in the room. There are so many discoveries after a glance."

The two said as they walked, they returned to the kitchen in a while. Because of the arrival of the criminal, all the work in the kitchen was forcibly stopped by the criminal. After returning to the kitchen, Alyssa and Sunro sat bored with the cooks. There were chatting about the case.

After a while, Criminal Takagi came to the kitchen with a small notebook, saying that he was investigating the employee’s alibi. Everyone in the kitchen was very cooperative, because when they are busy, the employees need to work together to operate the entire kiosk. Therefore, at this point in time, no matter whether it is a chef or a female middle school, there will be no employees in the store. Therefore, the alibi of Sun Luo and other employees was quickly confirmed.

A while after Takagi Criminal left, the police had completed the preliminary investigation and evidence collection, so they gathered some of the parties together and began to compile the information they had obtained. Sen Luo and Alyssa were also called in as the persons in charge.

After the people arrived, Takagi Criminal reported to the Megumi Police Department: "The Meguro Police Department, the victim was named Keizo Kanada, 29 years old this year, was an associate professor in the Department of Physics at Teito University, and the cause of death was that he was stabbed in the heart by a short knife. , The estimated death time is around 19:50 in the evening, and, I have confirmed before coming, all the employees in the store have an alibi."

With that, Takagi Criminal pointed his finger at Professor Iwama and Ryuichi Arai who came with Keizo Kanada: "The two here are Professor Iwama and Lecturer Arai who worked with the victim at Teito University."

Seeing Criminal Takagi mentioned himself, Professor Iwama immediately showed a distressed expression: "We are here today to celebrate Jin Tianjun's promotion as an associate professor. Everyone knows how difficult it is to become an associate professor in a university now. No one thought that such a thing would happen. It's all my fault. If I didn't bring Mr. Jintian here today, maybe he wouldn't die!"

The Megumi Police Department comforted Professor Iwama, and then looked at the girl who was the first to find the corpse: "By the way, you were the first to find the corpse, right?"

The girl's high school nodded quickly and said, "Hey, there was no movement after the guest entered the eighth room, and no one ordered any food, and no one else entered. So after a while I went to check the situation and found that Mr. Jintian was already Died there."

Kogoro Mouri asked suspiciously, "But why did the guy Kanada go to the eight-room? Professor Iwama, isn't your private room in the three-room next to us?"

Professor Iwama and Takashi Arai looked at each other, and shook their heads one after another, "Sa, I don't know, Kanada-kun has not told us about it."

At this time, Sen Luo on the side said: "Looking back now, the guest named Jintian is very strange today. He did make an appointment at this time today. The appointment also stated that it was two people. When our waiter asked him, he didn't mention it as if he didn't know, and said that our waiter made a mistake."

After hearing Senra’s words, the Momo police department nodded: "Sara-kun, if things are as you said, then it means that Mr. Jintian is hiding from Professor Iwama today and they are going to meet someone secretly here, but in the end, The person who was interviewed was killed in the private room."

Megome Criminal asked the female middle school: "Except for Mr. Jintian, do you really see anyone entering the eighth room?"

The female middle school said affirmatively: "I am sure that no one has been in, not just me, but other people in the courtyard should have not seen it, because although the private rooms here are of different sizes, the arrangement is also patchy, but for convenience The guests call the waiter, and the doors of the private rooms open towards the courtyard, so as long as someone enters, we will definitely see the waiting in the courtyard."

When the police department heard this, they couldn't help but stunned: "How did the murderer enter the private room?"

Suddenly, Maori Kogoro hammered the palm of his right hand with his left hand and said: "That's more, I understand the police department. In addition to the door for entry and exit, the private room here has a large window facing the stream and used for food. I I think the murderer must have taken the waterway. After all, in order to use wooden boats to carry food, the waterway here can lead to any private room."

Criminal Meguro didn't have the slightest doubt about Mouri Kogoro's reasoning, and looked at Mori Rao on the side: "That's right, that means the murderer was in this restaurant? Mori-kun, you have waterways and courtyards here. Is there a camera installed?"

Sen Luo shook his head: "We often have many more sensitive guests here. They usually hate monitoring equipment. In order to create a good dining environment for guests, we eat and pick up meals with guests in the courtyard. There is no monitoring in the area, and the monitoring is installed in more important places like the financial room and warehouse."

Mumu groaned for a moment: "Yo Xi, Takagi-kun, go to those private rooms now and ask one by one if anyone has seen suspicious people passing through the waterway."


After receiving the instruction, Takagi Criminal immediately took action. When investigating the relatively cheaper longhouse-like conjoined private room, Takagi Criminal’s work progressed very smoothly. However, the other boxes were full of team guests of more than 4 people. These people are very concerned about the stream outside the window because of the novelty, but none of them saw any suspicious people passing by.

Then, Criminal Takagi set his target on the luxurious private rooms of the single-family, but when the criminal Takagi investigated the private rooms of the single-family, he felt bad.

In those single-family private rooms, all he met were big people who were either rich or noble. Those big people didn't catch a cold for his rash visits. Finally, Criminal Takagi gritted his teeth and endured the oppression of those big people and completed the investigation and evidence collection. As a result, no suspicious persons were found.

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