"Nani! No one saw the suspicious person?"

The Meguro Police Department was surprised at the conclusion of Takagi Criminal Investigation.

Criminal Takagi nodded: "Hey, the other private rooms are group guests with more than two people. They all say that nothing passes the waterway except the wooden boat."

Hearing the conclusion, Kogoro Mouri was still a little unwilling to give up his inference, so he said, "Could the murderer dive into the water?"

The people around looked at Kogoro Moori with foolish eyes, and Alisa even directly said: "Oh? Our famous detective is really capable. How can a person swim in the shallow water with only the calf. Pass without being discovered by all the guests watching the boat?"

Even Conan on the side couldn’t stand it anymore, and then Alyssa said: “Even if the murderer really dives, there should be a lot of water stains on the floor between the eight, but when I watched it, It’s very dry on the tatami."

Maori Kogoro grinned and showed Conan a ferocious expression: "(▼▼#) What did you kid say?"

Conan was shocked holding his head and shrank his neck: "No, no, no, I'm just talking to myself."

After searching for a while, he plunged into a dead end again. The police department of Mumu hesitated and said: "Anyway, since there is only one entrance and exit, the murderer must still be in this pavilion. It seems that we need to confirm the absence of the personnel involved. Proved."

So he was the first to look at Professor Iwama: "Iwama-san, what were you doing around 7:50?"

Professor Iwama said with a certain face: "I've always been in the middle of three."

"Can anyone prove it?"

Professor Iwama showed a troubled look: "This is not easy. At that time, Arai-kun was called out by me to buy cigarettes. I was alone in the private room."

At this moment, Kogoro Moori recalled the voice he heard during the meal just now: "Professor Iwama, I remember that I heard you yelling at that time?"

Professor Iwama nodded as if he had just remembered: "Ah! Yes, yes, I dropped my contact lens at that time, and hurriedly knocked over the dishes."

"That's it. After that, we saw the window in your private room closed. This is enough to prove that you were between the three and not at the scene of the crime."

Kogoro Mouri’s assist confirmed Professor Iwama’s alibi, and the Megumi Police Department looked at Arai Ryuichi again.

Seeing that the sight of the police department turned in his direction, Arai Ryuichi quickly explained: "I was sent out by the professor to buy cigarettes after the guy in Jintian left Sanjian, because there was nothing the professor wanted at the counter at the entrance of the pavilion. Brand, so I went to a nearby convenience store. It took about 15 minutes because it was walking."

While talking, Arai Ryuichi took out a receipt for buying cigarettes from his wallet and recursed it to the Megumi Police Department.

Looking at the time of 19:53 on the receipt, the police department Mumu sighed: "Oh, that means that these two most directly related people have sufficient alibi. Could it be that the murderer was a guest in another private room? ?"

Hearing what the police department said, Professor Iwama and Ryuichi Arai breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, but Senra on the side had a different idea.

"The other guests tonight are all team guests who came together with multiple people. Unless he is a master-level master with quite concealed skills, it is not necessary to avoid the companions and the female middle school in the courtyard to complete the crime. Possibly. The murderer is definitely one of these two individuals."

While Senro was thinking, the Megumi Police Department had asked Criminal Takagi to take other personnel together to investigate the alibi of other guests, and those who had proven their innocence were fine for the time being.

Mori Luo and the others who had nothing to do returned to the kitchen again, and seeing Dawson Luo and the others came back, Anzai Gardenia, Kiyojiro Itabashi and others gathered around to ask about the situation.

When they learned that the employees had cleared their suspicions, everyone was relieved.

At this moment, Kiyojiro Itabashi provided Senra with an important piece of information: "Mori, I just remembered a situation that violated the peace after you left. I wonder if it will help find the murderer. "

Mori looked at Itabashi Kiyojiro: "Oh? Kiyojiro-san, please tell me."

Kiyojiro Itabashi narrated to Mori: "The private room of the dead Kinda was ordered by Professor Iwama, and before coming back, he had agreed in advance that the food will be served at 19:30, and the sake will be added at 20:00 and requested Everything is loaded on a big boat. But the strange thing is that when I called the big boat to drink at 20:00, I found that there were only two bottles of sake on the big boat, but the waterline of the boat was inexplicably compared. It’s even higher when it’s full of cooking, because it’s busy. So I didn’t say it right away. I just thought it might be because the wooden boat had been working continuously for days and it was out of order.

Hearing this, Sen Luo and Alyssa looked at each other, and then said, "Sister Gardenia, is the key to the dock still with you?"

Anxi Gardenia nodded blankly: "Yes, it is indeed here, and only I have it. In order to prevent guests from entering by mistake, it is usually locked."

Sen Luo nodded and said: "Well, that's good, now let's go to the dock to have a look, I think I really want to be very close."

The three of them came to the dock and saw a group of big ships and a row of small boats neatly arranged inside, and each ship had a corresponding private room name.

Sun Luo and Alisa found the big ship that belonged to the three, and at first sight Sun Luo saw the traces of sauce on it.

Sen Luo wiped the deck with his finger, and then sniffed it: "Huh? This is a special special sauce for crab sashimi. It should be the same thing that was stained on the finger called Jintian, but it is said to be served. Jin Tian had already been out of the private room before, and there was no chance of contact with the dipping sauce, so the only chance he had contact with was the murderer."

Lifting the deck of the wooden ship, there was nothing in the empty cabin except for a set of micro power units composed of sensors and motors with buttons at the stern.

After estimating the size of the space, Senluo nodded affirmatively: "Well, this cabin space is quite plentiful, so you can hide in small people... By the way, this power unit can only be used in the private room. Can you go back and forth between the docks? Can you stop in the middle?"

Alyssa said with some pride: "Who do you think I am? Of course it’s okay. In order to cope with some emergencies, I also designed a set of power plants that can be easily mastered by ordinary people. Manual operation mode."

Analyzing the information gathered at the moment, the corner of Senluo's mouth rose up: "That's it, I already know how the murderer entered between the eight. And only that person can enter the eight with this method."

Upon hearing that Sen Luo had known the murderer, Alyssa asked eagerly: "Sen Luo, who is the murderer? He was making trouble on such an important day as the trial operation. I must beat him to death before handing it over to Agugu. Qingqiu's hand."

Sen Luo shook his head and sold it off: "I'm just guessing now, but that person has an alibi, so how to overturn his alibi is the key. It seems necessary to go to the three places where they are. In between."

After speaking, Senro turned and walked out of the dock. Alyssa followed closely, and the two walked towards the three between where Professor Iwama was before them.

Sen Luo and the others had just left, and Conan also found Anxi Gardenia accompanied by the girl's middle school. She was so cute and cute that she wanted to see the wooden boat.

Out of unsuspecting the child, Anzai Gardenia took out the key and opened the dock again and put Conan in.

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