In an instant, everyone's eyes turned to the speaker.

I saw a beautiful woman with a beautiful face and a long hair shawl stood up gracefully from her seat.

Seeing the woman getting up, the Megome Police Department seemed to have grabbed the straw: "Oh? Kobe, do you have any good ideas?"

There are two Miwakos in the 3rd Department of Search One. One is Mikako Sato, who is sitting next to Takagi Criminal and has a short hair, heroic and capable, and the other is Mikako Kobe who is talking now. She is the sole proprietor of the chaebol magnate Kobe Kikuemon The granddaughter is also the successor of the future Kobe chaebol. She is gentle and kind. Although she can be said to be a cumbersome and weak role in arresting the perpetrator, she has used her brain and money skills to solve many cases for the 3 series. .

As for why such an eldest lady would come to search a class as a criminal, in addition to Kobe Miwako's original righteous heart, the wishful thinking of Kobe Kikuemon also accounted for a large part of the reason.

Kobe Kikuemon did all the bad things when he was young. He used banknotes stained with blood and darkness to build a money empire such as the Kobe chaebol that was so large that even the Japanese would be afraid of three cents. Now he is over 80. Waking up, but at this time he no longer had the physical strength and strength to redeem his sins.

So he put hope on his granddaughter. As long as the plan to solve the case proposed by his granddaughter can be successful, Kikuemon Kobe has never been reluctant to spend money. He believes that granddaughter spends her own money for justice. It is to alleviate and wash away the sins for oneself.

At this time, I only listened to Kobe Miwako said: "Assembling the information that everyone just told, we can easily see that Yosuke Ohauchi is a man with strong self-esteem who can do whatever it takes to become a winner, so when he is better at cooking However, when Chef Koji Tsukahara used the extreme method of killing people and hiding corpses. I think that as long as we put him in the same situation again, he should do the same thing again. At that time, we will catch At this time, it would be nice to arrest him as a criminal."

Everyone present could not imagine how the plan mentioned by Kobe Miwako would be implemented. Officer Megome frowned and asked, "Kobe, do you have a specific plan of action?"

Kobe Miwako nodded, showing a charming smile: "Hi! Police, we can open a French restaurant near Yosuke's restaurant in Okawachi, which is completely unmatched in taste, and find superb chefs from all over the world. How about cooking with the most advanced ingredients and seasonings, and then selling the dishes to diners at a lower price than Okawachi? In this way, Okawachi Yosuke can’t fight, and will definitely be the same as Chef Tsukahara’s time. Of action."

For Kobe Mikako’s plan, the Megumi Police Department, who has never been a rich man, and others are skeptical. The Megumi Police Department asked: "Kobe, you are sure that such an approach like the cooking show in the TV series can really catch the murderer. Is it? First of all, how can such a powerful French restaurant be opened?"

"It's very simple for the police department. For the restaurant, you only need to borrow the original chef Koji Tsukahara's restaurant. As for the chef, I believe that my grandfather will have no chef who can't invite him if he speaks."

After listening to Kobe Miwako's plan, the Meguro Police Department looked at Matsumoto Kiyonaga and Odagiri Toshiro: "Two, what do you think of Kobe's plan?"

Kiyomizu Matsumoto nodded reluctantly: "Although it is a wild idea, but it is feasible, and now you can't come up with another plan, then you have to do this."

Odagiri Toshiro on the side was thinking more than Matsumoto Kiyomizu, and asked: "Kobe criminal, your method is indeed feasible, but it will not cause any harm to the general public. If there are foreign famous chefs in our It’s an international issue if it’s hurt here."

Kobe Miwako smiled and said: "Please rest assured, as long as you declare that I am the chef and let me play the role of the chef, the murderer's goal will definitely point to me and will never hurt others."

After getting the guarantee, Matsumoto Kiyinaga and Odagiri Toshiro finally made a decision and decided to adopt the plan proposed by Kobe Miwako.


At dinner, Kobe Miwako told his grandfather Kikuemon Kobe the whole story. "That's how it is. Grandpa, we had to open a world-class French restaurant in order to catch the footsteps of the murderer Yosuke Okawachi. Up."

Kobe Kikuemon naturally agrees with this.

I saw that Kobe Kikuemon was cutting the steak on the plate frantically with a knife as if treating an enemy, and said: "If this guy really killed Koji Tsukahara, the old man would not forgive him. I originally heard it in the news. When the girl at the Batley's house is going to open a French restaurant next time, the old man is still looking forward to it. I am so troubled by this guy and I don't know when it will open. The food resentment is very deep! Let us use the best The chef and the most advanced ingredients will kill that guy!"

Hearing Kobe Kikuemon's opening, Ms. Matsue, the old butler standing beside him serving him, immediately suggested: "As for the chef and the shop, how about contacting Mori Raki and Alysaki directly? This time he died. It’s the people under their hands. I think Alisa is also full of anger and has nowhere to vent at this time, and I heard that the murder that occurred in Liushui Pavilion this time was the murderer found by Sen Luo Jian. He must be able to help the young lady. As long as you propose, Lord, I believe they will accept it."

Kobe Kikuemon smiled suddenly when he heard it: "Indeed, I haven't seen a cook with more skill than Mori Luo's boy. With Mori Luo's participation, it would be better to kill that guy’s restaurant. An ant is even simpler, that's it."

Thinking back to the restaurants such as [Thirteen Dragons] and [Ryushuitei] that I had visited with my grandfather, Kobe Miwako also applauded grandfather Kobe Kikuemon's decision, and smiled: "Then please. grandfather."


"So, this time, Sun Luo's field training was temporarily changed to helping Meihe Zijie. Did you catch the murderer? But I didn't expect Meihe Zijie that you could fix the people at Yuanyue so quickly and asked them to change the file. "

In Mori and Alyssa’s off-campus residence, Alyssa looked at the documents with the seal of Tomotsu on the table and Mikako Kobe who was sitting at the table asked her questions.

Kobe Miwako bowed dignifiedly and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Alyssa-chan, Senro-chan, it has caused you trouble, but in order to catch the murderer, please help me. Of course I will not Let you suffer, I promise that from now on, all the expenses of this store will be borne by our Kobe family. As for the documents, I just told Mr. Senzaemon of the whole thing, and he readily agreed and paid To say that as a chef does not study cooking but chooses to kill people, this crooked method is simply a shame in the culinary world. It is impossible to tolerate the laws of nature. Yosuke Ohanoi must accept the punishment he deserves."

Sen Luo waved his hand: "Miwa Zijie doesn't need to be polite. Although Tsukabara Koji has not yet taken office, he is also a contracted employee of our company. It is our business to seize the murderer to comfort him in the spirit of heaven."

Alyssa also said angrily: "Yes, Meihe, the one who dares to move me by the name of Dahanoi, doesn't he want his restaurant to flourish? Then I must let him see herself with my own eyes. The way the restaurant was going to be destroyed."

"Nathan Luo sauce, Alyssa sauce, everything is up to you, let's see you on Monday."

After speaking, Kobe Mikako stood up gracefully and bowed again, and then left Senra and their residence.

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