See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 430, the first day of opening

On Monday, the field development in the second stage of the Yuan Yue College has begun. They also have a batch of kitchens who have hopped with a batch of kitchens to come to the restaurant that belongs to the Erhali Second, just at this time, this restaurant has been temporarily become a kinemal. The industries under the United States and the name have also become the [French Restaurant Miwako].

The reason why the name is the name of God's beauty and a child, if it is directly moving out of Batri's famous river, the foreign river can be directly scared to do, so I use a name that is not seen. I can't afford to pass.

Enter the store, Senlo saw the beautiful couple wearing a pink chef's clothing, there were already standing in the hall, behind her, still standing a few men and women wearing waiter's clothing, the previous high-grade, Sato Mi and Zi In column, there is also a high school shadow of Senlo familiar.

Versie Senluo came in, the goblin beauty immediately greeted: "Gui'an, Senluo Sauce, Elisa Sauce, thank you for the assistance of the police this time."

Then, she looked at the help of chef asked: "Elisa sauce, these people behind you?"

Elisa returned: "Gui'an Mei and Southern, don't be so polite, this time, it is dead under my hand, it is also reasonable. I have been ourselves. Out, I originally planned to use the kitchen employees who have been put into use after the opening of the restaurant. Senli thinks that since all aspects are crushing opponents, it is not just to take out the countertop, and they will have a dish, prepare, or even washing the dishes. It is necessary to use the most professional talent. "

God is beautiful and the child is slightly owed to Senluo: "Senluo Sauce, I really have trouble you."

Senlo said with the beauty of the goblin, and then he looked at her back the topic, knowing that he asked: "Don't care, beautiful and sister, you are not like a general waiter?"

The beauty of the goblin is nodded: "Yes, they are all colleagues I search for the class 3 series, in order to prevent the murderer to hurry to endanger others in the store, so let them disguise the waiter ambush in the store."

Senli right hand hammered his hand, and he looked at the high body shadow of this group of people in this group: "That's more, oh? Is this not Agutan Valley? I haven't seen it for a long time, I remember that you seem to be a motor The team of people? Why do you appear to search for a lesson? "

Agum Valley Qingqiu took a face, open the cold voice: "Hey, the kid of the Wu family, I just feel that I can let me implement the way to justice, I will help me from the middle. This is no longer because the case needs to cooperate with you, but this will not change you is the fact that I hate the object. "

What did Senlo thought, suddenly his mouth, showed a very standard smile.

"(~ ¯ ▽ ¯) ~, I know the Aguacon, but your board is a bit scary, the guest will be scared, come, learn to learn, smile!"

But Agutan Valley is indifferent to this.

"(¯ ¯)"

Senlo has been repeated: "smile!"

Aguacia Qing autumn colors began to be gloomy.

(▼ ▼ ) "

Senlo is not aunt: "smile ~!"

Agum Valley Qingqiu mouth is smoked, and the waiter in the body, "It seems that I can't compete for this work, and the murderer is tried, knowing my long, I will let the murderer here. I have some observed, I see me, I still have a place to hide ambush. "

After saying, Agutum Valley is also worthy of the reactions of everyone, and suddenly go out of the restaurant.

Two hands in Senlo: "┐ (¯ ¯) ┌ ┌ ┌ ┌ ┌ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, It is necessary to do some strict scene guidance on you. "

As a big sister, the beauty of the Miss, the words of Senluo did not have any improper, in her opinion, the words and deeds of their own 3 Series did not have a good time in the high-end restaurant you have been, so I owe it again. "Then, please, you have, you have,"

However, she did not have any scruples at all, and there was no concern of other criminal feelings.

"Hey, Miss, what are you thinking about, we are criminal is not a waiter."

Others stunned in the heart of the gods, and stood in the original place.

Senlo called Robert: "Robert, today is the first day of opening, because there is no propaganda, you will not have a lot of guests, give you a day, no requirement, etc. But also to achieve the width of the waiter, this opponent is also an open restaurant after all, and it is easy to reveal the other party. "

"Followed, Senolo."

Robert's flat gloss has played a cold, so that the high-wood involved a few people can't hit a chill, then, their pain begins.


On the other side, because of the previous police, they did not send arrest warrants, so they could only investigate the survey of the Shui Fuji to the police, and they can only let them leave. .

In the restaurant in Dahan, the released Dashano, who is released, is preparing in the kitchen. Suddenly, his manager Suiyuan came in, report: "The chef in the Hanoi, according to reliable news, there is another family today The French restaurant is going to open near us. "

Dashan has a smile: "There is a person who is not self-tempered is more energetic? It is a stupidity." The tone is full of ridicule and disdain.


Time flies, a lunch time has passed a lunch time, trained a morning, high-wood, etc., is sitting in the seat, at this time, the mobile phone carved by the high-wood suddenly rang, and the phone call is the phone. High-timbered mobile phones immediately, but suddenly fluent French: "Bonjour.Monsieur. Terms, Oui.oui.oui .... (Hello, Mr., I am me, I am ...) "

The high-wood is not finished. The phone number of the phone is already called: "Gao Mu Jun, what are you doing? Give me a word! Let you go to the camouflage a waiter how to say French?"

High-wood involved, realized that the condition reflected in the wrong language: " д д) ! The brain has not changed from the current training mode for a while, the police department, I am a high-wood, there is something you tell. "

The police department asked: "Now have a lunch time, are you coming there?"

Gao Mu said somewhat saying: "No, we haven't come here at noon at noon."

The voice of the police said: "I now take my wife to disguise into the survey in the restaurant in the Daruto, the restaurant. Although it can still be a state of the dinner. You have to cheer ..."

Haven't finished it, I came back behind the police: "Oh, isn't this the police? Today, the fat criminal is not around?"

I heard the voice, and the police officer's consciousness took the mobile phone. I saw the direction of the voice. I saw that the river in the river did not know when he came to his table.

At this time, the Dalong Fukui has a laughter, saying: "I used me as a murder in the first two days, I was so honored, I don't know what to do this is here today?"

The police officer quickly coughed, slightly somewhat embarrassing: "No, I will take my wife today, there is absolutely no longer looking for you. But the words come back, the cuisine here is true, It is worthy of a famous restaurant. "

After listening to the praise of the police, the face of the Hanoi Fuku has slightly eased: "Oh, the reaction of other guests is the same, if so, I will not bother your dining, please use it."

After finishing, Dahechi has turned to the table of the police department.

See the Dali River, the wife, the wife's wife at the same table, and the green face is gloomy: "You are a thirteen, I said that you always have a case that is bigger than the family's ghosts, suddenly this suddenly Also with people to come to the French restaurant, it turned out to be used as a criticism in the case! Thanks to it, I thought you were found, specially dressed in it. "

The eyes of the police, the face of the police: "Not green, you listen to me explained ..."

"(> dish <) I just heard the call, you will come back to sleep this evening."

After finishing, the eyes have a glimpse of the head, and they eat the dishes in the dish, and they are no longer subject to the police department.

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