See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 432, the identity of the head of the well

The head of the well is blended with a roast spray bread with the former dish. The sauce butter, and urgently urged: "Waiter, main dishes? Does your signature dishes have not yet?"

On the side, Sato Beauty and the son are ignored: "Hey, I will go to the kitchen to see it."

Said, hurriedly ran to the kitchen.

After a while, Sato Beauty returned again, and there was a plate with a lunch cover.

Send the plate to the head of the well, Sato, the beauty of Sato respectfully took the cover.

Presenting the head of the head of the well is a fresh phenantry steak with black granules of fragrant sauce. It also sprinkles with many black tartaries that cut into flakes on the steak, and a piece of two sides under the steak. Focusy grain.

In the moment of Sato, the unique fragrance, the aroma of the steak, the aroma of the foie, and several flavors intertwined, and the head and enter the nasal cavity of the head of the head of the well.

The head of the well is not swallowed with the autonomous swallow: "Is this [Rossi Steak]?"

Sato beauty and the child nodded: "Hey, this is one of the names of this store [French three creative · Wang Dao Rossi steak], please use it."

As early as Sato beauty, the head of the well is not allowed to wait for the knife and the knife, I saw him quickly cut a steak, with the following foiencies, in their mouth, moment, his The face was surprised. "This is not an ordinary Philipphi steak, which is used to use CHATEAUBRIAND! (Sumiant Bron: The best in the central part of Niu Philo)"

The results of Sato Beauty and the aircraft were exploded. In the face of the head of the head of the well, Sato Mei and the child, such as the stream: "Yes, this cuisine, the raw material used is a whole cattle can only produce a total number of pounds. The advanced part of Xia Duolon and the most advanced F geese liver, then put the whole bottle of Lafite red wine, add the high soup and wild squid caviar to make a sauce, and finally sprinkle the most scented black It is the confidence that our chef makes the self-confidence made. "

The head of the well is not a place, at this time, the representative of the song family Rosini is made, the world famous opera [Saarvian hairdresser] in his ear, the pleasant blunting looks climbed his face .

Just listening to him couldn't help but admire: "Five-year-matured steaks not only keeps beef juicy taste, while fresh in Xiao Bri is equipped with two sides of frying fat, perfume, every mouth can taste full And the plurality of layers, the appropriate salty taste of the fish sauce in the sauce is also complement with the steak and the foie liver, just like the famous Music comedy of the famous composer Rossi, amazing, amazing, so delicious It can be said that it is less in the world! "

In the dark, Senli and Elisa observed the words and deeds of the head of the well, and there was a rough conjecture for his identity.

In the praise, the dining plate of Jingshou Wulang has been seeing, seeing the main dishes, Sato, Sato, and Sakui sent a meal fruit and dessert.

After finishing these, the head of the wells with a napkin, called Sato, and walked out of the restaurant.

The high-wood in the door, the top of the top of the well, the top of the five, very respectful: "Today, thank you for your visit."

What he didn't want to think is that the head of the well is also returned to a gift: "I am here, your restaurant is giving me the high taste experience, it is a thank you."

After saying, the head of the head of the Well, I came out of the store door.

After leaving the door, the expression of the head of the well suddenly seriously, looking back at the signature of [French Restaurant Miwako], the head of the well took out a notebook from his briefcase, and the notebook covered WGO word.

He belongs to the voice: "It's unbelievable, I didn't expect the cuisine who could make this taste, there would be a lot of art, there is such a craft, don't say it is a song, it is also in the world. Number. What is the sacred in the chef here? "

On the one side, the head of the well wrote the name of this restaurant in the notebook and hit three stars behind the name.

Subsequently, he recalled the ugly face of those people in the Darut of the Darut, and the psychological drop was the same as the waterfall.

"I also want to give the guy in the big Hanoi, but I didn't cherish it. I dare to ask my red wine brand. What do I don't understand, I don't understand anything? Sure enough to kick your restaurant out of food The guide is the correct choice. "

After that, the head of the well is also written in the Daruto store name in the Dahe, and then hit three forks behind.

After all of this, the head of the head of the head collapsed and quickly disappeared in the end of the street.

All this is all in the eyes of the restaurant on the eye, and Eliza looked at the direction of the head of the well, showing a different expression: "Sure enough, that is Uncle, although it looks like a foreign pedestrian, it is actually WGO's masked reviewer. "

The beauty of God is unless, and I can't help but ask: "What is Elisa sauce, what is the masked reviewer?"

Alice Explanation: "They are a group that WGO has cultivated in order to assess the level of the store, in order to make the restaurant to expose the most authentic side, hide your identity, pretend to eat into ordinary guests to eat in the restaurant is what they usually use. It seems that we can also formally begin publicity. "

The next day, under the double operation of Batri and the Kobe Valve, the advertisements of Senlo appeared on the public recreation of the streets.

[If the comet suddenly appeared, the beautiful kitchen beauty and children]

[Jade handfast food can lead the diners into the delicious paradise]

[Foreign big star XXX comes to the book, only for the restaurant of Kobe Beauty and the restaurant]


Similar to this eye-catching title is spread throughout the news magazine, WGO's food guidelines are specially sold for the Senlo their restaurants.

For a time, all food customers who received the message have flocked to their restaurants in Senlo, and they want to experience it. Look at this restaurant called [French Restaurant Miwako] really has it so powerful. .

After a day of fermentation, the dinner of this day was already full of people, and the restaurants in their restaurants were full, and the restaurant in Dahechi suddenly became a lake, and the scene of a hard-seeted scene was simply It is like a dream bubble, which is not true.

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