See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 433 is like a floating cloud in front of the banknotes.

"Hey! Ok, I understand ... Mosio ... Moses Moses!"

Dinner time, there is no one in the restaurant in Dashan, and only the manager is in the phone that has not been angry with a busy voice.

Dashan has a gloomy looks out of the kitchen: "What happened, why did you scare the guests?"

Chesty said: "It is a call to cancel an appointment. Congress Mr. Yong Yong said to cancel an appointment, change [French restaurant Miwako]."

He listens to the big Hanoi, and suddenly he had an infinite angry, slamming a fist, on the table, dining table, and exquisite tableware sprinkled.

"Why, why I am still more than a yellow hair!"

In this day, this day, Dashan has been delayed in the late night, but there is still no guest home.

The body is tired of the river in the river, and his manager is once again called him again: "The chef in the big Hano can be bored."

"(╬ ╬ ¯) What happened this time!"

The Dahan has been impatiently impatiently, and I came to the restaurant with Chepturi. I saw a table with a cover cover on a table.

Chestnown opens the cover, which is a colorful Rosini steak.

"This is the signature vegetables of [French Restaurant Miwako] [French three creative · Wang Dao Rosini steak], I use our people's people and means to get started, you taste it."

The big Hanoi is auxiliary, and immediately picks up the knife and cut into the mouth.

After chewing a few times, only listened to "", the big Hanoi has lost two hands in the gods, and the knife and fork falls on the ground.

Then, his entire man simulated the Buddha's broken line puppets, the puppets, sitting on the table, incredible, looking at the Rosini steak on the table: "How can it be possible! Why can make this cooking chef? Will it appear in this? "

On the side, Cheptoe is holding the steak in the cutting plate, and there is a vague in the mouth: "The chef in the river, this is very bad, there is such a taste, we Can't win at all. "

At this time, the hearts of the Daruto in the river have thousands. Suddenly, he is flashing, a bad idea has a heart.

As a result, the Dashan has a good look at the lattice, called: "Suiyuan, you will arrange it now, you will enter the truffle from the foreign country, and you will never let a truffle flow into the store of the beautiful child! I have to look at it, lack of ingredients, how do they make a complete signature dish.

"Σ (o_o;) Hey?"

Chesty originally stared at the big Hanoi, and wanted to see his chef because of too much stimulus.

The Dashan has not found the reaction of Cheptoe, and she said: "Don't spend money, we have made so much money these years, buy breaks for a while, the domestic truffle is still getting, I heard it. Go and do it! "

During the speech, the sound of the Dashan Fuku could not help but raise a few points, scared by the chestnut, and quickly put down the knife fork and ran out the store.

And the Hanoi Duo Fu is also re-taken a knife fork and started to eat the dishes in the disc.

On the side of eating, the sinister smile climbed up the face of the river in the big river: "Since your signature dish is so delicious, then I will make you can't do it. Oh, huh, huh, huh!"


In the morning, Senli and Elisa have come to the store to prepare for the store, but just entered the door, the employees responsible for buying ingredients have rushed over, and said a few words in the ear of Elisa.

Elisa wrinkled when he was finished: "I can't buy it in the market?"

That employee said: "Yes, it is incompetent, it seems that someone will buy the truffle from the domestic supplier."

I heard the report, Elisa reacted in an instant, the corner of the mouth could not help but be rushed: "Oh, it seems that the big Hanoi is playing a small means, it is all the rest of my place, he is better than us. Is it financial? "

Said, Elisa took a phone call.

On the same day, Senlo helpless randomly changed menu, when a guest asked why there were no and truffles related to the truffle today, the restaurants had only pushed because they were trying, and the chef will be different. Menu.

But because all the tastes are good, customers have no doubts.

On the day of the night, a new-speed transporter landed on the fist, and several trucks have been standing there.

The cabin opened, from inside, a team of embarrassment, they put a box of boxed goods into trucks, followed by trucks to the warehouse in Bartri Tokyo Branch.


"Щ ( д щ) Ni? Today, there is no truffle imported in China?"

Early the next morning, I went to the supplier in the supplier yesterday, the supplier was informally informing that there is no imported ingredients related to French cuisine, which makes him surprised almost no mouth.

After returning, he returned this thing to the Daruto, and the Dashan has also revealed the same expression as him.

In the face of the Queen's Queen's Queen, Suiyuan said: "Not just truffle, today I ran a few places, even the gorge liver and caviar did not see. Suppliers said that there are people from supplying The source of foreign manufacturers directly bought all things. "

"(╬ ╬) = ○ How can there be such a thing!"

Running room, the Dahechi once again hammered a table.

On the other side, I have a pile of peony, the foie and the cavia sauce, and the Yosho is helpless to Alissa: "Elisa, you can get the ingredients is really good, but I I don't remember that you bought the truffle of the world, the foie flowers and caviar, so much food, I want to use the monkey Year Moon. "

Elisa did not smile at the words of Zimiro. Now the world's restaurant can only find me to buy me, when you sell, how many price is not me, and the world has only a restaurant in Bart in the world to eat 3 big creates, this sounds Not very good? In short this time, I have made a big pen, you can rest assured. "

After listening to Elisa, Senlo only helped sigh: "Well, it is poor to limit my imagination."

On this day, [French Restaurant Miwako] is open, and there is a dish in the menu, and those cuisine of the people are in the table. Some people who are not only once have been surprisingly found in the discovery. A lot.

In contrast, the restaurant in the Dahan has fallen in addition to truffle, there is no situation available in other ingredients.

It's rare to come to the door, when you see there is no foie liver on the menu, there is no other cooking for caviar, and diners are usually ridiculed. "You don't have that, is it a high-level French restaurant?" Then raise the long.

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