See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 435, the customer's witness

At around 10 o'clock in the evening, Xigui, who was tasting in their restaurant in Senluo, was alone in the alley of a residential area.

Suddenly, he looked up and saw the billboard on the top of the department store. The billboard is the convenience of food that is ready to launch in the Daheki.

Suddenly, Xigui Yi Langli remembered the first few days of the police inquiries, and there was a good understanding in his heart. He rushed out the mobile phone to all the phone to call the phone.

After a while, I came later, I came in the sound of the Qingyang Fuku Cold: "Mr. Xigang, it's so late, what is it to call me? Is it going to make an appointment? It is not necessary, now as long as you come, I It is free to have space here. "

Xigui Yi Lili did not have a vague, straightforwardly asked: "The big Hanoi, your guy is ours?"

The phone is the head, the big Hanoi folk eye is changed: "What are you talking about, Mr. Xigang, how do I not understand?"

"Hey! Do you want to be worthy? I don't say more, I am now in the Alley of XXX Road XXX, you will give me now, otherwise I will tell the criminal case of the investment case, although I I don't know what you did, but I must not be a good thing. If I don't want to be known, I will prepare the money, I will retire, I want to pay some pension, not much, I will have 2000, I believe you. The financial resources should have no problem. "

After saying, Xigui Yilai also responded in the big Hanoi, and hung up the phone.

In the restaurant in Dahe, the restaurant, the kitchen, the kitchen, the direct opening of the Kitchen, the direct opening of Xigui, did not leave the way, asked himself to seal, could not help but pick up the knife on the cuisine, full of eyes. It is determined that the moonlight is reflected by the knife to the big river, which is extravasive because of anger and distorted face.

Collect the knife in your hand, the Dahechi sailed out from the back door of the restaurant.

On the other hand, it is responsible for monitoring the thousand leaves and stretching the dining in the Dahe. After the restaurant is hitting, the Dami has not come out from the restaurant, and he suddenly produces a sense of violations, so it is searching near the restaurant.

When he turned to the restaurant, it was found that the restaurant is not locked. When the heart is open, it will be in front of him, but it is empty, there is no one-free restaurant and kitchen, don't say it is a river, even There is no living in the creature.

Thousand leaves and stretching are not good, and quickly dialed the mobile phone.

In the Senli's their restaurant, Gao Wi, who has just been busy, is a busy work, and the phone is called: "Moses, this is a high wood."

"Is Gao Mu Jun? I am a thousand leaves, and the big Hanoi has got rid of my monitor disappeared in the restaurant, it is very likely to go to the kungar."

"alright, I understand."

Hanging up the phone, the high-wood expression immediately seriously, he immediately called all people to know: "Just received the news from Chiba, there was actions in the Dahan, which is very likely to attack the Kobe tonight. Everyone pays attention to vigilance. "

When I heard this, Elisa waved on the fist face showed an exciting expression: "Oh, this guy can't sit so soon? If he dares, he will let him have no return."

However, her beside the goblin is revealing the smile of the Madami: "Elisa sauce, I know the strength of you and Senluo Sauce, but we are here to catch the river, let him accept the law. Sanctions, not to do his life on the spot. "

Elisa helpless: "Hey, I have listened to your arrangement."

At the same time, Xigui Yiiri finally waited until the arrival of the river.

I saw a touch of the clothes, and I also mentioned a box of the big river in the river, Xigui Yiro smiled and opened: "Hey, you are coming, it seems to be very sensible."

Said to go to the box in the large river.

However, in the moment he had to touch the box, the hand of the Hanoi Fuki box is gently, and the grab of Xigui Yiiro.

Xigui's face has a unspeakable color: "What do you mean?"

Dashan said quietly: "Although there is no monitoring of this alley, it is difficult to ensure that people will easily leak, let's go to the alley."

After saying, the Dashan Fuku is turned into the alley.

Xigui Li Lir is now in the eyes, I don't want to follow it. I came to the depths of the alley. The Dahechi suddenly stopped, and she said to Xigui, "Well, here should No problem. "

Xigui Yiro quickly asked: "Now you will give me money?"

Dashan has not returned, and said coldly: "Yeah, waiting for you to get over hell, I will burn some burn!"

The voice came, and the Damuo has also turned around. At this time, he has already had a bright kitchen knife, and he didn't wait for the Xigui Yiling to react, and a knife took the abdomen.

Then, the Dawhe, the Digui, which will cover the abdominal pain. Xigui, Xigui, and the evil: "Dead old man, you dare to threaten me, this is threatening my end, don't think I don't know After people like you, I will definitely use this for constant sale, let you keep secret, I have to die once. "

After saying, Digui, who has not tied to the ground, and rushed to flee the scene.

How did Xiguyi's Yi Mi did not think that the greed of her moments would give him a disaster, he is not willing to look at the billboard on the top of the department store, and squeeze out the last silk stretch to point to the direction of the billboard, swallow it. The last tone.

Early the next morning, I was waiting for all nights, but I didn't see the high-grade-related high-wood in the Dahe Yang Fu, I just got a notice of the police department, saying that Xiguyi, was found to die. It is in the alley not far from the restaurant.

Under the helplessness, the people dragged and drove the body to the case site.

Looking at the corpse on the ground, the police department who arrived in one step was said to them: "The identity of the victim has confirmed that it is the siguili, which is not present, and I feel that the murderer must be a river. He deliberately gave megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload.

Gao Mu did not understand the question: "But why do you have to kill Xigui Yiling, Xigui, a kind of benefactor who does not have proven to prove."

On the other side, Sato Mei and Son to: "Probably because in this matter, the Xigui Yi Lang has a good thing to adversely adversely adversely."

At this time, the goblin to observe the body of the body saw the billboard for the fast food in the direction of the corpse finger, "Ah!" Screamed, scared other people.

The police department calmed the mood and asked: "Kobe, what is this, is it surprised?"

God's beauty and his face referred to the billboard: "Police, I know what Xigang is noticeable. You look at the billboard, I think Mr. Xigang should point to the Daheki before the death. The billboard of the fast food is falling. "

The Ministry of Politics failed to understand the intention of God's beauty, continue to ask: "But what is the association with the case?"

God's beauty and son explained: "It is not present to prove, I think, the big Hanoi must use that fast food to let Mr. Xigang did not prove it, in fact, the night of the Dahe, Mr. Xigang Not a regular cuisine but this fast food, so there is no need to keep it next to the pot. "

Next to the high-wood, the high-wood is questioned: "Xigui Yiiro is an ultra-first-class critics, it is impossible to connect the fast food and regular cuisine."

"I think that Mr. Xigang may have no ability to distinguish ..."

I heard the question of high-wood, and the beauty of God's beauty and the things happened last night and said that everyone said it.

Listening to God's beauty and child analysis, everyone suddenly realized that the police officer sighed, regretted: "Hey ~ Now, there is no evidence, and it is still an important witness to die, Kobe ! Why didn't you find this thing yesterday? If you know this matter yesterday, Xigui Yiro may be protected by us! "

In the face of the anger of the police officer, the beauty of the gods and the sons were low: "Solving the police department, I think that there is no circumference, now the witness is dead, the restaurant will continue?"

The police department shook his head: "The Dashan has killed a person, and the possibility of re-starting in the near future, putting the restaurant to Miss Eliza, let our people withdraw, I want to solve the case. He is. "

The beauty of God should be helpless: "Hey, I know the police."

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