Going back to the restaurant, the beauty of the helper will tell Senlo after the original original.

"Senlo Sauce, really unfortunately caught the murderer's horse, but he was killed by him, and now the police decided to find another law, and to withdraw people, it is trouble, you are running."

Elisa revealed his expression: "Hey ~ Is this murderer not to catch?"

God's beauty and son: "Elisa sauce, as an exploitation of your lifetime, I have promised to bear all the expenses of all the expenditures of the restaurant after the restaurant, the field of Senluo sauce, I will also explain the results of."

But her voice just fell, and the hands of Senlo shouted in the table, shocked her.

" ?"

"Beautiful and sister, I have never had a failure in my dictionary, and we have the opportunity, and if I have a way, I have one here, but you still need your cooperation."

On the other side, Senlo took out a notebook from the captain of the cuisine's drawer to handed a notebook to God: "This is the recipe of the Queen Hao, who found it before the kitchen, you see The last page here. "

God's beauty and sub-results notebook, I saw the last page of the notebook. The last page of the notebook was that the second-handed lobster cuisine launched in the store was not coming. It was even carefully equipped with the concept of food, but the strange thing is that in this The place where the writing detailed production process is empty, and only a French "LarecetteestDansmaperruque."

Senli said: "We only need this so, this is like this, you must ..."

Listening to the plan of Senlo, the beauty of the goblin is not lit up.


Under the operation of all parties, next day afternoon, in the largest photography shed of the TV station, the cuisine show in this ratio is the highest value of the net, starting a new episode.

At this time, there is a variety of fresh ingredients on the stage of the central stage. In the exciting BGM, the host wearing the medieval aristocratic costume is elegant to the stage,

Opening, I saw a born pumpkin in the ingredients, "ah" bite a big piece, then laughed up: "Ha! Haha! Hahahaha! Welcome everyone!" Today's arena, things are not suitable, let me introduce you to the contestants tonight. "

Said, the host reached out the cruise station on the left side of the stage: "First, this is this! In the case of this law, his reputation is no one, no one, there is a large river, which is called [kitchen superman] Yang Fu chef! "

In the interpretation of the host, the big Hanoi walked into his own crop.

Then, the moderator turned his finger to the opposite direction: "Then, his opponent is this! If the comet generally appear in the mysterious beauty chef in the French Food community ~ God hometown and child chef!"

After the beauty of the gods and the child, he hosted a big hand: "So let us take a look at the designated ingredients tonight!"

As the host's movements, the stage rose a table, a pallet in the middle of the table, and put more than a dozen poultry foods in the top.

The host announced his way: "Tonight our designated ingredients is this! [Seven-faced birds (turkey)]!"

At a corner of the studio, the police department looked at the beautiful people in live broadcast, asked Senlo, Senlo: "Senluo, can you really grab the murderer?"

Senlo smiled slightly: "Today is only the first stage. If my calculation is not wrong, the Daruta will be hooked, and the play is in tomorrow, and today's key tasks are to fight in the Dahe. "

The police station nodded: "Well, everything will be pleased, Senluo."

In the effort, in the cheer of everyone, Senlo went to the stage of the goblin, who was standing on the stage, standing behind the beauty of the husband, said: "Beautiful and sister, you can rest assured, all the cuisine is all To do it, what you have to do is to install a pair, when you get the food I do, you will have a good job. "

When I heard the words of Senlo, the beauty and the child nodded.

At the beginning of the game, the beauty of the goblin and the river and the river have commanded their team to start the nervous cuisine process. There is not much to say a word, and Senlo just played a referral. All the kitchen is like a cloud.

A professional team that is not sent from the cuisine that Senlo has been cultivated, the help of the Hanoi, the help of the Hanoi is a distinct action, full of honesty, full of sponsor, and even Many help the kitchen, Senluo, also saw the figure of the manager's chestnut.

Mid way, Cheptome sends the sauce to the big river to let him taste the mouth, asked, "The chef in the river is really no problem."

On the side of the Dahe, the taste of the sauce is tasted. While said: "As long as you win the gimmick in front of the country, you can go back to the restaurant in the heart of the restaurant."

"But she is so powerful, is we win?"

In this regard, the big Hanoi has been confident: "I am relieved, I have already told it there, and are we still used to use means?"

Said, Dahechi picked up the pepper on a tabbite, pretend to take food to the stage.

At this time, the big hiki suddenly slipped, the whole person lost the balance, fell to the ground, and the canned canned can be taken off in his hand, and its goal is a cuisine that the got is beautiful and the child is being produced.

This is one of the hinders that he used to be used. As long as a large number of peppers sprinkled into the cuisine of God, then her pot is in white, in addition to the red do nothing, there is no way, but now the game is over half, from the beginning Beginning to be a cooking is obviously impossible in his perception. This way, you will be able to work with yourself.

It can be seen when he exposed a fox style that steals a successful fox in the Big River, and what he unexpectedly happened.

I feel that there is a unknown body to fly here, and I don't lift it in the production of the cuisine. It is unable to reach a punch with Thunder, and the fist in the moment is sent out of the storm. I suddenly reached the direction of the pepper in the river.

In the big river in the ground, the river in the ground has not come to up, and a big pepper has fallen from the sky, and the head is covered with his body.

"Auntie! Auntie!"

In the big hovens, I couldn't stand the side, and I climbed up from the ground, and waved my hands and drove the dust of pepper, and then the wolf fled back to her cuisine.

"Can be evil !!!"

It is full of grievances and killing.

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