See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 446 Celebrate [Exchange Sakuo]

If you say that the dessert of Kuiji Peacher is a dazzling window, the dessert of Nado is the Japanese courtyard of the ancient morning and wind. These two styles are very delicious but very delicious desserts make people in the first grade. I realized the energetic horn of the top floor of the farmoon pyramid.

They deeply realized that although I have long been in the long-lasting tenure, I lost to Senlo, but this does not mean that the strength of the long-moon is insufficient. It can only explain that the strength of Senlo is stronger. .

First, the tenants who wake up from the magic of the Senli dessert saw the shock of the first grade of the students, and there were a "visited" expression.

I just taled the last time I got up again and again, I saw it again. "Xin Ping, you should understand after eating, let go of the monster of Senlo, do not talk, tenje and you are in strength There is a natural country, this is an indisputable fact, we really didn't put your first grade of these enrollment in the eyes, you will take a victory together with the mixed fish comrades. When people win may have qualifications, we can also say it. "

However, I haven't thought of it for a long time. His words did not dispense the enthusiasm of the first grade, except for the Senli, and the people outside the Tani also ignited the hearts of the bears. Fight.

For a long time, I didn't seem to realize this, and I will continue to say: "Well, this may be a bit heavy, let me think about it ... Well, this way, if you have any point Can win me in the dishes, or can take out the price of my heart like the last time Siro, let me have a difficult to accept your food, not okay. "

The voice is just falling, sitting next to the Ning Ning Ning Ning's open mouth: "The height of the seat is higher than you."

I took a long time, I turned three times, and I kicked the coffee table in front of it. The empty teacup and the plate were scattered.

"(╯ ° д °) ╯ (┻ ┻ ┻ ! Your four-eyed women are looking for it!"

I heard here, I amprised to create a true color: "I have been a long time, is you really?"

I took a long time on my breath, I showed a cold smile: "Really really, of course, trustme!, Although this is absolutely impossible for you. Springs, tea is drank Sweets are also eaten, everyone will dissolve. Worship, first grade students. "

It is said that I haven't ignored everyone, I walked outside the ground alone.

After a long time, I took the leader, and the tenants took the lead, and after Senli and Ezheche were also leaving the position.

Walking on the forest trail, Lao Yuan Si Luo said that I said that I was a long time, I said around Dihu: "Hey, Juxi, next year, the Maple General Assembly system is really abolished, then said This kind of arrogance is not dying, and it is really troublesome when I am going to die. "

Si Wei is a tired connection: "Hey ~ This period is really very busy, but the Maple Conference is also one of the routine activities of the long-term history, not that the abolition can abolish."

I heard the two said that Senlo looked at other Ten Jie. Basically, it was also in a hurry, and some were still holding a mobile phone while walking.

So Zeiro is curious to see the squeezed Plock, who is walking next to: " , I would like to ask that everyone is very busy, what happened?"

" . . .. .......

"(O_o)? Prepare? What is prepared?"

"Well, it will be held during this period every year, and the finals of the autumn end is also the largest pressure axis activity."

Senli said: "Is there such an activity here?"

Celebration. "

"Hey ~ It turned out to be like this."

Seeing Senluo seems really don't know, is very surprised: "Do you really ? That is the [Quality Sakura Festival] of the Quality Garden, it is now the biggest festival now. "

Silver is sorry to scratch the head: "Haha, then, I went to abroad from childhood, and there was not much understanding of the domestic matter."

: "The ] Every year is jointly organized by the three campuses of the Queen's Cartine College, and our long-month campus will be responsible for all dietary stores during the" Juvenile Shui Festival], as long as the prior If you register, you can open a store, but in principle, it is based on the study. A study will set at least one store, and [Huang Sakura Festival] has a total of 5 days, during the time will be announced every day. The turnover is ranked, and the total operating amount after the end of the [Queen Sakura Festival] If the owner is a deficit, all participants of the store will be detained. "

Senli nodded: "Very good style, it seems that I have to open a store. Do you say that Schöns Sang will open the store?"


Senli is a hammer: "It turns out, so everyone will be so busy."

"Well, it is such a thing, [Ju Yakuan] When a part of the school will become [Huang Shui Festival], we can open the store here is roughly three categories, every place has It is also very important to open the store with your own idea to choose the right place. First, the "Avenue Area] of the most people will visit, and will be full of various stalls when they extend in the road from the main entrance. The unit price of food is between 500 ~ 1000 yen, "

Senluo can not stay in the nod: "Hamham, because of the price of the people, the most common people in the number of bases is here, what other two places?"

"Listen carefully, I am going to talk about it! Secondly, the [Central Plaza area] gathered around the teaching building, which is usually a specially high-tech shop, or a place where special equipment is required, general Guests who want to taste the authenticity of the authenticity will choose, and therefore the price will be slightly more expensive, the unit price is about 1000 ~ 5000 yen. "

"Finally, it is a place to choose from Ten Jie in the year. Here is a place where the truly senior restaurant gathers. The guests are also non-rich, the quality of the cuisine is also the highest, of course, the price is also the most expensive, unit price basics It is not capped above 5,000 yen. "

"Staring ~~~"

"How ... What happened? Is there anything on my face?"

Senlo shakes his head: "No, I just think that I will like a gold-fashioned iceberg, but it is actually teach people."

"What, what is good, tell you the information, you still have a laughter, I ignore you, anyway, tomorrow's official notice should be down, goodbye!"

Said, quickly walked a few steps forward, walking out of the woods, sitting on the forest, waiting for her sedan.

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