On the following day, as I said, I said, in the morning, the school staff sent [Jujucheng Festival], and the application form of the booth and the application form of the booth.

On the way back to the room, passing through the restaurant, it is clever, and there is also many Mozi and others who have breakfast inside. So, he said: "Early, Senlo, you is That is [] Notice, this time [Quality Sakura Festival] Do you want to ship? "

Senlo walked into the restaurant to find an empty position to sit down: "Yes, I also have my own research, I don't have to come back. If I come back, ordinary department has a farmland to carry out activities. , We are responsible for the diet of [Huang Sakura Festival], what about you? "

Dang River and said: "The general sector is responsible for some entertainment stores. According to I know, from the classic fishing fish, the ghost house to the aristocratic communication will seem like, but you also know that our family is a home home. Therefore, there will be no programs, basically as a helper, to undertake other commissioned groups to carry out activities, such as raising material clothing and setting stage, preparation props. [] Nothing after the official start What are we, you can enjoy the [Quality Sakura]. "

Sen Rico is surprised: "Is there any communication dance? It is not the same as high-end schools."

On the other side, there are also Mashe Pacity to raise your breakfast, and then I am sorry to scratch my brain: "That, the communication dance is the proposal of our S class, because our class is basically a student of the family, so they I feel that I have to make some things that are different from the people to show my identity, I have such a proposal, let you laugh. "

Senlo hooks: "Nothing, the Communications Dance and Restaurant can provide a good exchange of information for the people who visit the people, most of the sponsor is also hitting such an idea."

On the other hand, Senlo looked at Robert and Eliza: "How is Robert, how is the Executive Department arranged?"

"Hui Shengluo, the implementation department, the implementation department, received the appointment of the student meeting, all responsible for the security and dispatching work during the [Quality Sakura Festival], we have notified this matter to Odin, he is a person who has the ability. I will do it. "

Senli is nod: "That's good, since Robert, Elisa has Elena to help, Sister, Jolie, An Qier, Sister, Jolie, An Qier Brothers, Executive Division, take care of you, in case someone is a trouble, encounter my opponents to inform me the first time. "

Everyone: "Know it."

More Mosen is slightly exhausted and sigh: "I really envy that you have someone to help, we plan this year to engage in a farm fair together, and experience the farmhouse of rural life, other guys give me a prescription The title of the total person in charge, and then a brain will throw things to me and Hu Butterfly, I haven't slept for a few days, and I have to provide ingredients for the restaurant in the long-month, do a good job in logistics. , Think about it, big, you will come to me if you have time there. "

Large and thumbs up: "No problem, I will give us a delegation, and if you pay more, give us some delicious fruits that sell the remaining delicious fruit."

Seeing Dijiang and promised so fast, more Mosai seems to hear the gospel of heaven: "You have to come to help, fruit tube is enough, it is necessary to make a few tons."

Dang River and scratched his cheeks: "Amount, you are too arrogant, ordinary each person can give a few pounds, if the ton is calculated, it will be broken."

Senlo said with a smile: "Togo Sang You can play more, play the spirit, in order to let you have sufficient physical strength and spirit to complete the preparation, start all the meals tonight, what do you want to eat "

The restaurant is ridiculous: "Really! It's great! Wanted!"

After eating breakfast, everyone left the clouds and went to their respective campuses, and Senlo packed up and went to the long-month.

In the hallway of the teaching building, all the way is talking about [Quality Sakura Festival].

Just then, the figure of a red-haired hikesthock stopped Senlo's way to go: "Senlo, I can find you, [Empress Sakura Festival] After the end, I will win it with me!"

Senlo was scared by this sudden figure: "σ ( ° д °;) is quoted, Xing Ping, you said that you are very sleepy, don't you want to be with Ten Jie, how to Turn the target to me? "

Sprilled, I found out that I said: "The seniors of Ten Jie are not willing to make up with me, I can only find you, after all, you are not tenjie, but I have won the long-lasting photo of Ten's long. "

Senlo: "..."

I haven't waited for the opening of Senlu to refuse, a little short, a game of a game is like a hairstyle, shouting, rushing to them.

"Give me and wait!"

I came to the past, I took a long time to look at it. I was so beautiful: "Xin Ping you give me a moment, people who want to challenge Senlo, but I have been discussed, and the first grade miscellaneous fish will flash one side. "

Then, I took a long time to look at: "Senlo, [Huang Sakura Festival] and I will win and I will win! Since I lost it to you, I worked hard, this time you don't think it will be That time. "

Sprilled, I took a long time I took a long time: "I have a long time, there is always a first-come, this is the challenge application, and I have to say strong, I am stronger, I am also stronger when I was developed in the ground. Less! "

For a long time, I gave a lot of my eyes and said that I said: "Even if you become strong, it is still very far away from our realm, don't dream of Xin Ping."

When I heard this, I was so beautiful that I suddenly became a lot of light: "Since this, how long I have to fight with me, winning people get the right to Challen challenge?"

I have been here for a long time: "Oh? What are you gambling with me?"

"In the case of gambling [Huang Shui Festival], the sales turnover is a winning turnover. And if my turnover has exceeded my senior for a long time, it means that I can have more than a long time in the disuvantic. ? Please also ask you to eat with me. "

"Okay, isn't it a food, as long as you are afraid that a day turnover exceeds me, even if I lose!"

After finishing, the two eyes opposed, and the intense electric fire is eradicated.

"(= Ω =;) ah ... You don't ask my opinion, do you really do it?"

With the end of Senluo, the two brought the head next to the head. From the two different directions, they left the position of Senlo, leaving only a person in the autumn wind.

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