See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 457 Beyond Mastota

Senlo saw Yingsheng Autumn has been prepared, and it is also to take other people to their prunes.

Let Eliza and Elena two disciple-level girls stand on arsing as a rider, Senlo and Robert grab the rope of the tugger.

"Robert, you have to take full strength from the beginning."

"Followed, Senolo."

Seeing that someone challenged, the audience around them cheered.

"Little brother you can do, I am optimistic about you."

"Human improvement, don't lose to Tongmao!"

In people's refueling, both parties came to the starting line.

Just listen to: "ReadyStart!" Sounded, Mozi waved the small red flag in his hand.

At this moment, the Yuxiu autumn is rushing, and her Pharaoh is sprinkled with four hooves to ran in the direction of the vermorated.

In contrast to Yingshou Autumn, when they act, they were standing in place where they were not moving.

Just in the audience, I thought it was when they were pulled, and Senluo took a breath, and the figure was like blowing a balloon, and the upper clothes were in the upper body. Fly, revealing the solid muscles in the inside.

On the other hand, Robert is also green, and the eyes have a fierce light in the eyes.

"Σ ( д ;)"

Then, in the eyes of everyone and Ma Zhe, Senli and Robertla are full of dust, and they have more than the opponent, and the Royal Street and her patron are far behind, and the end point Relve.

Seeing such a scene, the audience on the audience, a head-tie yellow head, and the middle-aged man of the Buddha Buddha screamed: "Ah, ah! Yingsang hurry to take the truth! In order to My cheese, you have to cheer! "

However, when he shout, the leading Senlo team has come to the last slope before the end.

Senlo took advantage of Robert, and then said to the body: "Eliza, Elena, you have to hurry."

After that, Senlo and Robert both hands suddenly worked, and the entire migled is connected to the top of the passengers together, and the door is like a chain ball, and they are also the other side of the slope, and they also take this pull force It is easy to overcome the slope.

After steady land, Senlo continued to pull the silk rushed over the final line.

Suddenly, the audience sounded.

"It's too powerful, this is not something that humans can do!"

"That is to say, I didn't expect to have a day of lifting to the human being."


On the other hand, Mozi took the cheese of Senlo walked over, and there was a middle-aged man who just screams on the audience.

Mo Mozon handed a large round of cheese to Senlo, and then admired: "Although I have known you very powerful, I didn't expect it to get to this level, almost relying on one person's strength Winning the horse, it is too powerful! "

Senlo won the things you wanted to have a good mood, showing a cool smile: "Haha, I am, but I can do so, there is nothing strange."

At this time, the middle-aged man hanging on the Moisto legs stood up from the ground, and she was asked to look at Senlo: "Since I arrived in your hand, it is also a unhane thing. This cheese is like me. Things are as important as daughters, please treat her. "

On the side, more Mosoxia explained: "Zhongemao teacher, you can rest assured, Senlo is a super-class dish, which will never bury your cheese."

The Sino-Island teacher nodded silently, returning to the auditorium, left a back of everyone, but this is just his nightmare.

After Senluo, because Mei Yu wanted to buy more cheap, quality and good ingredients, after the end of the drama, Liangshan Boked a group of people came to the Agriculture and Forestry Campus under the leadership of Meifei, only poor And one original and Mei Yu together to visit the sacrifice, but the people who have been hick in the class have hick up the work of the venue, lost the opportunity to visit the [Quality Sakura Festival] together with Mei Yu.

Several people heard this Thala event in the Agriculture and Forest Campus, Apac's started to eat cheese, and everyone helpless, so I payded him.

As a result, I can know that Apac has to ran the horse with the powerful power of the Tr. and the natural animal affinity and easy to race, got the wanted cheese, but also directly to the Sino-Middle Island Smash it.

Looking at Apac's eating, the reverse ghosts and the autumn rain of the Temple, so that the teacher of the Chinese teacher's teacher was taken away, let him and his own 'daughter' a beautiful dream completely Brake, even a born feeling.

At this time, I have already sunset, Yu Jin reflects the figure of Zhongemao teachers and appends extraordinarians.

After getting the cheese, everyone looked at the time and got almost, and went to the school to go outside the school.

At the same time, under the part and one effort, the venue was packed clean, and one because there was no agreement with the US feathers, he was afraid that the beauty of the beautiful feather was angry, so she ran to the avenue area of ​​the ghouk in the distance from the school, I bought Mei Yu's favorite. Filling honey. (A Japanese dessert pouring red bean sand and brick sauce on ice cream, paddling, fruit, etc.)

"Sad, the tasks of the classmates are also completed, and the favorite sticks of Mei Yu also bought it. It should also go to Liangshan Bo to start today's practice, just don't know that Mei Yu is going back."

I thought about it, and I packed up, I walked out of the school gate.

But I haven't waited for him to get out of the wind, a cloak, the tightly people covering the face will block the face of his face, and if you don't say it, your hands are in the hands of the hand. Head.

It is only one after another, and the wolf is hiding in the ground. But his honey bought for the US Pattun, therefore slammed out from the bag, turned over.

"O (╥﹏╥) o! I am helping the beauty of the Mei Yu Sang to buy the honey! Who is this guy? Don't attack one sentence."

On the way, the people who came in angry, the man did not continue to pursue, but standing in the place, spit out two words [hidden people].

I heard these two words, and I'm just: "You are the sixth boxes under the implementation of the implementation of the implementation of the implementation department of the New Island intelligence! Why do you always find me trouble, if it is the way to build a school? I have already said, I am just right defense. "

Hobei cold channel: "Cut, the waste is dead, it is a life, and he can't get that monster, no matter which path will eventually have a good result, I am looking for you to have something to do. You confirm, you still have to talk, you tell me first, your martial arts teacher is a shower month, tell me where he is? "

One of the heads and one head shakes into the rumored drum: "No, no! Although my master is also surnamed horses, but not called the horse month, but Ma Jianxing!"

On the one side, I made a good defense, and the hob confronts.

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