See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 458 and One with Googben Summer

At the time, when both and the hidden people confront, Mei Yu et al. Also mentioned the ingredients and several large pieces of cheese to the school gate.

Farth, they see that both and hidden people are relatively, they also feel faintly murderous on the hobby.

"Well? The person is murderous! This time and the opponent's opponent is really killing the masters, and the strength of a monarch is not his opponent, no, I am going to help."

Looking at the happing, I have to go to the US feathers who have been helping, and the autumn rain in the autumn rain will pull her back: "Hahaha, this is not a fight between children? The battle is also a practice Type, have us, are you afraid that it will die for a while? "

On the other hand, the hidden man heard the one-piece explanation: "You say this, it seems to be true, although you have a shadow of my teacher's horse in your boxing, but it is like a bit of a few pieces, But there is a bit of a bit of glory, it seems that I am wrong. "

When I heard the hob, I looked with a breath: "Since it is mistaken, then we will take your hand ..."


The hidden man is a bite of the cross.

One is very surprised: "Why? Misunderstanding is not unlocked? What do you have to do it now?"

"Shut up! Your guy!"

The hidden people drink one-or-one words, then said: "I can't read it in peace, I am like yours like you, look at your pure and sighful eyes, do you believe that this world will really have Justice? I am completely different from you. I always play a role in order to live, and actually say such a carefree person like you to use martial arts for justice? Don't laugh at the dead! "

Said that the angries of angry have opened their faces. Exposed the sisteous face of the top of the top of the valley.

"I have been acting in the future, whether in the world and the world, I have been acting. I have been thinking about you to make you a little better, but I have changed my mind today. Your martial art has not formed. Although you have a lot of top-level master, you will be a bone yourself. Today, let you know, what is the real Tianchao, what is the true heel! "

Said, Googben is once again hand in the palm, and waving the arms.

"Not good, slow down!"

On the face of a consciousness, I played a punch, Gu Ben Xia took a machine, one hand of the knife, grabbed the one-piece fist, and then he didn't remember the reaction, holding a fist hand Support, with a letter and a punch to top the top of his head to his back.

I saw the valley of the valley: "Dinn, Baibin is one!"

Immediately, Go is the two arms, and there is no chance to talk to one back. The two hand knives are simultaneously smashed in both part of the back and post-columns.

"Refleading Uigh!"

As a lightning strike, two eyes flooded on the ground.

The horse sword star faces in the distance change: "Not good, the teenager is actually smiling."

The reverse ghosts next to him asked in a pleasant, "Slim Huan? What is the fist? Is it very dangerous?"

While talking about it, Ma Sword is called: "Lake the punch in many days of martial arts, the martial arts is also a kind of boxing method, when attacking, the punching arms like a knife, the most good at hitting, paying attention to Slow fast, short, fast attack, and fill the enemy in the event of the chance of the enemy. I said right, the teenage there? "

On the other hand, Ma Jianxing looked at the street lights on the side, others saw the way in the direction of him.

A young voice came up on the streetlight: "Yeah, is it found?"

"(¯ω ¯;) Do you think it is very good to hide? So many people come together, people who generally have some people will find it."

"Sure enough, it is easy to reveal. But this Master is right, and Guoben this guy has passed the orthodox training, which can be used to use the centrifugal force of the arm to put qi and blood in the hands. Increase the power and defense of both hands, his hanging boxing has a quite a high level of disciples. "

The voice falls, the air above the street lamp has flipped, and then it is like a curtain to go slowly, revealing the street light on Senlo tall.

In the shaffle of surroundings, Robert, Julie and others have also come out.

Although these people feel that they can not be too big, they don't say that they can't see deeply shadow, and they have come out so many young middle-aged people, and everyone has killing, this It means that there is no self-evident, and everyone is surprised by everyone, and a face is not worthwhile. Only Apac is still a patriarchal expression, and waving his hand in Senlo.

"Feeding ~ Agard brothers, we met again!"

Senluo is not unlikely: "Yes, we met Apacaisan, other people who met since the summer pool, don't put it so scary expressions, we are the implementation of this school Ministry, just, I took a work of safeguarding the school's public security, I heard that some people fought in the school entrance, come over and see, and resolved the responsibility. "

Not far away, Googben also discovered the movement here, I saw here: "Senlo, do you say that you want to open a restaurant, why have you always come here to take my idle?"

Senluo said: "Not because you have such a big movement, why do you want to find a disciple of Liang Shanbo now, and also choose the place where people in the school are more eye-catching, and they are also Liang Shanbo People saw it, are you trying to make trouble? Amazing on the road to the road and then kill the dead corpse, do you not see? "

Senli did not hide the discourse to quoted the people of Liang Shanbo a burst of people.

Not far from Gu Ben Xia smiled: "Yes? But how much it doesn't matter, I have solved Baibin, since his master is coming, you have to kill you, anyway They are living and punching, I don't have to kill me. "

Googben Summer looks very unhappy: "Googben Jun, self-confidence is a good thing, but confident in the battle, it will be self-contained, but it will die early."

Gu Benxia listened to Senluo, and immediately turned his head to look at Baibin and one on the ground.

At this time, the Baibin on the ground suddenly recovered the gods on the ground, and hugged the head hurting the head.

"Good pain, Gu Bang Jun, don't you know that it is dangerous? One is not good, but it is going to die."

Until this, the innocent and one still didn't realize that the Summer of Just is just wanting to go to his life.

Seeing, Googben Summer, I don't say it directly to screw the waist and cut the body. Then, the knee is blocked, and one foot slippery to the side of the ground. At the same time, the hand is in the middle of the way, the part of the ground Hit down.

At the time of crisis, one or one lazy hurricane rolled up from the ground, and the insurance did not open the attack of Gu Ben Xia.

Gu Ben Xia did not hit it, and took a shallow handprint on the cement floor of the school gate.

In the face of the pain of the pain, it is still lively and one. Gu Ben Xia is showing a surprise color: "Your guys are so amazing, eaten, I have just been in this changing, you still haven't fallen, you are still the first Oh, it seems that your body is tempered, you can keep this life, you have to thank you for your teachers. "

When I heard Googben, Ma Sword and Apaca also had incense when there was a rain at the same time, and Ma Sword is unable to sit: "This young man is very eye, it is really good."

On the other side, the autumn rain in the Queen Temple looks at your friends. The reverse ghost is directly shouting: "That is the enemy, you agree with a Ph!"

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