See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 461 Arriving at the hotel

Such proposal comes from the high-looking Rroulaw Man Magno, let everyone eat a shock, and the ghosts are wary of the words Roracman: "Your guy, what is it in the case? What is it? What is not a bad idea? "

Rarlav Man said quietly: "No, I don't have any other meaning, although I have added different forces because of the idea of ​​ideas, I am from all the people in Liang Shanbo and some of us. In the near future, if the two sides will have a death and injury, so I want to take this opportunity to get together once, so that the two sides do not regret the whole force in the future battle, after all, this is the first Second, it may be the last time. "

Listening to the explanation of Roofravman, some people on the dark nodded and felt that it didn't seem.

After behind the sickle [Death Wu Wang] Mikhai Starbin opened a mouthful of sharks, haha ​​laughed: "Hahaha, I understand, Ravman is what I want to As the killion of Liangshan Bo, it is also right, eat this meal. When you see you, you can don't die, you have to make a sense! But your luck is so good, Senli The cuisine is very delicious, so the luxurious kill is in the world. "

Mikhail Stelbe let Liang Shanbo's own expression, only Apac is pleased to call: "Wow, white beard grandfather, do you want to ask us to eat? Great, Agad, You have heard that there is no, Apac has a big meal. "

Agard looked at Apac's pleasure: "Okay, I heard, don't do Apaz."

After the side of Baibin came to Apati, I pulled the corner of Apac, and the small voice said: "Apacazang, you are doubt, if this is a trap, isn't we dangerous?"

Apac is listening to it, but shakes his head: "Apac knows that Agard is not such a person."

The people present are masters, and the Baibin is all in the ear, and the beautiful clouds are cold. "Young people, are you looking for us? What we pursue is thoroughly winning After you, how can I use these tactics that don't enter the stream, you will have our disciples to come, we will not do it, so you will be relieved, but you still say you. Liang Shan Bei is afraid? Do you dare not even eat meals? This is what you can't eat in the end of the battle of invincible Superman. "

After a temptation of the Mei Beach, the other people of Liang Shanbo did not help but swallow a sight of saliva. The reverse ghosts were taken in the back: "Part, play the spirit, you are the first of our Liang Mountain Disciples, can not let people look flat. "

The Ma Sword Star, also nodded: "Yes, Xiao Zong, a meal, why is there anything else. If you don't want to let the dark people look down on our Liang Mountain?"

Although Ma Jianxing said the righteousness, he concentrated on the sight of the beautiful people.

And there is no such thing as the rain, just a pair of eyes, always staring at the opposite people.

Lihua said that [hundreds of martial arts] is the disciple of Xiangqua Balang, the raining of the rain, is also the brother of the rain.

Finally, the Queen Temple autumn rain agreed: "Since you are difficult but, the opportunity is rare, we respect it respect."

So, the people of Liang Shanbo took the team with trembling Baibin, all the way to the [High Taiwan area] all the way.

The scenarios here are completely different, and now it is already the time in the store in other regions, but here still try a bustling scene of the paper drunken.

The road to run is a medieval style carriage, there is a rare transportation, the four-week architectural style is also a beautiful, saying that it is a concentrated world.

And the guests here are also beautiful, full of on-stream.

At this time, the Baibin and one have not been panicked before, as if Liu Yujin entered the big garden, and I went up.

"It's too powerful! Here is what is going on! The difference in other areas is too big! It's just like it's a different world!"

Senlo smiled and introduced: "This is the difference between the customer's level. Most of the guests reserved here are more expensive, and they are busy with various matters during the day. Only in the evening can come to taste the food, so in order to cooperate with them, Most of the stores here are officially started at night. "

I heard this, Baibin and a trembling, I started to think about it: "I ... I remember ... this should be very expensive here? You will not think about the huge meal to our head On, let us Liang Shanbo fall into the financial crisis? "

Baibin and one suspect suspect that the people of Liangshan Bo shook his head, and the dark people were smirked.

Senlo took a shot and one shoulder: "Haha, one, you can rest assured, the gentleman is difficult to chase, although we are not a gentleman, but it is not a gentleman, but it is not in this kind of thing, saying that you ask you Eating is to ask you to eat, don't need your spend a penny. "

Continue to take a road, a brilliant Tian Dynasty palace appeared in front of everyone, at this time, the palace arch is closed, at the door, the two groups of guests have been waiting for it, Elisa is explaining with them. Tonight is full of Chinese charters.

Today's two groups of guests, a group of chefs and related personnel of the King Village Source Erlang and his hand.

Another group is the ethnic family led by Zuo Shan, and his heart in the college. You can also see the figure of and , O'Rele did not return D wheat after selection of Diki in autumn, and Schönzongwei flew over the plane from D wheat in order to take dinner with his wife daughter.

It is reasonable to take care of Alice and her mockwork, and today they are very shameless because of the things of the stalls because of the things of the stalls. The two of the idea of ​​converting the mood together. Follow it, it can be said that in addition to being busy in the restaurant, the people who have other people come come at present.

Senlo greeted the two sides, then looked at the time, and made a eye to the classes.

Senlo personally took the guests to go in. When they entered the door, she immediately gave all the guests to welcome tea and a small piece of pastries called the entry dessert.

Suddenly, everyone felt a strong ceremony to felt the face.

Everyone used the rules to use the welcome tea to pick the mouth, holding a snack, and followed the inside of Senli to the palace.

Along the way, all kinds of exquisite palace lights and finely crafted wealthy white porcelain, which can be seen everywhere, and there is a vintage Western clock, and there is a breath of a late Republic of China. Let the guests have a pleasing sense. .

Especially in the artist claiming [annihilation of the boxer] Yali Shan Zhuo · Kai Dada is more admired, and even the Queang Temple, the autumn rain of the hostile camp, can't help but make a praise to the essay of Senlo.

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