To the inside of the palace, first, it is included in the eyes of everyone, and writes the [Mandarin's full seat] words, and the column on both sides of the gold also wrote a couplet:

[ Banquet Autumn Wind]

[The aura is very delicious]

In the positive center of the palace, three huge round tables were released, and 3 large round tables were divided into three relatively independent spaces. Not far from the opposite table, there is a stage, giving people an ancient wind and formal feeling.

At this time, the top theme has been set up, the theme is far away, and the flowers of the ruby ​​and yellow crystals are blooming in white jade, in the water mist and dry ice. Reflections of crystal clearness and extraordinary.

Alice said: "Ah, it is a beautiful dress, Senlo, this legendary Manchuan is really better than expected."

Silver slightly smiled: "I didn't expect to hear the voice of the praise from you to the person who walked in the forefront of the times. The opposite of your philosophy, the full man can be said to be a traditional cuisine, just like this The furnishings are called the theme. It is something that exists in the banquet in order to inform the theme of the guests. This banquet is [Flowers to open rich, Fushou Corning], so I use blue and white radish as branches, red heart radish and carrots for Flowers, engraved this scene of flowers blooming. "

[] Village Source Erlang clapped: "This has not yet a banquet has given guests to see great satisfaction, and the intentions of the Han Famous Conception, when you are there."

Not only that, the exquisite knife of Senlo has won the unanimous praise of everyone, especially the eight-pool, sinner, and the light from this theme is enough to see that these year Senluo is on the steering cutting tool. Kung Fu has reached a deep realm.

Around the theme, it has already placed four dried fruits, four candied, four fresh fruits, and a variety of style, a size of a large and sizes (that is, all kinds of gang nations), watching Apa The side water flows.

Then, I saw that Senlo once again finalized the time, and immediately showed that everyone stopped, and she walked into the golden plaque in the palace. She was very ritual. "" 6, Guanghua Qianqiu! Dear Dear guests, today is the full Golden Autumn banquet, Ji Ti is arriving, please come to the seat, fall in a safe ~! "

After the instructions of Senli, the people followed: "Upset tea!"

Immediately, a group of waiters came out from the pair of fish from the palace, and sent a cup of milk with rich milk tea for those who landed.

"This is [Palace White Yushu Tea] Please taste it."

A sweet milk tea is in the throat. Everyone's body and mind are unconsciously relaxed. Apac is going to grasp the snacks on the table, but it is taken back by the opposite of the ghosts.

Seeing people drinking milk tea, Senli continued: "Today, I was refined by my Batri's executive kitchen. This time, this time, the full-haired man, I tried to restore the style of the Tianchao late Qing Dynasty. I have to enter the door, welcome Guest tea, there is a seating tea, and the theme is protoplastic and four dried fruits, four households, four fresh fruits and Mansion table. "

Then, Senlo pointed to the table of Man and Han, for everyone:

"Red Bai Mooncake, Wiring Mooncake, Dry Vegetable Mooncake, Sanshui Moon Cake, Guntang Butter Cake, Radish Mo, Seven Star Furcar Cake, Sun Yipin Bai Cake, Babao Tongs, Gulus, Fried Triangle, Rose, Sugar Fire, Shaqima, see the wind, deer meat crisp, box crisp, rose chestnut crisp, snorkel tea, all in front of you. "

Introduced, Senluo returned to the back kitchen and prepared to make the following dishes.

After returning to Senlo, a play class mounted on the in advance, and started to perform the drama of the Tianchao, and suddenly put the atmosphere of the palace is like a true ancient court banquet, lively.

Although the people under the stage do not necessarily listen to what to sing, but as a cultural act, the charm is still some.

And compared to the drama, everyone now puts more energy into a variety of desks of the table.

Although I know that I haven't officially placed, I also know that there is more delicious things behind, but everyone is eating the first dessert, I am not born again and again.

The taste is crispy, the flavor is stretched, and it is brittle and unwaped and fragrant. Let everyone have a feeling that I can't stop.

Amati has gone his eyes behind him.


Immediately, Apac was so lightning, and it was full of snacks in a moment. Two lugs, both hands were still constantly stretched into the table, while said:

"(¯ ~ ¯) chew! This is good! Ah! That is fine, everyone is fast, these snacks will be good!"

Watching Apac's clothes starved to death, Agard frowned: "Hello, what kind of bitter life is in the last time, how can you let a special A of yours in this? Is the rich country hungry into this pattern? "

"Well ~~~"

Everyone in Liang Shanbo is closed. Only one of the laughs, whispered: "Haha, recently because some of the fiscal crisis, so Apac's cost is very small, so today's contrast is special so big..."

Unfortunately, he once again was heard again, and the ghost glanced one: "One, don't say that Apac is suffering, I have already drunk, I have been drinking a month, this month I haven't drunk, I haven't drunk. "

The country is crying to listen to the appeal of the ghosts, quietly said: "Negle, you know that there is such a skill, but you can't understand what you are thinking, as long as you are willing, you are How much do you have to make money? "

The reverse ghost is to twisted the head: "Hey, the purpose of martial arts is to promote the weakening, promote justice, definitely not making money."

Diag Carlo lost a Shaqima while smiling: "Hahaha, said so crown, but to the end because this concept puts his frame inverted, is it inverted? With this means to make money, you don't understand what you have, even if you sweeping a few black and evil forces, then you will use their money, it is better than you are so strong. "

A little disdainful "cut", said: "Even if you say that these guys will not understand, and we just don't do it, as long as we have this meaning, even if you don't have to have a lot of martial arts. The way to make money is like autumn rain, he will paint a picture, and sold a few million yen in the last time, it will be a few months on this. "

After listening to the appearance of the ghosts, the autumn rain in the Queu Temple is a bit unsatisfactory: "Reverse ghosts, painting and calligraphy is all art, like martial arts, is not used to make money, I was sold to him because of the old gentleman. "

The ghosts are awkward: "...

Opposite, Yali Shan Zhuo · Kai Dadotard: "For this point, I agree with Mr. Yue Temple, the art is good, let us stay away from the fighters, I didn't expect Liang Shanbo and art. People, I really want to find time to communicate, suddenly feeling that you are a pity. "

On the side, Agard is immediately tempting: "Apac, I didn't expect you to be so hard in Liangshan, in order to improve the strength, the necessary nutrition is also an essential part, how, do you want to come here, just You will turn it again into the dead god on the platform, not only to eat, drink, there are many other benefits. "

The ghost is ready to take a table: "Hey! What is your guy?"

On the side, Apac is revealed, just wants to open, suddenly the face change.

"(* ⊙ ~ ⊙) !"

Immediately, Apac was constantly playing his chest with his fist, and filling a cup of milk with a part of the help, he finally slowed over.

Subsequently, he smiled and said to Agard: "Thank you for your brother, but still count, although Liang Shanbo does not have any money, everyone is a good person, and they are very happy with them, and now I also have disciples. People, so I will not go with you. "

When I heard Ajiacha, Agard was helpless, and the people of Liang Shanbo rushed, silently and did not speak.

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