See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 467, De Chuanchen

In this way, the first day of the [Quality Sakura] has been successfully completed, and the Senli's restaurant has a 1500W of the account, and the number on the list is rushed to the forefront.

After returning to the cloud, I saw the number of the school newspaper, Senluo knows that in the first day, I still have two deficit stalls, and Senlo took the newspaper and did not help but feel: "Sprining is really really enemy. Long time I take a long time. "

The side of Elisa revealed a face this expression: "Just the store is configured, long time I have to lose it to him is a difficult thing? I really don't know where he is confident, actually in this configuration. I dare to challenge. "

"Haha, it is true, but is it interesting to be this more interesting? Well, I will continue to open tomorrow, I will sleep early."

After saying, Senlo returned to the room alone. He is almost a person who has been operated at 3 tables. It is indeed tired. Even if you need to play every night [Unlimited world] Hard helmet does not bring, lying in bed I slept.

Early the next morning, students came to their own stores as early as yesterday, and prepared for today's business.

When the opening time arrived, after the first day of the tourist promotion, the next day, more tourists poured into the courtyard.

However, when everyone is enjoying the [Quality Sakura], a black high-end car parked in front of the Royal Caasty School of Directive, the office building, a short old man in the bodyguard. Accompanied from the car.

Don't look at this old man, but anyone in the scene does not dare to have half a score, because he is the biggest fighting group of this watch world, the owner of Tokyo Dawn, the Boxing will be created. The proceedings of General Dechuan's future generations of Deichuan's current owner of Deichuan.

Unlike the mystery of the mystery of the mystery that the mystery flowing out of the fists, the mystery of the Tokyo Dawn under the Tokyo Dawn is widely known between the people of the martial arts and the upper part of the society. As long as you have money to buy the boom, No one can go in and watch, many world famous fighters, sports players are invited to play in the game, and they are a fight against the holy place.

I saw the secretary of Dechuan Yuchen, and the secretary of the Violet of the Yuanyuan was quickly notified her.

The violin that is being inspected in the school is rushing to come over.

"Mr. Dechawa is really exciting, I feel unexpected, I don't know if I have a good job today?"

I looked at the exotic vibin, De Chuanchen said with a smile: "Oh, it is a big head of the classics. I have lost my big beauty for a few years. I don't have to be so serious. Although I have something to come today. Candle with you, but not a special trip to find you, can you help me call my family's champion? "

After that, the Violens who played the garden took a step by step to the VIP reception room.

In a short while, I took a hurt, and the students in my hand walked into the reception room under the leadership of the Songdian Zhizi. Dechuan Ji Chen saw the student, excitedly jumping from the sofa.

"Hey, my champion is coming!"

But after seeing Dechuan Gongchen, Fan Ma Blances revealed a disadvantaged face: "Who is your champion, really, what are you doing? I am enjoying the Academy of Confucius, this year It is the last year, I can't enjoy it after I miss it. "

On the side of the garden, the violent sound of the Violet is not from the corner of the mouth. Dare to be called Dechuan Everbright ministers, it is also a fanatic and his cheap old man.

In this regard, Dechuan Yanthen is not angry, but he greets the fan-shadding to teeth, then keeps around, leaving only the violi and Fan Mae blades to stay indoors.

After seeing Fanma Blade, Dechuan's asked: "You still look old, cut your teeth, how, is it, is there a little injury?"

Fanma blade is impatiently swelling to the arm of gypsum and bandage: "Faster, the doctor said that there are still two or three days, you should remove the gypsum, say that you will not visit my injury today. Simple? "

De Chuanchen smiled and did not answer the problem of Fanma Blade, but asked: "Black teeth, do you know what is [commonality phenomenon?"

"(O_o) ?? Time ... ?"

Fan Malang, which is very poor, has been asked, is asked.

Dechuan Jigui explained: "It is [common sense phenomenon] A phenomenon of the same change. "

Fanma blade nodded, and then asked again: "Old man, this phenomenon, what is the relationship with you?"

Speaking of this, Dechuan Ji Chen's expression is serious: "These days, no, it should be said to be Tokyo, there will be a group of terrible characters."

"Scary person?"

"Yes, it is five terrible death penalty, and they are extraordinary, and the local distribution of detained is also the north of Tianzhai, but after the information of [To travel to Tokyo] at the same time, this is The so-called [common time]! Do you know what this means? "

Fanma's blade sighed a breath: "They don't hesitate to come to Tokyo for what is the sake of the sake of this big holiday."

"The purpose is different, and some is for many years ago, some are to try to defeat the taste, and some are to find their own bones. But blade, this is not the key."

"Isn't it the key?"

De Chuanchen said excited: "No matter which one is in the prison, it can kill the masters of more than a dozen fierce prisoners, and they do not use any weapons when they kill, do you know what this means?"

Fanma blade shook his head, Dechuan Guangchen sounded the "" of the table, continued to call: "This means that they are both a strong fighting family! If I want to say, they can't do it. Holding you. "

Fanma blade was scared by Deichuan's words: "Old man, have you made a mistake, I am not the strongest, just this school is stronger than me, two hands have a number, the front section Time Tianzhuo will, there are several grades of simple and strong mess, why do you think they are all rushing, if they really come to me, then I can only say that they are prison The limit is too serious. "

Deichuan's confident said: "I know one or two people in this school this year. They are really strong, but you are different, you are still called the strongest creature. The blood of the man, and the most important thing is that the groundwork representative is the world. The criminals themselves are in the world, that is, this time, the fighters and fighters may have to explode a fierce conflict. ! You are the champion of my ground, they must come back to find you. "

Looking at the Sagawa Give minisher, Fan Ma's blade with his hand, sigh: "Old man, you can make you feel like this, it is too exaggerated, but if they are really looking for Come over, I will deal with them. But you have to pray that they have not encountered those who are stronger than me, or they may be killed before they come to me. "

Dechuan Yongchen, one shot: "There is a word you, if they are playing with others, it is also an unexpected hi, as long as you can see high-level battles, olders are happy."

Said, Deichuan's Gentons looked at the vibinal Yin Yin: "Take the gimmick of the hospital, you have heard it, you are in the first few days, in order to prevent burst of battle to hurt the average person , I suggest you strengthen the power of the preparation, this is what I come to find you. "

Move the vibeum nod to: "Mr. Die Dechuan reminded that I will enhance the safety of the school."

Get satisfactory reply, De Chuanchen turned out of the room: "In this case, then I will leave."

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