See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 468 of the dead prison

At the same time, in the conference room of the police sector, the high-level high-level high-level police in the news is in an atmosphere.

Police Hall Criminal Minister Xiaotian Chimong standing the forehead, pointing to the photo on the projector: "Dollyan in the Algades prison in the country, the same TKK, Y Guolio The prison of the prison, Maozi Evans Jail, Sikolski, and Liu Longguang, which contains a five prisoners, which contains himself, successful at the same time, at the same time. No relevance is found between five people, but weird is that these five people have left information about Tokyo. "

To put it here, Xiaodaek is clearly clear, and he sees the Agum Valley, which is sitting in the chamber, said: "If these five extreme prisoners really come to the book, then, even if they gamble. The face of the hall must also take them to return to the case, Agum Valley's brother, will rely on you and your previously trained the armament motor force. "

Agu Valley made a gift, saying that he does not contain any feelings: "Criminal Minister, please pack it on me, the evil will end by sanction, justice will always be extended."

Xiaodae Mili nodded, then the arms took a turn: "But you don't give yourself too much pressure, the FBI, Y's military situation in the rice, the KGB of Maozi has promised to give us as much as possible. help."

Just then, a criminal panicked from the police uniform ran in and said to the ear of Xiaodae Mili said: "Minister, big things are not good! A police car in our part has been unknown on the patrol. At the attack, it was said that the attacker said that the attacker was a European and American people. He hit a police car into a bunch of scrap iron. The two criminals who were patrolling in the car were confirmed to die. One of them did not know why they were attacked. The right hand. It is the possibility of these five fugitives. "

Xiaodae Militan's anger: "What! Just arrived in Tokyo, he attacked the criminal of the police department. It is too arrogant! Everyone, the meeting will open it here, and our people have discovered the trace of suspected death row. Two criminals have been Kill, Agutan, you will go with me, let's go on the scene, you must take this Stoney to take the case! "

After listening to Xiaotian Chimin, the police bureau is also anger. When I arrived in Tokyo's first killing is the criminal of the police seal, which is like throwing the face of the police in the ground and rubs back and forth.

Aguugu Qingqiu heard the order and nodded, immediately got up and followed Outukigan out of the meeting room.

When I came to the scene, I saw a police car that had been completely scrapped, and the two of the two people wrinkled.

"This is just like a super high car hit the scenery of the wall. How can I get a police car to this level?"

Xiaotian Chimen completely thought about the murderer's commitment process, so he looked at the Agugu Kaiu: "Agu Valley, you are the strongest battle of our police, change is you, can you do this? ? "

Agum Valley is sure to nod: "Taking my physical strength, the disruption of the police car is not a problem, but according to the scars on the police car, the murderer is powerful, and the power may be on me. "

During the speech, the voice of the Qingqiu, Agum Valley couldn't help but be serious. According to the analysis of the Qingqiu, Agutum, the overall strength of the murderer should be between the middle-level Daren and the high-level person, and it is unlimited to the high-end people. I can't kill the killer. In the case of, it is quite difficult to live to catch him, so Agum Kaiqing silently gave up the idea of ​​life catching.

After the exploration was completed, Xiaodae Mili found the witnesses of the scene: "Do you remember the long appearance of the murderer?"

That witnessed witnesses were immediately asked: "No, it's too sudden to see it too clearly."

"This way, do you see if these five people meet the appearance characteristics?"

As I said, Xiaotian Chimin took out 5 death prisoners to see the witnesses.

I swept a photo, and the eyewitness was suddenly bright, and pointed to one of them: "It is him, it is him!"

The person of the witnesman's finger is the Skie who escaped from the LV5 seabed prison in the rice country.

Xiaodae Militan and Agutan Qingqiu have paved a look, then asked: "Do you see the direction of the murderer?"

Witnesses pointed out along the road: "He is escaping along this road. When you walk, you look like a celebration in your mouth, see what you are."

As soon as I heard this, Xiaota Coemen is in the heart: "That is the direction of the Queen's Cartine College, now there is a [ ], gathered a lot of tourists, if Stoney will fight there will cause unfairly harm!"

Said, Xiaodae Militan immediately picked up the mobile phone to notify the police station, let them take the people to rush to the Queen's Cartine College, and the autumn and Agutan are clearing the past.

At the same time, [Huang Sakura Festival] Long-month campus Avenue area, now there is still a period of time, but the [World Accounts] American street car front and yesterday have risen the long righteous team.

Fanma Blade Yesterday, because of the invitation of the girlfriend, the invitation of the Japojiang Tip, helping the entertainment booth inside the operating class, so when he is settled to this booth, all the cooking has been sold.

Today, in order no longer repeated the same mistake, Fan Ma Blances came over to queue up early after seeing Dechuan Gongchen.

The American burger, lobster roll, and the lobster roll, and the seductive fragrance of the food in the food, and the shed tears in the team, the tears of the squad, the tears, no gas, from the corner of the mouth.

As at this time, a figure suddenly pushed the queue, after the team stood behind him, Fan Ma blade suddenly made a big bell in the heart, and quickly turned and put it on the battle mode.

I saw that the figure was high, and it was more than two meters, and the people were really strong, even if it was a long trench coat, it can also be seen in the long-standing like a rock-like muscle angular corner.

On the other hand, the cold is not close to the team. The latter guests are very unpleasant, and there are several more people who want to let the jackets roll to the back to queue.

I heard the complaints from behind, the one was not slow, and the murderous murderous gas, shrouded the team behind, and the whole team was silent. Some timid girls were directly The legs are sitting on the ground.

Looking at the shadow of the murderous murderous, Fan Ma's face is not surrounded by gloomy: "You are really terrible, the five dead prisoners from Dechuan's old man, you are one of them?"

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