See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 482, more difficult banquets (below)

On the occasion of Sikolsky, Senlo's voice rang from the store: "Robert, the district is a false person, is there no solution yet? If you don't want to make anyone else to eat Cooling is very rude. "

Robert turned and saw that Senluo did not know when to decreasing the dress from the kitchen.

Robert quickly apologized: "It is very sorry that Sorono, because there is no unexpected obstacle, so there is no solve."

Senlo looked at Sikolski and Fan Ma's blade in front of the hotel, and he turned his head to the side of Fan Ma Yong, guess the reason.

"Yeah, he is the son of Mr. Fan Ma Yong Lang, although I can understand what you want to make your child's mind, but if you can, please also choose to choose other places, you will hinder me. Opening, and, in case the purpose of training is not reaching, it will die, then it is not worth it. "

Fan Ma Yong Lang grins: "Haha, you really dare to say, the courage is not small, the Wusian's little ghost."

"Whate, if this is the amount of courage, what is the killer business, I have died, isn't it?"

Before the hotel, Fanma Blade is not good to see this Senlo: "Your guy, what is the meaning of just happening!"

"It will be like this."

At the same time, the Senli figure has disappeared in the field of view of Fan Ma's blade, and it came to him.


Fanma blade has not been able to react, I feel that the chest pain is hurt, slow down, I saw that Senli's hand knife was extremely extremely extremely unparalleled, and inserted his chest, straight to him. The heart part, the fan-debris can even feel that the hands of Senlo have touched his myocardium.

"How to make a classmate, now I can stop your heart slightly, you can stop your heart. It is difficult to live in the hands of others. I have a chance to experience it. I am not opposed to your girlfriend. Angry is also able to improve the ability to increase, but give your body to anger, ignore it around you. "

Senli stood up to the Songben Tailings of the ground: "And what is the first thing you have to do now? Isn't it to take your girlfriend? Although Robert is not a deadly part, but has always let her blood Will go so, she will still die. "

It is said that the Evonna will take the hand knife from the chest of Fan Ma's blade, but the miracle has no wound.

Under the double pressure of the strength and reality of Senlo, Fan Malang is full of anger, and it is also necessary to check the injury on the body. The rough feeling is really hunting, and then picked up the mountain. Tip River ran in the direction of the medical room.

On the side, Sikolski sees the fan to teeth, you don't play one place: "Hey, I will enjoy your fight, I will fight you, but you can Now I want to run, I have such a good thing! "

Said, he stretched his hand to the fans who ran over him.

But on the way, the hand of Senlo is like a toron pliers, and the force of Sikolski is generally grabbed. With the strength in the hand, Xikolsky's bones have emitted, but he regardless of him Struggling, you can't break from Stern's binding.

"Sikolski, when you were sent to prison by Mr. Sanjilf, you should be old and old, should not run again, and should not appear in front of us."

Sikolski bites his teeth to see the young face: "Ah! At that time, he stood in Yari Mountain Zhuo · Kai Dadi!"

Senli Micro-: "I didn't expect you to remember me? I remember that you look like a middle-level person before entering prison. With the strength of physical fitness, you can have two tricks with advanced people, these years look at you. There is no white over prison, and the strength has also improved to the high level. "

Sikolski is proud of, completely forgotting that he is still in the control of Senlo.

"Oh, it is of course, I have a long exercise every day in prison, which is one day to find Sangjilf and Yali Mountain Zhuo · Kaida's an arrow!"


Silver didn't hold back, Xikolsky asked: "Your guy, what is a ridicule, you don't really think this, let me catch me!"

Senlo extended a finger to sway: "No, day really should be you, you will not think that Mr. Sangierl, who has already used all the strength, tell you, he is not Ability to kill you, but because he is a living box, can't kill you. But this time you hit my muzzle, I am afraid you have no chance to see him, after all, I will wait [darkness] can be like him. tender."

After that, the Nikolsky has reacted, and Senlo grabs his hand, the wrist is turned to, like the sack, usually, the Sikolski will fall on the ground.

"Beach Flow · Quartet!"

At a moment of Senli, there was a lot of human pits in the ground, and the Sikolski "Wow" in the pit sprayed a blood.

"Oh ... Oh, did you want to grab this level? However, can you win me?"

During the speech, the Sikolsky in the pit stretched into the clothes pocket, and then smashed out, and a shiny shiny thing suddenly hit the door of Senlo.

Under the urgent urgency, Senlo had to release Sikolski, then qi and blood inserted in his hands, and the passive passiveness in front of him, with hard gas, the object hit the objects on both sides.

Looking at the glass fragments of " ", Senluo regrets sighs: "What is, it is a glass slag, your trick is not a few years ago, it still likes these small means. "

Sikolski has jumped from the pit, and a bloody breath is spit on the ground: "Hey, how do you say, use all things that can be used, this is actual combat."

On the other hand, he quickly retreated, and he was a distance.

However, Senlo will make him succeed, when Sikolsky retreat, Senli's shock is on the ground, and the surrounding cement earthquake is broken, countless cement blocks, and the stone block all DPRK Western Collsky is flying.

Sikolsky saw immediately, but when he shot down all the flying things, Senlo was just approaching his arrows.

Then, only see Senlo is like a big tree, and the other is kicked out by a post-column search, and go straight to the Xickesky's jaw.

"Is Sone Broken!"

Sikolsky should be kicked in half of the air, and the Senlo feet in the following is on the ground, and go to Sikolski in half of the air.

In half an air, Senlo's feet clamping Sikolsky's head, the entire people's tornado drive Sikolsky to the ground.

"John to roll up ~ Dragon Jime!"

Just listening to the "bang", the sharp wind pressure when landing spread around, brought a large smaller dust, blocked everyone's sight.

In a short while, smoke disappeared, Senlo stepped in the face of Sikolski's head in front of everyone.

At this time, the Sikolsky head has been completely deformed, and the limbs and neck are already like a tattered line puppet to twisted to the strange direction, and the chest is also concave, and there is no signs of life.

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