See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 483, Sino Village

"Daishi, this is solved in this way, please also go back to continue to enjoy the cuisine, Robert, told a few people to pack it here."

The strength of Senluo Killing Xikorteki made many people remember the terrible, see Senluo speaking, many people turned around to go to the store.

As soon as Sorlo's back, the familiar siren sounded, several police cars that flashed the police lights were rude in the door of the hotel.

This time, in addition to Xiaotian Chi Men and Agum, Aida, which participated in assistant, was also gone from the police car.

Seeing standing in front, Agu Valley, a pair of fighting gestures, Senuo, Zengli, Yao: "Oh, this is not Agu Valley Sang? Recently, I really see it, but this time you are late. Oh, here is over. "

On the other hand, Senlo lifted the Sikolski under the feet, and threw the past to the autumn of Agum Valley.

"Hey, then."

Agum Valley Qingqiu took the flight of Sikolsky, and his face was not good to look at Senlo.

Senluo was scared, pushing up: "Agu Valley Sang, don't use so scary eyes, this guy suddenly kidnapped a female student, I also came to my restaurant, I didn't say it, I will hurt people, I am this But just defense, guests present can be certified. "

During the speech, from time to time, Senli looked at those guests from time to time, and felt the eyes of Senlo, most of the guests nodded their affirmation.

Agugu Qingqiu black face looks like this result, but there are so many identity people to testify, but he is not good on the spot, but she has to suppress the impulse of themselves.

On the other hand, Olibi also went to Ada them, and he wanted to open your arms. "Oh, Oh, Mr. Xiaoda, Mr. Xiaoda, you are still quite late, the banquet has already begun. "

More familiar with Olib's Burt Yalai, Eisa wiped a cold sweat, and then slightly stunned, said: "Well ... I haven't seen it for a long time, MR. Oliba, can It's better to see you so much. "

Senlo was also coming over: "Is the original guest of Mr. Oliba? I really gathered back, but I really gathered some faces of people, I haven't seen it for a long time. Welcome to you, welcome. "

In the face of the enthusiasm of Senluo, if he does not know that Senlo is a dangerous molecule that is just killing people, Eida is so excused to believe that this child is just an ordinary craftsmanship, now, Eida can only barely respond: "Amount ... Hello, I haven't seen you for a long time, Senlo Boy."

Senluo hurriedly said: "Since everyone is a guest, it is not a matter of talking, and there is a good wine, please enter the goods."

As I said, Senlo took the guests back to the hotel.

Without the harassment of annoying flies, the next banquet is very smooth, everyone puts down the heavy burden on the shoulders in front of the food, concentrate on the delicious world.

However, the lack of beauty is that the table of Oliba and Fan Ma Yonglang is because of the existence and deterrence of the two, in addition to Maria, people come to other police bodies.

The banquet continued until the late night, and the guests left Senlo's restaurant with satisfaction as a heart-owned snack.

After Senlo and the employee picked up the kitchen, I just launched the door of the restaurant, a black figure came to the door of the hotel.

Seeing that people, Senli let the employees will go back first, then they slowly move toward the figure.

"Oh, I haven't seen you for a long time, you appear in this place at this time, indicating that your plan is time to pay, Mr. Zhongcun."

With the words of Senlo, the figure came out of the darkness, showing the original face under the street lamp, is a man who has been exiled by the distinctive month, but also the opportunity of Bartri to enter the opportunity, Zhongcun thistle.

Santun thistle returned to Senlo: "Hello, I haven't seen Senluo chef, you said yes, my midplane has arrived at the stage, and I have already contacted it, tomorrow night, will It is a day from this year, and the student's co-ordination and teaching work also hope you can help. "

Sorlo gave him a ok gesture: "No problem, anyway, I will promise you will help you. I am waiting to see the big play you brought."

Sino village is slightly owed: "So, please look forward to it."

After saying, the tracules returned to the darkness of the roadside again.

The next day, I held a week [Huang Sakura Festival] is also close to the end, the booth of the other regions has begun to disassemble and sweep, but [high Taiwan area] is still light.

In Senlo's restaurant, the banquet is full of heat, and at the same time, it has ushered in a random guest with the restaurant in the high-cutting area.

Sino-Village, who is wearing a black long windbreaker, has entered a restaurant.

At this time, the restaurant, who was in the house, was still in the official state, and the new households who served as the waiter quickly pulled the road: "Sorry Mr., we are full appointment system, no appointment, guests can't enter ... Ah! You are! "

In the words of half, see the face of the Chinese village, the new households are stissible in the original place, and in the side of the case, the squeezing of the event change is like a dead ash, and the body is hurting.

If there is no one to walk to the center of the hotel, Zhongcun Dunge, facing the paint Life: "Picture Lai Nai, these low-level guys can not match your cuisine, you should choose the guests, or even your own taste It will also be low. "

In this way, the guests in the restaurant brush the brush in the restaurant.

"Kid, do you think you are!"

"Apologize, give me a apology! Otherwise you want to look good!"

In the sound of the sound, I have said that I am in the autumn selection of Xi'ei to cultivate my face: "Kid, you are, do you know this, do you know what you know?"

And his own table with his hand with the chitoba Sissora, uncertain open mouth: "The man ... I have an impression, it seems to be a scholastic ..."

I was reminded by Anton, and Xi Tian's repair has also recognized the man in front of him, can't help but scream: "Uh huh? Yes! Are you exiled for a long time before many years? what!"

Sino-Village is slightly smile: "I didn't expect that some people remember me, it's right, just as you said, I am a father, and the scorpion is also."

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