See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 484 Unusual Father and Women

"The father of Miss La Nai, I only saw it in the school's abandoned information ..."

Looking at the scent of the villages stood in the center of the hotel and the squats of Schpese trembled, the new households could not help but sounded the father's teachings.

"Rashi, please forget to have a father, the father, there is absolutely don't ask anyone, do you know?"

Although I didn't understand the meaning of my father, I saw the Realism and seeing the reactions of the Niki Lai Nai, the new households felt that they understood the meaning.

After listening to the authors of Sino Village, many guests have a disturbing, but some have some partners who have been relying on the mountains without going to take him seriously.

Seeing that he started from entering the door, it is so excited: "What character is said, you suddenly broke into the dining bureau of the people, the opening is three four, I can't see how good you can Quality. "

I heard someone, others followed up with it.

"That is, you have a guy who went out of the way by the distant month, come to us!"

"We have signed the formal cooperation between the contract with the long-month, let our face, no light is not a long-term face, your guy can't eat it,"


Looking at the guests surrounded by yourself, the sigh of the sigh of the sorrow of the Sino Village: "Hey, it is a pity of a group of fox false tiger, but it is because of this, I am here, for the present. For a long time, she corrected her to her original attitude. "

"What are you talking about stupid!"

Most of the guests are the relevant joints of the Yuanyue, and they obviously unable to understand the words of the Chinese village.

And the monument of the village has not ignored them, and she will continue to say: "You can't understand it, because you are in the old, the gourmet guy, there are several people who really understand 'delicious' Really mean? Real food, in fact, like those excellent art and music, all the true value of all first-class artworks is not much, there is talented talent, and the day after tomorrow can be received by orthodox education Understand, and the remaining fools are just the values ​​given by the wind, people are also clouds, knowing that they don't know how they happen, not outside. "

Speaking of this, Sino village can sweep a circle around the diners, saying with a contemptuous tone: "The 'real food' also follows such rules, only people who know her can share their original value, only doing At this point, you can match the word [cuisine], this is not called the cuisine, because it is just 'feed'. "

For the speech of Sino-Village, most people put in him to see the fool's general gaze. Just now, Xi Tianzhi Teiyu is directly ridiculed: "The little brother, I am really thank you, a person is here, I am talking about it. But even if you say how you said, you have not eligible to change the status quo. "

However, Sino-Village is not intentionally: "Oh, is this? Is it true? The blood flowing in the body will not change, and the education is the same."

Said, Sino Village is as if a poisonous snake is usually gazing in the corner: "Come on Painted Lei Nai, from my first cuisine, I have been in 10 years, let me know you in this 10 years. What is the point of drilling to the end. "

Said, Santun trails moved to the only air table in the restaurant, that is, Cutche, who is full of beautiful dreams, expecting that she hurts the space to come to the air.

But now, even if you have a heart to stop, it is deeply engraved on her soul on her soul during her young age, forcing her body to make anything. Action, I can only watch the village trail open the chair, and then sit in front of the table.

"First, let me look at the wine list in your store."

The words of the village are very simple ordered, but the Polylaw Life will fight against the violent thinking because of the heart, so there is no response in the ground.

Seeing that Cuts, I was indifferent, and the Sino-Village sneaked on the face: "Picture Lai Nai, are you treating guests? Do you want me to wait! Dad is hungry, I want to eat it? Cuisine made by Lennei. "

"... Hey, father."

The words of the small village seem to be the last straw of the opposite camel. After a psychological struggle.

As at this time, the door of the Diki Likini restaurant slowly opened, and smirked, holding a store, holding a store, sold in a store.

"Hey, eating, sorry, I don't make an appointment, can you come to your store to eat?"

During the speech, I was so shamelessly and shameless to put the pepper cake to the hand in the hand, and then he looked at it. I found that the Sino-Village of the village accounted for a table, so they locked the target on the table in the Tidist Village. .

has never been to stop, and it has been to the side of the small village, and she said: "Sorry this gentleman, the whole restaurant will be opposite you, don't mind me to fight a table. ? "

But when he saw that the fire of the ink village, he was ambiguous, he realized his own rude.

So he was embarrassed to scratch the head: "Amount, it doesn't matter."

It was more than one thing to make a charm, and the Sino Village didn't have a mood. He snorted, and said to the sake of Cuts.

After saying, Sino Village is straight to the door of the hotel.

"Hey, it is really disappointing, the mood of eating is bad."

The reaction of the village tract makes it a little confused: "Ah, please wait, no need to specialize in the location? Continue to dine, I will not bother you."

Next to a table, Xi Tian repair also got up and stop: "Just, after this guy suddenly came here, you think you can walk like this!"

But waiting for him to finish, the monument of the restaurant has opened the door of the restaurant, waiting for him outside, a black color of the restaurant surrounded by the restaurant, the car's headlights will take the night's high platform area as a day.

In front of the sedan, the Schönxia Zuo Gate is like a black gad. It usually takes a group of bodyguards that are wearing black in the restaurant door.

Seeing , the village trainee is very natural. "Oh, the father-in-law is really fast, I haven't seen it for a long time."


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