See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 491 seeking medical treatment

Although there is no more than Siro, it is like a situation in which the opponent is in other venues, it is not staged, and the main people are in the face of tenants, those who have nothing to win.

In addition to having an unlucky egg, there is a cold field, and other [central food organs] members have lost their opponents with 3-0.

Just a day, the study in the school decreased in most.

Although everyone has learned the "central food organs], everyone has known the" central food organs], but in the next few days, there are still students who are constantly challenged by the moths. .

Most of them have a bitter fruit of failure in front of the [Central Food Organ].

Fortunately, the Tangli Hui, the Trunal Research Association, the Great Miya, the Miyu, the Haozi, the Gauguan Association belonging, because the player's own strength is very strong, and did not meet ten Level-level opponents, so they all won the victory, so that the research they belonged to successfully stayed.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Shanliang is not good in the eating, directly meets Senlo, but although the game is lost, there is a Senli Warranty, and the study of him and Yunrun also retains. He is also Senlo recommended when he was completed.

In the end, in terms of the results, the original hundreds of studies in the long-month will be found in the sweep of the Senli et al., The Sino Village is basically the result of satisfaction.

In the days, the work of the tenants has also been completed, and the school embedded on the right track he thinks in accordance with the idea of ​​China Village.

Because of the joining of Ten Jie, the work of all the recipes produced in Senlody has also been shared, but it is different from Senlo. When other people make a recipe, there is no excessive explanation for the cuisine steps. It is said that This is the opinion coming out of the tracuch.

This kind of village is aware of, but it is not aware of its practice, so that Senli is not uncomfortable.

Just in such a subtle mood change, Senlo returned to everyday life. . . This should be the case, but it has not enjoyed a few days in a few days, and Senli received a notice from the Tianchao Wushu, invited him to participate in the upcoming decision of the world, the next sea emperor's [big competition].

Get notified, Senlo remembered its own entrustment of his master.

So Senlo told the Elisa, and proposed to let them go with himself, and bring them to the Tianchao.

Everyone is naturally acceptable, and very efficient and the school's teacher has got a holiday. I still want to take my own sister Wujialou Luo, but I don't have a few days of the mission of the tribe in a few days. For the reputation of the family, Wu Ji Luo can't choose to give up, helplessness I have to give up my peers.

However, the evening in Senlo placed, Dechuan Yuchen and stupid books have appeared in front of the clouds of the clouds.

That is a fan-shaped hair and his girlfriend, Junghus, just now Fan Ma blade, has not been the kind of stunning moment when Robert is handed over, and the wide clothing wrapped his body, and it reveals it up and down. A dead feeling.

The stupid is on the way, and the doorbell is random. After a while, the gate opened, and Wu Yuezu explored his head from inside.

"Hello, what is it?"

Seeing the face, with [Dark] Dichuan Guangchen who had a lot of cooperation, I recognized who the coming is, the next consciousness is back, and the heart is not shocked: "That is ... Eight Huang One of the blade of the blade, why do such a person will appear here! "

The martial artist who is stupid is a watch world, it is a little known to this, because there is an urgent matter, he did not pay attention to the reaction of Dechuan Jigui, immediately inquired: "This lady, late visit to the world Take the liberty, is Wen Senlo? "

For Dechuan Yongchen and foolish, Wu Niangzu is naturally a clear two Chu, when you nod: "Ah, this is not a stupid gentleman and Mr. Dechawa? It is a thin faint, you are still really skillful, Sen Luo is oh, the child is booked to the Tianchao tonight, and now you should pack things in the room. "

On the other hand, Wu Yuek opened the door to invite them.

Going into the cloud, Wu Niangzu came to the living room, and then shouted to the: "Senluo Sauce, come out, some people find you."

In a short while, everyone heard a rush of footsteps, and then saw that Senli's figure walked into the living room.

"Mom, who is, I am picker now, I am very busy."

Although surprised by Senlo is the fact of Wu Ye, I saw Senlo appeared, Dechuan Guangchen immediately greeted: "Senluo, finally found you, listening to your medical skills, you cured it. His broken hand, I have a patient here, the hospital is not good, please be sure to save, the diagnosis is good. "

After listening to Dichuan's war, Senlo looked at the stupid alone: ​​"Oh? Mr. Yan, you are also ah, look, your hand is good."

The stupid hand has been able to play the hand, and it is still a good job, but my things will be said later, please take a look, this person is there? "

After finishing, the foolishly will push Fan Ma's blade to the front of Senlo.

Senli said: "Well? This is not a fan of Masan, you are different from the same day ago, how? How? The girlfriend is too powerful, is it squeezed?"

Switching in the double-eyed eyes, there is no intention to swim between the Fanma Blade and the Matsumoto Temple, and the John Tailings will be hid behind the Fanma Blade, and it has happened between the two. Then, the tipping of the Matsumoto is no longer a JK that is ashamed.

Senlo took the laugh: "Open a joke, you can do this with my girlfriend, it seems that you have experienced a lot of experience these days, in turn, I will take the upper clothes first. Let me see your state. "


Fanma blade responded softly, then took off his big top, revealing the same body in the inside of the skin.

Senlo seems to have a quantity of goods, and it is a circle around Fan Ma's blade. "Good guy, no wonder you say that the hospital is in the hospital, and he is poisoned, but also mixed insectic, animal poison , Plant poison, mineral poison, etc. Natural poisonous mixed toxicity, you can live now, thanks to the strong body from the strongest creatures. "

Seeing the situation of Senluo, the villain broke the fans and his teeth, and everyone could not help but show the rays of hope.

De Chuanchen said excited: "Oh! Just look at it, I know so much information, so, you must cure!"

"Unfortunately, it can't."

Senlov's answer puts the mood of everyone just ran into the bottom.

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