See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 492, the hopes and peers

"You never seen his situation, why can't you cure?"

Matsuya tip is excited to rush, but it is pulled by Fan Ma.

Senlo asked Fan Ma's blade tooth: "What is the poison on your body?"

But let Senlo unexpectedly, Fanma Blade does not seem to know what to [poison].

"Tello Hand? What is it?"

Such reactions make Senlo are helpless: "Hello, really, do you even hurt, you don't know? Then you have heard that [empty road]?"


Fanma blade still shook his head.

Senluo had to explain: "The so-called [empty road] is a martial art martial art founded by the old man named Guosong. It may be so familiar, but the name of the country is quite famous abroad. This old man I claim to kill the home, and there are indeed two brushes. There are many famous policemen, soldiers, and bodyguards hang in his door. "

Fanma blade seems to have forgotten the poor toxic, it is interested in Senlo: "Senlo, [Air Road] What kind of martial arts?"

"Well, although it is the [empty road], but in fact, it is also a lot of categories, empty palms, live hands, killings, binders, etc. are all [empty road] martial arts categories, you are The poisonous hand is a relatively dangerous kind of hard work. To practice the kind of kungfu, we must first mix the precision weighing metrics in a certain proportion of mixing, mix with the iron sand, then make a poisonous sand, then train the iron sand palm Generally use both hands to repeatedly penetrate the toxicus. "

On the side, Deichuan Congchen can not help but ask: "But this way of practicers will not be caused by the vacification?"

Senlo looked at him: "Of course, it is not good, it will definitely be abolished before the poison is practicing, so it is necessary to cooperate with toxic toxic washing talent, poisonous sand and washab. Alternate once every seven minutes after the sun rises, alternate every nine minutes after the sun is falling, so continuously, wait until the 5th day, the hand of the cultivator will become the same color like purple potatoes. Even if I started, with the continuous practice of cultivation, the purple will slowly retreat, and finally restore the usual people's hands, such a poisonous hand is achieved. But this kind of cultivation method is very painful, non-persvict people can not have something to achieve It is said that because of the pain caused by the erosion of poisonous sand, it is not in a few people. "

De Chuanchen couldn't wait to ask: "What will this poisonous hand hit a person?"

Senluo glanced at Dechuan: "That is also used, people will certainly poison, although the effect will be different because everyone's formula, but the same thing, if there is no anticipation, the people in the middle Will die. "

I heard this sentence, the hand of the Matsumoto tipping the fan of the fantama blade is coming without being tight: "Don't you really have something wrong?"

Senlo considers: "Emmm ... is not completely no way, the poisonous handoff is the introduction of the Ming Dynasty. At that time, it was the warfare of the name, the warrior of the And disdain, it will cultivate the Ninja under each of the big names, and the big name and Wu of the death in the hand are roughly estimated. After that, [poison hand] is circulating in the face of history. So far, until recently by Guosong's old man, I have joined the world. The [poisonous hand] introduced into the name is 7 volumes, all of them are the pharmaceutical refining and poisonous hand. "

Speaking here, the Senli Tightere: "But, in the Tianchao, the complete [poisonous hand] is actually a can kill can be able to improve the hard work, a total of 12 volumes of a total of a total of 12 volumes, incoming [poison hand] cheats It's just the top 7 volumes, the front 7 volumes are called [Yin Hand] record the various murders of the use of poisonous hands, and there are 5 volumes behind the back, and there is a [male hand], which is to use the [poison hand] Kung Fu to the pharmacological doctor Among them, the method of rescuing the disease of the disease, how can I try to go to the Tianchao? Can I find the method of treating [toxic hand]. "

When everyone listened, Suddenly, I was happy, and Deichuan's Jungkee asked: "Really Senluo? Do you really hope to cure blade?"

Senlifiable said: "That is nature, the Tian Dynasty is now holding [poisonous hand] cheats is the Li family of Guangdong [Pharmache]. If you want to go, you can go there to touch your luck."

Get the reply of Senluo, the little old man Dechuan Ji Ji jumped happily: "Good! It's great, I started to prepare!"

Said, Dechuan Gaozi is going to go outside the door.

At this time, Senlo said: "That, I am going to the Tianchao today. It is a plane in today's night. If you have arranged, it is better to join us, we are a private airplane, the environment and meals will be much better than the average plane. of."

Deichuan asked in confusion: "Well? Senluo, now it is still early, what is going on, let you go to the Tianchao even if you want to go?"

In this regard, Senlo did not hide: "I went to the Tian Dynasty to participate in the Wushu event [big competition] of the Haiwang who can participate in the Tianchao for a hundred years. I said that I also have the title of the Haiwang, so I received an invitation. "

Fan Ma blade: "Sea King? ... and the same title is the same."

Sen Luo took a nod: "Well, it is the sea."

On the side of Dechuan Guangchen Shen Wei: "Say, there is really listening to this matter, he also invited me, saying that not to arrange a game in the near future, he is going back to day, it is this thing Ah, what kind of thing is Senluo, the big-player game is what kind of thing? "

"Mr. Dechawa, do you know Pan Krax?"

Senluo asked to let Dichuan's gentleman's two monk could not touch the mind: "Isn't it the ancient Greece full of integrated fighting skills? Do you know what is the relationship with the big platform?"

Senlo explained: "Since you know Pan Krax, then you know that Pankelasin's history has experienced the absence, now Pankerax, which is known, is just that people record it according to the records of the history book. "

"Amount, this is never heard."

"There is such a situation in this case, one of which is said, in ancient times, there is a Haiwang who has a Haiwang who has borounted the Ocean for martial arts, where to meet and participate in Pankaran game, in that game In the sea, the Haiwang defeated many strong enemies, and finally got the championship, after returning to China, the Haiwang will give his experience to his own friends, the news is not awkward, after that, many Tian Dynasty martial arts enhanced Strength, the sea king, head to Europe for martial arts. Among them, the winners have, because the victims of the physical and power gap are also, but after the evolution, the ultimate, European Pankela On the Xinyun, the champion no longer has a European figure. The winners have become the heavens, in order to end this humiliation time, spontaneously seal Pankelasin's events allocated, and learn Pankeras. There are fewer and fewer, until it disappears. "

De Chuanchen was quite surprised by this: "I didn't expect to have such a story in it."

Senli said: "Although Pankelasin's event disappeared, he has discovered this, in the Tianchao, the martial arts will move back in the European, in the duel field, the martial arts It is the source of the big platform. At the same time, [big competition] is also the only channel of the sea. "

I can't help but take a head: "Well, it is too interesting to sound, I don't want to watch this game."

As a result, Dechuan Ji Chen immediately decided to go to the Tianchao with Senlo, and called the Secretary directly to push all the work in the next month.

In order to cure the disease, Fanma Blade and Matsuyamoto Temple, I could have invited a long vacation with the school, and I naturally agreed to the proposal of Senluo.

Just foolishly, because of the fact that there are many things to be handled, so they refuse to be so good.

On the night, Batri's private aircraft carrying a group of Senlo and flew towards the X-Hong Kong where the game is located.

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