X-Hong Kong International Airport, Bartri's aircraft stabilized over the runway of the airport.

Walking down the plane, the Taturi's pick-up of the Batri of the Elisa is already waiting in the plane.

At this point, Senlo and Fan Ma Blances, the fans and the Drat and Dechuan Gongchen have taken the lead in Guangdong in order to seek detoxification, and they are directly to Batri's [Christmas X " Branch], there have been prepared for everyone in advance.

After setting up, Senli and Li Jia brothers first took this person to the three-in-one, visited Li Yuanao and a uncle.

Because there are still a few days from the competition from the Taiwan Race, in the next day, Senli let Li Jia brothers make a guide, and everyone has played a good place in Hong Kong.

Time flies, I went to the day of the big platform, and Senluo and others left the hotel to go to the venue. After the venue, I found that the venue near the venue is already a hills.

The venue of the big tower is a giant tower like a skyscraper. The bottom of the giant tower is a huge corner farm in a Roman Arena. The two floors is the auditorium. It is also equipped with a lounge. The rooms and other facilities, no matter what you want to experience the game in the scene, you can just watch the game through the TV screen, you can meet your requirements.

Senli arranged Eliza to visit the audience, and he walked into the player lounge.

In the lounge, there have been several sea kings. I found that some people came in. The Haiwang saw a young man who found that it was a boy. The sea king did not take him as a player, and he used him as a game to hold Fang Tianchao. The staff of the martial arts department.

Sorlo did not care about their reaction, because in them, Senlo found two familiar faces.

So Senlo is picking one, and it has stepped over.

"Hey, this is not [three-in-box] Chen Haiwang? I didn't expect you to come to participate in the competition, how, how, the chest is hurting? It seems that the black tiger Baolong door is still Yes, use a lot of good medicine? "

As soon as I heard this, others look at Chen Haiwang.

At that time, it was closed, and he was killed by a moon. Chen Haiwang did not speak for the name of Chen Hai Wang. Now he heard someone coming in and said, the anger climbs Chen Haiwang. The face: "Who is your devil, less here! I am good!"

Senli refers to his face: "It's me, you will take a good look, have you ever thought of?"

Chen Haiwang was searching for the memory of his own brain. Suddenly shouted: "You are the little apprentice from the first shot! What do you do here, this is a lounge special in the sea king, not your disciples level? Can come in, not going out! "

Senli smiled: "It's really unfortunate, I am also coming here, come here is a teacher's life to participate in the [big platform]."

Chen Haiwang is first, then anger is more angry: "What is joke? What is your king? Is you a little ghost to say? Today, I will mention the Month lesson lesson, some jokes can't be chaotic. It's open!"

The voice falls, Chen Hai Wang does not say, and the two feet have a point, a bow will go forward and go straight to the door.

Senlo filed the past, evoked Chen Hai Wang's resentment of the horse month. At that time, the palm of the shot was directly letting him lying in the hospital for a whole year, so she reluctantly resumed the self-care ability of life, so he decided to vent this resentment. Go to the apprentice of this shot moon.

Unfortunately, his small abacus is destined to fail. In the face of Chen Haiwang's fist, Senluo has no dodge, just a light-written hand, grabbed the arm of Chen Hai Wang, even if the fist is in Seno's face close It is within easy reach, but he is exhausted by Chen Hai Wang, but his fist is always not allowed.

Suddenly, cold sweat came out from the forehead of Chen Hai Wang: "How can it be like this ..."

Haven't finished it, he felt that a huge power came up from the arm, and then he heard his arm started to make a sound. Chen Haiwang quickly made a decimal number of people who want to pull back, but unfortunately Failed, Senlo's hand was dead, he was not a power type, and his strength could not break freely.

On the other hand, Senlo looked at Chen Haiwang's embarrassment of the mouth, and the time was suddenly lectured. Chen Haiwang was rearing back because he was so hard, and a butt fell on the ground.

He once again looked at his arm. At this time, he has a clear and visible handset.

Senlo is gave up to the earth Chen Haiwang: "How, do you believe in me? Take it, I have passed the Bai Lin Temple in Bai Lin Temple, then defeat one when I was twelve years old. After the sea king, the orthodox sea king seems to be said that I am the youngest sea king in history, and some people use a small means to have a small number of water trolley. The title is not a grade. You are right, Sun Hai Wang? "

Said, Senlo's sight moved to Sun Haiwang.

Listening to Senluo called his name, Sun Haiwang is very cold and cold, I have to say hello to Senlo: "You ... hello, Wu Hai Wang, I have been so big for many years. I have not been able to recognize you. Since you are old and this Chen Haiwang is old, then you will continue to talk, I am thirsty, go out to buy a drink, just lose. "

After that, Sun Hai Wang fled to the lounge.

Although other people in the lounge are so strength, they can make two sea kings so wolf, but there is Chen Haiwang's former car, and others have temporarily prescribed.

At this moment, the door of the lounge was once again opened. After a shot of a shot, a thin old man sitting in a wheelchair sat out from the door out of the door.

Seeing the old people, all people in the house, in addition to the elderly, Bi Gong, respectfully, to the old man: "See Guo Haihuang!"

The old man, that is, Guo Haihuang is the post of the Qing Tianzhi in the martial arts world. It has been 146 years old, but still healthy, occupying the position of the sea.

I saw Guo Hai casually put a swing, indicating that they would freely, then he looked at Senlo: "Hey, there is so you do this, and the young people are really terrible, I don't do it. The little ghost of the Wu family, you are the boy who said the moon, the [dark], the disciple, this time your Master is there, let you bring me? "

Senlo hugged a gift in Guo Hai: "I didn't expect the famous Guo Haihuang to heard my name, it is really proud, I met Guo Haihuang, my name is Wu Sen Luo, this time, Ma Shifang Takes me. It is necessary to study with you, and it is, the Master Master is very unhappy, I want to teach the famous guys who take the game to participate in the competition, what is the martial arts. "

After finishing, Senlo intently looked at the rest of the lounge.

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