See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 495, the two people are different

After tile, the staff put the tile between the two bricks, stacked the stack of layers, piled up a small tower in front of Senli and Fan Ma Yonglang.

On the stage, hosted to explain to the audience: "Everyone see is tile, that is, our building materials used in the ancient times, his material and shape design make him look more than the appearance. This tile was introduced by China when the tile was in the Sui Dynasty. Since ancient times, the martial arts of the Strove more than ten pieces of tiles, and today we are prepared for two tiles of 40 pieces, two in the field, if you feel that you have qualified to stand on the ring, please make it necessary to challenge. "

The host's words, successfully provoked the interest of the audience, and everyone wanted to know that this the youngest sea king and the Haiwang are not a man who can break how much tiles.

Seeing the tiles in front of you, Senluo snorted: "It is a performance to show, then we have a small look at us, and the people of the martial arts and Master are in the bones. The eye is low to the point of mind, let me know myself, but I know that you know your name, you will not make this kind of stupid thing that will be blocked by the speed, you said, Mr. Lang Mr. Lang? "

Fan Ma Yong Lang grinned, revealing a big white teeth: "Haha, you are" dark] Gigui is really modesty, you are right, this flock like a shortbread is much more, smash Also explained what strength, after all, our opponents will be moving, and will not wait for the death of this dead, but now I think, I am still trying to try it. "

In the eyes of everyone expecting, Fan Ma Yong Lang put the palm onto a tile on the top.

People who know a little know, this is obviously not normal, in order to get the strength to get the right to conduct, the usual split tile will never use the palm of hand, all use fists or hand knives so easy to concentrate on the fight A little attacking technique, which often breaks the number of tiles that can withstand their strength.

Compared with the top, the palm is easy to spread the strength to the entire plane, resulting in a quite number of tiles that cannot be crushed and its own strength.

On the stage, the old man of the three martial arts has opened a flower because Fan Ma Yong Lang's behavior is in his heart.

But when they were engraved, I saw Fan Ma Yong Lang took a sigh of relief, and the palm of her hand was as if the 40 tiles were not tile but the potato chips were general, and the tiles contacted with his palms were in an instant. Broken, dust fragments splash.

Then, Fan Ma Yong Lang's palm is destroyed, and there is no resistance to the end, and take it on the ground of the platform.

Fan Ma Yong Lang got up and patted the dust on the body, and despised the three old people on the table: "Solving the show, it is really boring, is you satisfied?"

The three old men were obviously scared by Fan Ma Yong Lang, and I was so long, one of the old men reacted, and said: "Oh ... oh, it is a powerful force, you have no doubt Have this qualification. "

Immediately, he also looked at the other side of the venue: "Well, the next is Wu Haiwang, the guests who even the Haiwang have already showed his strength, now please have a little more, since you It has the name of the sea king, I hope you can play well, don't humiliate the reputation of the sea. "

He means that your performance is not as good as before, then you are insulting the name of the sea, and there is no qualification to have him.

Senlo was loud: "Cut, I really don't know who is in the name of the Haiwang."

On the other hand, Senlo station in front of the tile stacked.

"But the words, Mr. Wong, Mr. Lang, directly crushing 40 tiles with palms, what is not normal, it is really a veritable monster."

Fan Ma Yong Lang heard the words of Senlo, a pair of indispensable models: "Can solve it with the simplest method, why do you still use the so-called skills, I can see it, this is not It's hard to see, let me see what you have [darkness]. "

"Haha, you have a prize, I am still far away."

Senlo smiled and shaken, the windmill was like a round arm, issued a series of crisp, then pair of flipped ground, the whole person jumped into the tile, the leuce is like an instant It is like a meteor-like hit on the top of a tile.

However, this hit seems to be a vast situation, but everyone is expected that the scenes of Fan Ma Yong Lang did not appear, until Senli stabilized, the tile stacked small tower still threaded move.

But if someone is close to carefully observed, it will find that there is a deep punch on the ground at this time at this time.

After landing, Senli didn't look at the pile of tiles. When they came to the player channel, they had a new situation on the occasion of everyone, and the stunned tiles from the bottom The layer starts, and it is broken by one, until the top of the top, and the top of the striking, the top of the Senlo hit the tiles, there is still a no-hurt, and barely maintain the small tower. Let him not collapse because the tile is broken.

This is a very different situation that Fan Ma Yongli Lang Power, let the audience surprised Zhang Dazhao.

"Oh! It's too exciting! It's a hunch to fight! It is a legendary clutch, which is completely different from the new shock of Mr. Fanma Wong Lang. If you just show us, Mr. Fan Ma Yong is displayed The power, then now Wu Haiwang shows us the skill of the gods, who can think of it, a fifteen-six-year-old boy actually has such a strength, and it is really a good name, it is too powerful! "

The host's explanation allowed the audience to raise the applause and cheers. In these hustlers, the three old people on the martial arts department are shattered as ink, they are also the old people who have worked in the Martialian Martial Arts, just now. Here, they see that Senlo has the strength of other Haiwang, as a person responsible for the selection of the sea, they are very clear, the sea king they choose, can fight 40 tiles There are very few, let alone do it like Senlo.

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