See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 496 Tragedy Liu Haiwang

On the field, Fan Ma Yong Langhaha laughed: "I really have no mistakes, your strength is very strong, just the combat method that will blow points and actual power points is the backpack in the Tianchao boxing. It can be played, but also controls the place where the power outbreak is, this is hard for decades, and it is not necessarily do it? But why do you want to do so trouble? Take you Power, directly shattered the tiles and not difficult? "

Senlo stopped and looked back to Fan Ma Yong Lang: "Maybe it is the teacher's teaching, the power of the show, Mr. Wong Lang has been done, so I think that in order to not let the spectators are bored, I should do something different. The things come to make up the eye. "

After that, Senlo walked into a dim handle.

Fan Ma Yong Lang is ok: "Is the original technology to fight against the power I showed?"

After sinking, Fan Ma Yonglang also looked at Liu Haiwang as his opponent: "Liu Hai Wang, how do you see this show? It should be understood like you, it will not speak, no The dead thing to fight against the dead does not reflect anything. In my opinion, this is not a weak little small? I still say what the fist is in the weak, I really lose the old age. Can you say such a crown? "

Listening to the ridicule of Fan Ma Yonglang, the old man on the stage has a black and black.

Opposite to Fan Ma Yong, Liu Haigang took off his upper clothes, and his muscles slowly toned. The same blood vessels were gradually filled with his whole body: "Not too, if the punch is existed for the weak, One day, when you find something you can't get in the past, then you can know the realm of your realm. From this level, it is meaningless to combat the dead. "

At this time, Fan Ma Yonglang is in the eyes of the luxury: "What is it? Let me tell you, you have rely on the martial arts realm of the fight against the death of the dead, but it is not worthy of dream bubble!"

On the other hand, Fan Ma Yong was slowly got to Liu Haiwang.


On the other hand, Senlo went into the player channel, but found that the passage, the Lie Haiwang and Fanma Blade were staring at the situation in the field.

Senlo walked in: "Hey, Fan Majun, are you not going to seek medical treatment? Why do you appear in the big platform?"

Seeing Senlo, Fan Ma Blant and Matsumoto, a color of the tip of the river, Fan Ma said that he said: "It is Senluo, hey, it is really difficult, after you separate, our horse does not stop the hoof. Guangdong. Li Jia's martial arts, inform that Li Hai Wang has already gone to participate in the big competition, and it is impossible to come back before the game. It is estimated to be ended in the game. I have to find it. "

Senlo is very confused: "According to the reason, you are not a person who is not the Haiwang. Mr. Wong Lang is famous. You and another Madel Yale II are famous, how is the martial arts? Agree to make you added? "

Fanma Blade Take a slap in the next side: "This is also much loss of mulberry. After seeking medical treatment, I contacted the mulberry. After I know the situation, the Samura is proposed to the Liu Haiwang. The permissions of Bai Lin Temple will be distributed to one of the places to Bai Lin Temple. For this reason, I will fly from Guangdong to Heilongjiang in the past few days, I went to Baolin Temple to conduct qualification test, I am still thinking along the way. With my current strength, if it is, but what should I do, but fortunately I passed. "

Senlo looked to the King of Lie Hai: "That's more, it turned out to be a mulberry, this is no wonder, after all, the face of Bai Lin Temple is still very useful in the martial arts department."

Lie Haiwang listened to the road, did not dare: "Senluo will have a prize, just the salary, this time, as long as we advance, there will be a situation, although my strength is far away. Not enough, but before, I have already had a good progress, and I will go to the yourself. "

Senli nodded: "That is nature, because this is the game of the Tianchao, so I will only use the Tianchao martial art during the game."

Zhuhai Wang just wanted something, but suddenly came from outside of the audience, everyone rushed to look at the direction of the game, and settled in the eyes.

I only see the field, Liu Haiwang has been full of blood, and the two staff members are very unprofessional to save ambulance.

In his hand, Fan Ma Yonglang, Hedge, Hedd a half-transparent man with blood, and the top of the five senses can be distinguished. It is the face of Liu Haiwang.

"Haha, the winning and negative, the accident is simple."

As I said, Fan Ma Yonglang grabbed Liu Haiwang's face, and the blood attached to the three old heads on the stage, let the three old age anger roar.

After all, Fan Ma Yong was free to throw his face to one of the staff.

"It's a boring ratio, I will go back first."

Just as he wants to turn around and leave the game, a roaring rang behind him: "Fan Ma Yong Lang !!! You booked this, you gave me !!!"

Fan Ma Yong Lang took a look, it turned out to be the martyrdom of the sea because the master was so humiliated, and he did not follow the heart to resist the heart.

Fan Ma Yong said, said: "Oh, it turned out to be a dragon, what happened, but you can't call your name, how did you come out?"

Liu Haiwang angered the crown, staring at Fan Ma Yong Lang, cast a horrific look at him: "You are a bastard! If you don't talk about Wu De, come with me, just here, I want to revenge my master. ! "

Fan Ma Yong Si Lang heard the color of the Yue: "Oh? That is really awkward, just the battle is too easy, I just feel a bit of not complete burning."

The voice falls, Fan Ma Yonglang is on the same moment, the violent momentum is straightforward, and the Lie Haiwang will play the battle.

Just then, a video of the old voice called the Lie Hai Wang: "Strong Dragon! You still don't live!"

During the speech, I saw Liu Hai Wang rubbed his face with a towel, trembled, and walked to the front of the Haiwang. He pressed his shoulders in front of him: "You have listened to me, this is on the ring. One-on-one competition, do you want me to be ashamed? "

What is the reaction of the , Liu Haiwang suddenly turned, threw the towel in his hand, threw the face of Fan Ma Yong, took the moment of Fan Ma Yong Lang, Liu Haiwang, a short, a leg, a scorpion , From bottom to the face of Fan Ma Yonglang.

In the face of the sudden attack, the Fan Ma Yong Lang quickly retired, and Liu Haiwang wiped the clothes of Fan Ma Yonglang's chest after thousands of hammers.

Looking at yourself just being gently rolled, it was kicked by a piece of clothes. Fan Ma Yong Lang's mouth was slightly rising: "Hey, it is really disil, your old man is very bad."

Then, Fan Ma Yong lifted his legs with the speed of Thunder, and he was on the door of Liu Haowang, and he was ruthlessly stepped on the foot.

The huge impact of the back of the back and ground contact instantly took the awareness of Liu Haiwang. After a long time, the referee had a unbelievable voice slowly sounded: "Hit ... knocked down !!! Liu Haiwang can't afford it, The first round of victory is Fan Ma Yong Lang !!! "

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