See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 497, Senlo VS, in addition to the sea

Looking at the back of Fan Ma Yong Lang, the Rie Hai Wang Qiang ringed his anger, and the staff lifted Liu Haigang to the stretcher.

After Senluo, the Lie Haiwang asked: "Senluo, I would like to ask your superb medical skills, can I restore the skin on my teacher's face?"

Senlo saw the injury of Liu Haiwang, gave the affirmative reply to the King of the Haiyan: "As long as the skin tissue has not thrown away, if you deal with it, I think it should be a lot of problems. But there will be a lot of wrinkles. Don't blame me. "

The Lie Hai Wang is big, and immediately took the people who were discarded from the staff in the hands of the staff.

"In this case, that is not too late, Senluo, you have to get trouble, you will help."

"Liu Haiwang is also a power for the Shanghai Wang, rest assured, give it to me."

On the occasion of the opening of Senlo, there was a voice of the host: "Ah Haha, I didn't expect our Liu Haiwang to give us the world's strongest creatures Fan Ma Yonglang, let us reorganize The mood starts the second round! Now I will publish the second round of the battle list! Wu's family, Wu Haiwang vs Dragon King, in addition to the sea! "(This word as the last name XU fourth sound, do not read Chu Two sounds)

The face of the Lie Hai Wang suddenly squatted: "How can this, why is it biased under this emergency situation? So, this, does not delay the teacher's ambulance time?"

Senlo patted the shoulders of the sea king, comfortable: "Reassured, a game has not been delayed, I will come, then I will not be late for Liu Haiwang."

At this time, a slightly angry voice rang from the two: "Oh? If you have such a chest, what is the bamboo? If you look at me? Now give me to the ring, although I am sorry. Liu Haiwang, but the Lie Haiwang, you still ask Gao Ming, his competition, you can live self-care or a problem, you are waiting here to be a white fee. "

Looking at the essence of the sea king, the Lie Haiwang, who knows that Senlo's power, did not say anything, but some sorry shook his head.

Immediately, Senlo followed the sea king.

Seeing the two people, the host immediately opened: "Hey! The two players next game debut, the first is this, huge, it is too huge, this is like a top giant is our In addition to the sea king, his opponent is a famous assassination of the world in the world, Wu Haiwang, who can bring us, let us wait and see. "

As the host said, except that the Haiwang's body is very high, even if the height of Senlo has exceeded 190cm, but still just enough to have his shoulder.

Under the moderator's instructions, the copper gone started by the battle was knocked. In the next moment, in addition to the sea king, he did not say the first hair generation, using his own hands long's foot, lifting his legs, the belly of Senlo is a bomb Before kick.

However, in the face of such an attack, Senlo is wearing a dark-style black practicing dress. It has shown a light and light, no one must mean, but carrying your hands, two feet differentiate, deep Suck a breath.

At the exit of the players, Chen Haiwang and Sun Haiwang who have lost the loss in the hand of Senlo, secretly went to the Hai Wang to go to the mercy. And other Haiwang who look at the game saw the school of Senlo, and made a cold snort.

"It is also known as the guardian of the martial arts circles, and the Hai Wang, who is admired, is really small, oh, I forgot, this boy is also the sea."

"That is to say, even if you don't have time to react, it doesn't even have a defense."

"It's too big, the current young people really don't know the sky."

During the speech, in addition to the sea king roared, the foot-high bombardment was in the abdomen of Senlo, and the firm power aroused a smoke around the two.

In the impression of everyone, if ordinary people took this below, I was about to fly because of this powerful force, but I didn't have the scene, but the scenes of the audience did not appear, and Senli was still proudly. Even the signs of retreats are not.

This scene has been surprised by the sea king who just ridiculous.

"It's impossible, except that the quality of the sea king is also the presence of the sea king, with the fullness of his physical fitness, even if you let the boy, you can't do it back? How can it be!"

"Strange, too strange, according to the physical rules, body type and weight smaller teenagers should be retired, why can he do it in place?"

Of course, there is also a little bit of powerful sea king to see the ends: "You look at the feet of the teenager."

All people settled to Senlo's feet, only more than just now, Senlo's feet were slightly in the ground, and two footprints on the ground, on the ground around his feet, there is already Full spider web is like cracks.

Everyone suddenly realized.

"It is the strength and unloading, and that boy actually unresolved the attack on the ground in the first time in which the sea king was attacked to his place!"

"But such a deep tip requires the accumulation of the moon for a long time, even if he begins to praise the martial arts from the mother, it is impossible to do so easy!"

"You have to admit that this boy is dangerous, this bureau is dangerous."

In the field, in addition to the sea, the feet are still topped on the abdomen of Senlo, and the anger looks at the Senlo without the hand.

"Your guy, what does it mean, why not shoot?"

Senlo seems to have just realized his behavior, laughing: "Ah, you said this, I don't want to help Liu Hai Wang dynasty surgery, if you fight with you, you can't hit your body. In order to avoid this, I won't use my hand, if you have realized the gap between us, I will be grateful if I am difficult to retreat. "

In addition to the sea king listened to the words of Senlo, he was angry and rushing. The incremental baldness gusiced up, and the legs were turned back before, and the legs were swept away from Senli.

"Yeah, why do I say that someone does not listen?"

Senlo shakes his head, a golden chicken is independent, and the other legs quickly on the knee part of the sea king's leg, and then he only slammed the feet. Luo took into a '' glyph.

Suddenly, in addition to the sea king, the scream, but maybe pain stimulating his adrenaline secretion, except that the sea king did not scruplely crushed legs, and a punch smashed to Senlo's head.

Feel the wind compression next to your head, Senlo turned back to his back to the sea king, and easily escaping the fist in the Haiwang.

At the same time, the foot of the Senli is a hook, and the squats in the feet are solid to kick down the king of the sea, the male audience in the audience is tight.

It is difficult to say that the pain is all spread throughout the whole body of the sea, but he has not waited for him to react, and the Senlo flying is an foot of his chest, and he kicked his entire man.

In addition to the huge body of the sea, the entire wall of the venue is embedded in the venue, leaving a humanoid pothole.

From the pit hole, falling in the ground, except that the sea king is screaming, and the pain is rolling.

Seeing this scene, the three old men in the martial arts on the stage have not been tolerant, black face: "What game is really a game, it is too shameful."

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