See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 518 Separated Refersee

Batri Royal Food Special Train is an Aisa coming to the new truncation, design and development of new projects, which is designed and developed. The main purpose of this project is to provide the most comfortable food while enjoying the best food. Serving train travel.

So not just cuisine, even other facilities, Eliza is also selected.

This time, Elisa is more than just inviting the first-year student of Masheng, Gujiang Dahe and other first-year students who come to study the study in Yunfu, and there is also a living department Zhu Mei, the four glasses of the night, Suzuki Garden, Fujihara Waiting for the young master of the upper business family.

Because Elisa believes that as long as this group can meet this group, then there will be no big problems for the vast majority of people.

At the time of Senlo and Elisa, a staff member ran over and got to Senluo, said: "The chef, before the book, you must get on the bus. People have come. "

Senluo nodded: "Just, let me look at these poor lambs."

Subsequently, Senlo returned to others: "Everyone is really embarrassed, I have been pushing things here, please accompany me, the introduction is given to Elisa, she It is the designer and developer of this train, than I only know how to make a vegetable, "

Most of the people are young masters with high school majestic, plus an acquaintance, so I immediately said: "Senlo, please don't care, since you have something to do, you will take your time, this Say sorry should be we are right. "

"Thank you, everyone understands, although I can't pay for the gift, I invite everyone to eat today."

After a cold, Senli made the staff in front of the road and walked towards the place where the members were in.

At the same time, the ethnicity of the Schön Sutra is placed together and gathered together. It is planning to go to the train, but at this time, the mobile phone in the Isimi pocket suddenly rang.

Isai took out the phone and saw it.

"Ah, it is my brother."

Immediately, I came to the first time in the first time. The voice of Takmi is: "Is Isamy? Where are you now?"

Isai asked: "How did a brother, why do you panic?"

"Not because you can't find your figure everywhere."

Isamy's heart is warm: "Brother, you still like to worry, I am not a child, do a train, not so, I have just got on the bus, the pool of Jiye Sang, there are still Sang and Alice Sangu are with me, which car you are, I will go to you. "

What didn't think of him is that his voice is just falling, and the phone is called the call: "This is impossible!"

Isami is a glimpse: "Brother, is there any problem?"

"The problem is big! We have been departed before one and a half hours. Now I have to go to the city where the next exam place is, because the students on the train have got off the bus, but did not see you, so I called you. "

Because the voice of Takmi is too big, even if Isai has no open excuse, others also listen to his words, and even the excitement of Qi Qi: "Hey! Will this? "

At this time, a voice is not dead from their body behind them: "Nothing is so surprised? Is this kind of thing to take into account?"

Seeing the people, the squat field is directly tied to the head towel and jumped out: "I heard the name of Batri, Wen Luo! Is it your guy!"

"(¯ ▽ ¯) / Hey! Hello everyone, yes, it is me."

Asked the Elisi on the side asked: "Senluo, what is this? Can you explain it?"

Two hands of Senlo: "This is not a good explanation. Don't you have introduced the test process before the exam? Upgrade test is randomly assigned a line, so if you want and separate partners, you don't In a good situation, I am afraid I have to wait until the final field exam, but the premise is that they have to stay at that time. "

Yoshino Yi Ji listened, reach out and pointed to Senlo: "Your guy, a good face of a good person before I saw it, I didn't expect it to say it here now, I'm really mistaken. Don't worry about you, there is a true king and Picture, and they will leave until the last thing. "

Senlo grinned, a dangerous momentum did not show up: "It's really confident, but I advise you to consider your situation first, the next test content will be and Ten Jiezhen The real gun is done, and your opponent is me, let us travel a happy trip. "

As soon as I heard this, I was originally quite a momentum of Yoshino leisurely. It was stylized in the original place, so that Senlo seems to hear crisp.

"Worse, it is too bad for this big magic level, it is really bad!"

Others in the poor star, I also shake this, but I'm going to burn infinite fighting spirit in the wood farm: "It's just right! I'm saying more about what topic! I must win this time. You, the shame when the fall before the fall! "

Senlo smiled: "It's a cool man, talk is refreshing, I think, yes, since you are more, then we are better than Fullcourse. Time is 150 It is better within minutes. As for the judge, 99 people selected from the student who took this train to study and travel. "

"That is so fixed!"

"Etc., etc!"

Seeing the wood farm, I promised, Yoshino Yi Ji rushed to stop: "Yucai Jun, what are you doing! Why do you have to agree? Do you know that Western-style meal is also the former dish, salad, Tang products, hot dishes, main dishes and sumes 6 dishes, to do 99 people within 150 minutes, it is impossible. "


The mood is cool, and the nasal sound is long. After the mummat is cold, if you can eat people, you can eat people, and Yoshino You Ji can't help but shrink the neck.

He listened to the cool analysis of the wood farm: "Now, the exam is now, if you don't agree, if you want the guy, you will be announcing, because the exam is unqualified, so we only accept the conditions from the beginning. This road can go, and we are just six people. If a person is responsible for an expensive, there should be a way to get it. "

Yoshino leisurely responded: "It turns out, so he chose the topic of Western-style meals."

Looking at a few people who are loud, Senlo added: "Since you have decided to have a plan, then this is good, as long as there is a person's cuisine to win me, I even have all the exams."

There are some angrical angries, "you can't look down on us. This is you, in that short time, to complete 600 pieces, even if you can't do it?"

"Haha, if it is usually, it is natural to do, but in this train, everything is possible. Ok, I will take you to the kitchen, now I have a dinner, you will take pictures. Now I am familiar with the environment, you can start preparing your food first. "

As I said, Senlo walked with a foggy water to the kitchen in the train.

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