See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 519 Uncommon Train Kitchen

On the road, Senlo informed the specific situation, Elisa told the Arrangement of Senli, and then hurried to the kitchen and Senlo.

As for the student as a judge, naturally, there will be a garden, who is a student member, Zhumei and others arranged.

Senluo came to the kitchen with a scholar Alice and others. When everyone entered the scene, they were shocked by the scene in the kitchen.

I saw that the upper and lower layers can accommodate a hundred people at the same time. In addition to the normal curse, there is a half of the same thing as a high-tech production line.

That half, no matter the chopping board, the pool is still a stove, the oven, all the equipment is connected by the transfer track, and there are many flooded mechanical tenthers that are densely laid on the ceiling.

There is also a similar operational position in the middle of the production line, where many sizes of different displays, joysticks, and keyboards have a lot.

The Kitchen, which en suru, Saibo-style, makes everyone are surprising.

Yoshino You Ji also exclaimed directly: "This ... What is the same in this science, what is the same !!!"

Senlo smiled and introduced: "At this time, Elisa's latest research results, cuisine robots [Albert Jun] !"

As a cuisine that has been pursuing the most cutting-edge technology, Sutra Sutra is very refreshing, accepts this machine, and shows a strong interest: "Wow! That is, this is the world's most advanced cuisine tool. It's not a matter of Baturi, who is the foremost at the world. Miss Elisa is really amazing. Even this kind of thing is made, but more than this, ice temperature concentrator, round separation machine, etc. The equipment is even equipped here. I still think about what I can't do if I don't have any equipment. I can't do it. I am relieved. "

Looking at the cuisine robots in front of you, Yoshino You Ji and others feel that their brains have some could not keep up.

"Σ ( ° д °;) ? This kind of thing that appears in the comics is really existed, is the world that has evolved in this level in the place I don't know?"

Senlo hooks: "No, there is only this world in the world, because of technology and operational problems, this is still far from making mass production. After all, it can make it perfect to be perfect. Lisa is a person. "

Originally, Yoshino Yi Ji has emerged in the brain, like the cupping of the cupping in the science fiction, lets the human chef unemployed, then the criminal circles, but he heard that Senlo said that it is not possible to produce, they also loose a breath .

On the side of the wood farm, I also put forward my own question: "This is what you just said to be possible? Is this really delicious? Again, I don't believe it, I don't believe the machinery can do it. I have a fine operation like you, so I can't make the cuisine like you, you are deliberately lowering your cuisine. "

A cool analysis of the wood field, Yoshino You Ji seems to see the hope of hope and re-oscillating.

"Yes, although I was scared by this situation, I really want to come like this. How can this breaking machine can make things more delicious than humans? In this way, we will not win. ?"

Ji Ye Ji Ji just finished Flag, Elisa angry voice rang from the kitchen door: "Your guy dares to say my [Albert] is a machine, I have been very clear, you think I think [Albert] is not as good as you are, then today, let me and Senlo, there is this [Albert] to play your guys together, and lose, don't cry, don't cry. "

On the side of Elisa, I strongly pushed into the kitchen. I was angry with Yoshino Ji Ji Ji, who had just gooled. Then I confirmed each other with each other. I nodded, and I took it straight to [Albert] Console.

Senlo explained: "This [Albert] does not reach 100% level, but this guy who has entered millions of cuisine data around the world says that there is a level of eight or nine-centered. And you don't forget Yoshino, today I will also participate in the cuisine, [Albert] is just auxiliary. The machine's investment brings the ultimate efficiency, with [Albert] auxiliary, even I am One person, 600 pieces to make 600 pieces in a short time are more than enough, so the worry of the coolness just now is also redundant. "


When I heard the words of Senlo, the wood farm couldn't cool down, and at the same time, he had a big bell. Because he felt that the strength of Senlo, even if a person can make 600 people in such a short time. It is also impossible to do too much Fei Gongfu as before, so I have won hope here.

But now it seems that there is a unknown machine assistant, and I hope I won here very embarrassment.

Then, Siro came to the osmium-style ingredients. The food storage compartment: "There is all the ingredients prepared on this train. Of course, you can rest assured, I will not be as despicable as the chief of Di, in the ingredients Wash your hands and feet, here are the most fresh ingredients purchased from the local place after coming to the North Hai Road. In order to present the ingredients of justice, I will use the ingredients, so I will have a good dish, don't leave any regret. "

"What is this guy, saying that he seems to have won, let us work together, give him some color!"

Ignore the Yoshino Yue Ji and others as if they are angry with themselves, and Senlo took the lead back to the kitchen.

After that, a group such as the cool wood farm carefully viewed the ingredients in the carriage, and put the species in the heart, and then returned to the kitchen and immediately discussed the cooking solution.

After a few more people who are hot, they suddenly found that Senlo and Elisa have no signs of discussion and preparation, just one person holding a handset is playing the game while playing the game.

A word appears on the cool head of the wooden field: "Hey! You have two guys to see what we are playing? Do you have a consultation?"

A cool and unfamiliar with the wooden field, the little hand of Eliza shook, was taken away by Senlo seized the chance to manipulate the role.

Looking at the big Youlose's words on the screen, I Lisa said: "I don't know if it is scary, not, but don't need to discuss it like this is not coming."

Said, Elisa stretched out a hand on the keyboard of the console, then the fingertip flying on the keyboard and jumped up, but the zone number a few seconds, an electronic sound rang from the machine.


Everyone who is attracted by the sound is a big eating: "Deceptive, this is the representative has been scheduled? How can I decide the content of the package so soon!"

Elisa looks like a look at the poit of the poit. "Nothing is impossible, [Albert] has millions of data of data, and screens the ingredients that can always use excellent Hokkaido It doesn't cost too much time, and the package is not difficult for [Albert]. "

After that, Elisa has a look at Senlo: "You also look at Senlo, if you feel that there is no problem, let's do these cuisine."

Senlo has visited the menu of [Albert], considering the next time you have nodded: "Well, it is the creation of Elisa, the pretty good content, it is very abundant, just use this "

Seeing Senluo has completed the dishes, and the wood farm is cold and other people, and the attention will be put back, and then put the attention to their own cuisine.

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