See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 549 FBI's plan?

Just listening to the "bang", Lu Shifang soldiers also rushed to the body of the body, and flew out the direction of Senluo.

Senlo flashed to the edge of the explanation, and slammed the neck of Lu Shifang's soldiers who flew over, the momentum will hang him in half empty, and then look at my flow in the field.

My flow in the field said: "The kid of the Wu family, you [darkness] is really no authentic, such a big man, saying that mixing is mixed."

The role of Senluo is yang: "Hey, it is really sorry, but thanks to this Daren, the audience and I have seen the idiological skills of invincible superman."

I immediately understood it: "It turns out that all this is arranged in advance. I know that he is still deliberate to let him participate in the game, what is to let me handle, right?"

Sori Ruoi has nodded: "That is not nonsense, the strength between the disciple level and you will be too disappeared, you can't collide with the game that makes people applauding, I think about it, if you change your people, you will get better. However, it is still not good, this waste is still too time. Now I want to be I am too arrogant, can be attracted by the 50,000 knife in the district, and strength can go there. "

During the speech, Senlo suddenly made a moment, did not give me a flow of X, only listened to the "", and the neck of Lu Sikulan was knocked by Senlo on the spot, completely lost his life .

Then, Senli is usually in the abyss of Lu Shifang's body, and the shark in the abyss of the quarter is crazy.

In an instant, the vulneous cheers of the audience in the field rang again.

Seeing this, I screamed with an angries, and I didn't jump back and jumped into the platform and walked into the player channel behind.

Senlo once again picked up the microphone announced: "Oh, oh yeah, this game is really amazing, harming me, I have forgotten the fact that all members of the hurricane Thai boxer have all the battle can't, this game, there is no doubt From my mysterious youth, I won the victory! "

One place in the audience, and when I saw that Lu Shifang soldiers defended his eyes closed his eyes, but he was thinking about it, and he felt that he seems to understand what.

"It turned out that the elderly found that there was a master-level master in the early morning, in order to let me eventually win, he specially came to help me solve the strong enemy I can't overcome, right, must be the case."

The more I want to, the more this reason, just when he couldn't stand, the position of the old blind forest temple suddenly sounded: "Oh, I am really a handsome young man."

"!!! σ (д д ) wow! Elder, when did you come back?"

And a sudden voice was shocked, and the wind forest temple was a dressing of the mold: "What is you talking about stupid, small, I am not always? You must be too serious, there is no Pay attention to me. "

In the face of the old old age, I have been biting, I have been biting, and I have been too lazy to use it. I just asked: "Oh, old, then you said that my stream X was punished after the rule of the rules, the next game The game is abstained? After all, this competition is only for 20-year-old disciple martial artists ... "

Who knows, the old old eyes suddenly put a big luxury: "Do you say? I am 20-year-old and excellent youth in the whole day, since I got a champion, I have to work hard to work hard. .. Well, I think so. "

When he finished, he was scared to hide behind the US feathers: "Hey, this person didn't plan to win me at the beginning!"

In order to transfer his attention, Mei Yu is comfortable: "Part and Mang, the next round is us, you have to take the strength."

Also listen to the sound of Mei Yu, and immediately chest it up: "Hey, Mei Yuzang, you will wait."

At this time, I have learned that after a few days, I have just been in the wind of the Temple, I didn't know when I had a flat, and the body trembling had disappeared.

"Don't this, is this one of the purposes of the elders?"

Just as a confusion, the elders came to the small channel: "The words come back, Xiao Jong, you will not think I really approve you only to a small champion, tell you, tell you, If you want to become a husband of Mei Yu, the lowest condition is to defeat me! "

Feeling the pound pressure from Fenglin Temple, one instantly understands: "It turns out that my body is only the ability to ignore the fear of the game, it is also right, compared to the fear of this super old man, the world Most fears can only be a drama. "

During the speech, during the talk, the center of the arena has changed again, and the abyss of the surrounding Taiwan has closedly, and it is replaced by it.

Subsequently, the voice of Senlo sounded in the broadcast: "The next is about the game of Liang Shan Bo, VS Tianchao, and the players are ready to prepare."


At the same time, there is a reverse ghost to go back to the toilet on the way to the game. It is focused on the island's police force in the arena, and the other places have a weak this opportunity to explore the situation of this demon island.

However, a person who made him unexpected appeared in front of him.

I looked at the little girl who took the pistol in front of him. I asked: "Are you Jennifer? Are you Jennifer? I think you feel familiar when you see you before, for many years You have been so big, but why do you want to do the director of the Guard Department in Fortner's black, your father knows that it will be very sad. "

What didn't think of it is that Jennifer is relocated directly with his head: "Don't mention my father, my father is dead a few years ago."

The reverse ghost is very surprised: "How is it, it is to use the guns and firearms to practice the ultimate guns to the ultimate guns. Let's go! How can you die? You know Who is the hand? "

Jennifer nodded: "Know that Dad went to Africa to perform the mission, met Chen Guoming, a big star sea company."

The ghosts are clearly known to know what Chen Guoming.

"Chen Guoming? Is Chen Guoming? But his strength and your father are just between Jiefang, and he is not abolished? How might win your father."

"He was cured a few years ago, and after the big landing of life, he has a new breakthrough in mood and strength."

Suddenly, Jennifer Valve Tottered: "Well, my father is in advance, we have received intelligence in advance, saying that FBI has a combat plan, wants to take advantage of this contest, those who gathered Fasta and gathered together The blacks of the black doors are all on the Internet. I don't look at the game at this time, but I am ghosty in the island. You are the spy of FBI. "

Don't give the chance to retrieve the retrieval, Jennifer has blows a whistle.

Next, several weapons were taken in several hands, and wearing a weird person gathered around and will be reversed in the middle.

The ghosts can feel the ghosts, although they are not very strong, but they have a breath of the people.

The Jennifer Drash: "I didn't expect it. The Tang Liangshan will also become a dog of the officials. Several, put him back to our headquarters, waiting for the evening to let Fortner people personally dispose."

People who received commands immediately took the weapon to reverse the ghosts.

I heard the three words of the headquarters, and the ghosts suddenly understood Jennifer's intention, there was no resistance, and he walked toward the so-called headquarters in the escort of those people.

After all people walked away, everyone just talked about the wall suddenly floated, and then wanted to fall off like a wallpaper, and now the figure of the rain in the rain.

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