See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 550 FBI in action

After walking for a while, several people came to a bare rock hill.

The ghosts were laughed in: "Hey, there is no way in front, do you have to bring me? My apprentice's game has begun."

"Here is the command room of our guard, Fortner is looking forward to the game, anyone who bother him to see the game is not good to eat, so I have to turn it into here, wait for the game, then dispose, Rest assured, here is not just you, those spies who have sneaked into it are all being held here, you won't be lonely. "

On the other hand, Jennifer reached out on a rock in the hill, and a rock wall on the hill was slowly fell, revealing the hidden passage.

After the ghosts are arrogant, the Daren who holds two meteor hammers can't help but show bloodthirsty smiles: "I said big, no matter what kind of person is Liang Shanbo, but as long as you enter here, don't I want to keep the human model. "

In this regard, the reverse ghost is full of fear, stopping the footsteps: "Oh? What do you want to make me?"

Jennifer shakes his head: "No, I just want to turn you into the angel of the world."

That talents who took the meteor hammer did not listen to the unsatisfied in Jennifer, seeing the ghosts and stopped, and took the meteor hammer to him. "Who allows you to stop, don't hurry ! "

Who knows that the ghosts suddenly returned to the head of the head, the huge impact took the talented person directly into the wall, then the wall was broken, revealing the back of the space.

That is a well-in-room facility, which is still bundled with some people who have different costumes. There are maids, there is a waiter, and the stream of gardeners and chefs.

The ghost is easy to blow a whistle: " ~ Angel is your dad syndrome, the original Jennifer, your purpose is to save people, say early, and set it."

Jennifer eyebrows wrinkle: "Gossip, then say, first solve those master master!"

At the same time, pull out the double gun toward those people, it is a connection, but she is not a person, the flight props are also minimalistic, so the bullets she played will not hit those people.

Other talkers have also reacted, and the weapons in their hands go to the two.

"Director, what do you mean!"

"Ha, little girl, I have long seen you are not right, you are really walking."

Unfortunately, they still underestimate the strength of the ghost, rushing in the front two people have not come to make a trick, the reverse ghosts are in the big fist with a whirlpool, and the eyes are introduced into the eyes of the two.

"Follower Iron Cannon !!!"

In an instant, these two have stepped the first Daren's back, and they have been in the middle of the wall universities in the wall.

The rest of the Daren saw the heart, and it is not allowed to be able to attack the ghosts until the ghosts.

Of course, it is not all awkward in these people, and there is a helmet holds a medieval knight sword. When the other people attract the ghosts, they quietly wrapped around Jennifer. After the back, if you don't say it is a sword.

Thanks to Jennifer alert, the crisis took over the gun and crossed the big sword cut.

However, Jennifer has a certain strength gap with the Daren, and he is so strong that she presses her on the ground, and her two pistols have been crackd from the big sword.


The ghosts have been to rescue it, but there are too many opponents. Rao is that he is almost a punch to fly, but still some power is not from the heart.

At this moment, a purple figure broke the helmet, and then a blade flaming.

"Fragrance flow, peel ...

With a somewhat uncomfortable female voice, the armor of the armor was cut off, and the big sword was also cut into several paragraphs.

Looking at the arrogant people on the ground, when I saved the fragrance of Jennifer, I shook my head: "Yeah, I cut some boring things."

On the side, the reverse ghosts will step on the floor, and the black line has seen: "Time rain, the opportunity to come is really good, say, you didn't kill him?"

The rain shook his head at the rain: "I use the knife ... back."

The reverse ghosts also looked at Jennifer: "Jennifer, I know that you must have a matter of fact, after all, you can do things under the black and evil forces."

Who knows, after confirming the security, Jennifer climbed up from the ground, and two words did not say that the double shot and pointed to the ghosts and the rain.

While Jennifer, the rain flew in the rain, like the ninja, the water, Jennifer pointed to the rain, the rain,: "What is the woman, you have already I am not married, how can I still violate grass outside! "

The ghosts are old, and the old face is red: "What is not married, what are you talking about stupid?"

Jennifer's pretty blocked buns: "You have said, as long as I have some wine to you, wait for me to grow up!"

"(A _) stare ~~"

Feel the eyes of the rain, the ghosts are now very embarrassed, and the little girl with the feelings of the little girl give him the real situation of this. He really can't say it.

It can only be cough a few times, the small channel: "That ... that is, see you small, you are happy, don't be true."

However, he underestimated Jennifer: "I don't care! Anyway, you promised me, I will tell you in my life!"

However, her reverse ghost is helpless, I have to transfer the topic: "Jennifer, are you not to save people? Now that the enemy is knocked down, don't you take a look at them?"

This trick is quite tube. It is reminded by a reverse ghost. Jennifer suddenly realizes, and it has been loosened to those who were detained.

After regaining freedom, a white is speaking to Jennifer in English: "It's great to thank you, we are detained by all countries. [DOFD International jointly surrounded the convorates], the previous troops sent, before exploring the debris island And the surrounding circumstances were accidentally cafe. "

Jennifer nodded: "I am FBI special sneak into the search official Jennifer Gray, this time is being ordered to rescue you, this is a planned ring, now we must do the first security defense here. The system is ready for the upcoming most of the team. "

Those who were saved were gave a military ceremony to Jennifer: "Learn! Thank you again for your rescue, Jennifer search officer."

Then, some people noticed that the reverse ghosts next to and the rain: "said that the words come back, Jennifer Search officials, who is you behind?"

No, Jennifer, reverse ghosts, generously self-introduction: "I am a member of the Talent Organization [Liangshan Bo], the member of Liangshan Bo, this is my friend, the rain, please take care what."

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