
Everyone’s eyes are on Lei Yu. This little Ya’s face is redder and she doesn’t say a word.

Mother is bold, coldly snorted and said: “Liu San is a good seller, but if Yu’er doesn’t like it, then no one will come!”

“Lady Mother, I… I…”

Lei Yu hurriedly wanted to say something, but he wanted to stop.

Seeing this scene, everyone understands.

Even Lei Dao sighed secretly, not for the little sister, but for the Third Young Master Liu sigh.

Little sister perfectly inherits the characteristics of Mother, and if it is pressed on Third Young Master Liu that small physique… Lei Dao has been unable to think about it.

Silence, at this moment, Lei Dao can only mourn for Third Young Master Liu first!

As for the little sister, don’t say Third Young Master Liu, even the County Deputy Liu may not think of it.

“father, County Deputy Liu, if it’s a problem in the future…”

“He doesn’t dare!”

Lei Heng resolutely and decisively said.

At this time, Lei Heng seems to have a little bit of domineering.

“It’s not old lady who gave you a good son! Some time ago, the second letter came. He followed the Great General and won the victory. He also performed well. Under the great recommendation of Great General, he has already taken the initiative. !Liu Family What? If you dare to slow down Yu’er, look at the old lady and not crush Liu Residence.”

Before leaving Lei Heng, Mother was worried.

This kind of combat power makes both Lei Dao and Lei Wu look at each other in dismay. Obviously, they are not the first time to see Mother.

Lei Dao was in the heart and he understood what the second brother meant. This means that the second brother is now ranked in the Grand general class of Grand Willow Kingdom.

Such a thick thigh, how could the Liu Family, which has been in the City for so many years, let it go? Therefore, the first time, let Third Young Master Liu go out and pick up the door.

It is okay to be rejected, that is, to seize an opportunity.

If you talk about who is shameless in the world, I am afraid that the literati will say the second, no one can dare to call the first.

This County Deputy Liu is very powerful, and even the three sons who have taken the scholarly honor are willing to “sell out” marriage. You know, in the scholarly door, the most important thing is that scholarly honor.

This shows that Third Young Master Liu is still in a good position in Liu Family.

However, Liu Family miscalculated the abacus. If I saw the little sister, I don’t know if Third Young Master Liu would be as gentle as I was.

“cough cough…father, Mother, I think it’s better to be cautious. County Deputy Liu is really only covering the sky, but if the Liu Family falls, I am afraid it will be implicated in the little sister.”

The big brother is actually very cautious.

Although this time is Liu Family, Lee Family, not Lei Family, is going to tie up Liu Family.

Lei Dao didn’t talk. He found that no matter how serious Father is doing in front of Mother, it is still up to Lei Heng to make a decision when he really decides the major event.

“That’s it. It’s hard to have a Yu’er to look at, and it’s not too far from Lei Family Castle. What’s going on in the future, it can also help.”

Lei Heng made a decision, and it was decided to assign Lei Yu to Third Young Master Liu. If Third Young Master Liu knows the information, what kind of expression would it be?

Lei Dao felt chilling when he thought he might have to go this step in the future.

No, other things he can do, but his marriage must be his own. Even if the other side has no has seen, the risk is too great.

Of course, this matter has nothing to do with him. He is now a tuberculosis patient, and these things are still far away from him.


The big brother is back, and Lei Family Castle has become lively.

Lei Wei has always been a generous person, and he has come back from County City and has purchased goods for several big cars. The tenants around Lei Family Castle are still grateful for the grace of Lei Family.

Compared to other towns, Lei Family Castle is indeed more conscience.

“big brother, you must pay attention, whether it is Snow Lotus or martial art attached to tempering, you must pay attention.”

Lei Wei has to leave again. He can’t wait for much time every time he comes back. After all, Lei Family is in County City and Prefecture City and needs him to host the big picture.

So, Lei Dao reminded him again before leaving.

Lei Wei shaked one’s head, and said : “Third Child , feel at ease, I must be on your mind. However, that Daoist Priest Qingyuan, wily old fox, you can’t believe him.”

“Oh I see.”

Lei Dao is thoughtful.

No wonder Old Daoist Qingyuan has been with Lei Heng for five years and has not collected Thousand Years Snow Lotus. Really, the Lei Family people don’t really trust Old Daoist Qingyuan.

“Hey, it seems that the Lei Family people are really not simple. Although the father seems to be rude and overbearing, it is really wise. The big brother has the savvy of all the merchants. As for the Second Brother Lei Wu, it can be promoted from a small soldier to a general. It’s not a simple person. It’s just that I’m really dragging the legs of Lei Family…”

Lei Dao once again severely cough up.

Although he practiced and produced Qi Sense, temporary suppression has survived the outbreak of tuberculosis. But after all, it’s just that the symptoms are not cured, there is no eradication, and it will still be affected.

Lei Dao and the big brother chilled a few words.

Suddenly, a servant ran quickly, panting and said: “Great Young Master, Third Young Master, go to martial arts field, something went wrong.”

“problem occurs?”

The two are slightly dumbfounded, what else can you do now?

So, both of them quickly followed the past.

Soon, they saw a corpse lying on the martial arts field, the blood has not dried up, and it has a strong pungent smell.

Lei Dao’s disgusting vomiting, after all, whether it is past life or this life, in fact, this is his first time to see the dead, and still so fierce death.

This is clearly due to excessive blood loss and death, and the body is full of blade injuries.

Lei Dao forcibly resisted the feeling of nausea in his heart and hurriedly asked: “Is this not the escort of Third Young Master Liu back to County City? How is it dead, and only one of them?”

“My son, this time we are afraid of trouble.”

Talking is Father Lei Heng.

He said the original reason. On the way back, they actually encountered a robber. If it was only a small stock, it would be fine. But this time, these robbers obviously had careful arrangements, and the number was almost three. hundred.

This is not a small number.

In fact, the outside world does not know, this time Liu Family took the initiative to come to the door. Lei Family is not a secret in the army, but who has such a well-informed information?

Liu Family first arrived, but also the first bad luck.

Now that he has been robbed halfway, Lei Family Castle will be involved more or less. Lei Heng is not afraid, but he is so embarrassed that he can’t swallow this breath.

This is not the key. The key point is that these robbers are going to take away the Third Young Master Liu. It is bound to let the County Deputy Liu bear grudge to Lei Family. Can Lei Family withstand the anger of County Deputy Liu?

Lei Family is just a little tycoon that’s all. People don’t fight officials, this is the famous saying.

Take the Third Young Master Liu, which is equivalent to putting the blade on the neck of Lei Family. This trick is poisonous!

“Look, this person is deliberately let go, and they have what they ask for.”

Lei Heng took out an envelope with a clear list of the various items of the densely packed, and the supplies were available from Lei Family.

Obviously, this is to eat Lee Family!

The robbers did not go to Third Young Master Liu, but to Lei Family. It was only at Lei Family Castle that no more robbers were useless, but with Third Young Master Liu, Lei Family could Be prepared to endure the anger of County Deputy Liu.

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