Lei Dao carefully looked at the supplies on this list and looked at the dying Liu Family guard, but frowned. Those mountain bandit took away Third Young Master Liu. As a result, don’t go Liu Family wants to ransom, but find Lei Family. What is the reason?

“father, big brother, is there any place for our Lei Family to offend this bunch of mountain bandit?”

Lei Dao asked softly.

“Third Child can think of this question, very good.”

Lei Heng did have some surprises for Lei Dao to see the doorway inside, and Lei Wei went north and north and operated outside. This trick naturally couldn’t help him.

“Who is the flag of the mountain bandit?”

Lei Wei gnashing teeth, asked gloomyly.

“I don’t know, when we found him, he was already dead!”

Lei Family’s people are also not clear.

“Don’t look for it, it’s Flying Rat! This letter has his unique mark below. This is a book for my Lei Family Castle.”

Lei Heng coldly sneered.

“Flying Rat! It turned out to be him, it is not difficult to explain…”

Lei Wei suddenly realized.

Then he simply said some of the old past of Father Lei Heng.

Once Lei Heng was also in the north and in the Grand Willow Kingdom. Later, when I came back, I met a group of mountain bandit, only six people. Lei Heng shot directly, killing the other five mountain bandit, and the sixth mountain bandit escaped.

The mountain bandit that was escaped is the Flying Rat!

Obviously, this time Flying Rat took away Third Young Master Liu, the real purpose is actually to deal with Lei Family, using County Deputy Liu’s influence, threatening Lei Family.

It’s just that he’s countless, but he’s not counting on Lei Family. He’s now in high position, and even County Deputy Liu has to come to the door. Not to mention that Thir Young Master Liu is not Lei Family, even if Lei Family killed Third Young Master Liu, I am afraid that the County Deputy Liu is not afraid of Lei Family.

“Father, since I know that it is a Flying Rat, why not just take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of it? Now he is just a small mountain bandit. If he is allowed to grow and develop, he might become a thief. I want to get rid of him, especially if he is next to our Lei Family Castle.”

Lei Dao slowly opens.

“Yes, what Wei’er still wants to say?”

Lei Heng is listening quietly.

“Third Child has just said very good, I will add a little. The second brother is in high position, but after all, the county magistrate is not as good as it is, the foundation of our Lei Family is still in Lei Family Castle, and there is still inside the County City’s jurisdiction. It is not appropriate to conflict with Liu Family. This is clearly the trick of Flying Rat. We can’t let him succeed. You must crush Flying Rat and save Third Young Master Liu.”

Lei Wei’s words are old and he is very satisfied with Lei Heng.

However, he was looked at at Lei Wei, and finally looked at Lei Dao, and there was a glimpse of unseen regret in his eyes.

“Yes, Flying Rat must be eradicated. This time, it’s up to Father to get this grievance!”

Lei Heng just regretted that Lei Wei was a heavy-hearted, well-behaved and quite a demeanor. Unfortunately, Lei Wei didn’t like martial artist since he was a child. Although it is not a weak skull, it is not a good fight.

As for Third Child Lei Dao, let alone, since I was a child, I was a sickly person. Now I have a tuberculosis. What is the role of the day?

If the second child is just fine, with the second child, Lei Family Castle is both civil and military. Unfortunately, the second child has embarked on a more ambitious future, and Impossible is always in a small Lei Family Castle.

No, only Lei Heng can only go out in person.

“No, father, Lei Family Castle needs you oversee, otherwise you can be sure that Flying Rat is not the scheme of luring the tiger away from the mountain?”

Lei Wei immediately stopped Lei Heng.

At this time, Lei Heng can happen to happen and can leave Lei Family Castle.

“But I don’t go, who can go?”

Indeed, Lei Heng don’t go , Lei Family Castle Who else can I go?

If you just send those Martial Master Guards, there is no someone to supervise, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not work hard. What’s more, if the Flying Rat is killed, the storage of the mountain bandit can become a spoils.

This is also a fat difference!

Lei Wei paused, but did not speak, his face showed a sinking color.

In fact, the most suitable for this role should be the second child, the second child from childhood, like to dance the blade to shoot, the strength of the fight, the martial artist. This time he led the team to kill it, it is a perfect fit.

But Lei Wei is also very clear, the second is not in Lei Family Castle, and it is also impossible to come back.

In addition to the second child, who else can Lei Family Castle go to? Lei Wei can’t go. He has always been a strategist. He can’t do this when he fights with people.

Now think about it, it seems that only Lei Heng has gone.

“cough cough ……”

At this moment, there was a light cough alongside.

“father, big brother, let me go?”

“You…Third Child, isn’t this a mess?”

Lei Heng immediately face sank.

Just kidding, when do you need Lei Family, you need Lei Dao, this tuberculosis sick person? What’s more, a tuberculosis sick person can supervise those Guardian Martial Masters?

Don’t underestimate the Guardian Martial Master, these people are not very clean at each and everyone. Really encountered a windfall, can not be determined, it will be for yourself, and even the Lord!

Without a tyrannical martial arts bodyguard, it is simply impossible to shock these fierce Guards.

What’s more, they still need to encircle the mountain bandit. That is to go to life. Will those Guardian Martial Masters agree?

“Father, I know you are worried that I can’t hold those Guardian Martial Masters. But, haven’t I been practicing with Uncle Zhang for a while before? I have worked hard.”

“Oh, martial arts…”

Lei Heng’s voice is getting smaller and smaller.

He carefully looked at Lei Dao. In fact, he and Lei Dao saw a lot of times, but basically did not pay careful attention.

This time it seems that it is a bit different. The body looks so thin, especially the spirit, looks very strong.

Is this because of martial artist?

Can be a tuberculosis, what can you practice?

Lei Dao wants to go out too. He wants to find tempering inner organs’ martial art. He can’t rely on Lei Family and big brother, he has to look for himself.

This time, annihilating the mountain bandit is a rare opportunity to not only get a rich collection of mountain bandit, but also reverse his impression of Lei Family Castle everyone.

There will be any amazing things in the future, and there will be no surprises.

However, this first time is obviously not so easy, he still needs to convince father.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao said vowedly: “Father can let me compare with Uncle Zhang tomorrow, and naturally feel at ease.”

“When are you really become a martial artist?”


Until now, Lei Heng has some doubts.

However, when he thought that Lei Dao would dare to compete with Zhang Qinglong, his heart would be hot.

Who is Zhang Qinglong? No one is more clear than Lei Heng, but it is a real embarrassment. If Zhang Qinglong is not a heavy-hearted person, it is always in the small Lei Family Castle.

“Well, Third Child has a heart! If you can remain undefeated in your Uncle Zhang subordinate tomorrow, I will let you lead the team to annihilate the Flying Rat!”

Lei Heng made the decision.

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