Lei Dao ignored the eyes of others, but step by step, slowly walked onto the void, stepped on the air, and the three flowers on the top of the head were released.


On top of the three flowers, Lei Dao’s imposing manner is like a volcanic eruption, bursting out instantly, majestic, forming an invisible storm, moving towards all directions engulfing away.

Three flowers on his top, hiding the sky and covering the earth, across the void. Just distributing the aura seems to make many people feel suffocated.

In particular, Lei Dao has killed many of the Half Saints in succession, and the accumulated Invincible Belief naturally blends into the imposing manner, which is shocking.

“That… is that Dao Body 9th layer?”

“It’s actually Dao Body 9th layer Old Ancestor, no wonder there will be an invitation card.”

“Just what about the Dao Body 9th layer? In our eyes, the Dao Body 9th layer Old Ancestor is very powerful, but for Primal Beginning Sacred Land, it is nothing.”

Many people saw the terrifying imposing manner that Lei Dao broke out. For a time, the suspicion of the eyes was reduced, but it still did not disappear. As many martial artists say, what about the Dao Body 9th layer?

Enter don’t go to enter don’t go!

Lei Dao is condescending and overlooks the mountain gate of Primal Beginning Sacred Land. He naturally knows that the Dao Body 9th layer is nothing at all, even if he broke out of the imposing manner, the primary gate of Primal Beginning Sacred Land still has no movement.

However, Lei Dao did not expect him to break out of the imposing manner, and then the Primal Beginning Sacred Land mountain gate would open, which would be impossible.


The next moment, Lei Dao fist slammed and slammed directly onto the mountain gate of Primal Beginning Sacred Land.

Suddenly, the mountain gate of the entire Primal Beginning Sacred Land is shaking.

Of course, Lei Dao didn’t intend to completely destroy the mountain gate of Primal Beginning Sacred Land, he just wanted Primal Beginning Sacred Land to know that’s all.

“Origin Prefecture Chamber of Commerce Alliance Alliance Lord Lei Dao ,specially came to pay a vist !”

Lei Dao stood shoulder-to-hand, and the sound majestic, accompanied by the turmoil of the Sacred Land mountain gate, echoed in the void and lasted for a long time.

At this moment, many people opened their mouths as if they could not believe it.

Lei Dao !

Half Saint Lei Dao !

Origin Prefecture Chamber of Commerce Alliance Alliance Lord !

Lei Dao is not a nameless generation, and even his reputation is very large. It is Origin Province. In addition to the only one of the five outside of Sacred Land, Half Saint, his name has already spread throughout the entire Origin Prefecture.

However, there are very few people who have actually seen Lei Dao. Otherwise, there will be no one who recognizes Lei Dao until now.

“This person is actually the Origin Prefecture Chamber of Commerce Alliance Alliance Lord , Half Saint Lei Dao !”

“Half Saint Lei actually went to Primal Beginning Sacred Land. I didn’t expect that we could see a Half Saint at such a close distance, or the Gulf Saint, which is now in the forefront of Origin Prefecture.”

“It’s so domineering! Half Saint Lei actually dared to punch the Primal Beginning Sacred Land mountain gate. In this unique way, pay a vist, how many youngsters of Primal Beginning Sacred Land have not directly bombarded the mountain gate?”

“All said that Lei Dao is domineering and arrogant. Now see the real name is not in vain. Directly punching Primal Beginning Sacred Land pay a vist, how can you pay a vist?”

“Don’t pay a vist, don’t tell me, just wait for the people of Primal Beginning Sacred Land?”

Many people have heard of Lei Dao’s name, but people who have actually seen can be counted on one’s finger. At this moment, I saw Lei Dao, the living “legendary person”, and I was very excited.

Just, some people are very worried.

Lei Dao is so “reckless” and directly punches Primal Beginning Sacred Land mountain gate. Will it cause trouble for Lei Dao? After all, in their eyes, Sacred Land is aloof and remote, and its status is detached.

Even the Dao Body 9th layer expert, or even the Half Saint, is respectful when facing Sacred Land. Lei Dao directly hit the mountain gate of Primal Beginning Sacred Land, and Primal Beginning Sacred Land can see Lei Dao?


Although Lei Dao’s movements are indeed reckless and even provocative, they do have results. Primal Beginning Sacred Land’s mountain gate gradually opened, flying a few black robe old man from it.

The aura on the body is very terrifying, although can’t compare with Lei Dao, but everyone can feel it, it is definitely Dao Body 9th layer expert!

“Which is the Alliance Lord Lei?”

One of the Dao Body 9th layer’s Sacred Land Elder shouted, and his eyes were actually on Lei Dao in the void. There is no reason for it, and the aura of Lei Dao is very strong! Even gave him a violent danger, and with Lei Dao holding his hands, he was disdainfully looking at all living things.

“This Seat is.”

Lei Dao indifferently said.

“Alliance Lord Lei, it’s not the time for you to come. It’s my 40th anniversary of my Primal Beginning Sacred Land establishing sect. The business in Sacred Land is busy and not seen. Please ask Alliance Lord Lei for a while.”

“En? Not seeing guests?”

Lei Dao’s face changed slightly, and then somewhat ugly.

This is rejected!

It was rejected again!

Even if Lei Dao has already revealed his identity, the Chamber of Commerce Alliance Alliance Lord, or even Half Saint, is still rejected by Primal Beginning Sacred Land.

Even if Sacred Land refused to be euphemistic in the distance, anyone can see that this is to reject Lei Dao and not to let Lei Dao enter Primal Beginning Sacred Land.

“Okay, very good!”

Lei Dao closed his eyes slightly.

He felt that there were some things, he really considered too much and thought too much.

He considered leaving a little face to Primal Beginning Sacred Land and didn’t want to challenge Primal Beginning Sacred Land with great fanfare, at least for the Primal Beginning Sacred Land establishing sect 40,000-year celebration.

He has been put in the place for the Primal Beginning Saint.

However, Primal Beginning Sacred Land does not seem to appreciate it at all.


Lei Dao’s pay a vist request was rejected!

Even the reason for Lei Dao pay a vist was not asked, it was simply rejection, and I just didn’t want to pay attention to Lei Dao.

Lei Dao dignified Half Saint, even if I went to Grand Simplicity Sacred Land, it would never be ignored.

But now?

Primal Beginning Sacred Land obviously didn’t take Lei Dao too seriously.

It is said that Primal Beginning Sacred Land is the oldest Sacred Land in Origin Prefecture. It has a rich heritage and is the most arrogant Sacred Land. Even Primal Beginning Sacred Land is now faintly at its peak, but Primal Beginning Sacred Land does not seem to accept the lessons of Ancestral Master Primal Beginning from top to bottom.

Still arrogant!

Lei Dao was rejected. If it is not embarrassing, it is impossible.

In the eyes of the public, Lei Dao is also a person who wants to face.

Even if he was calm, there was a faint anger in his heart.

He dignified Half Saint, even the reason for pay a vist did not say, was directly rejected by Primal Beginning Sacred Land, even sent a Half Saint did not send, just let Dao Body 9th layer Elder to inform Lei Dao.

At this moment, Lei Dao was a little angry in his heart.

Since Primal Beginning Sacred Land is so big, even Half Saint is not in the eye, what else can Lei Dao be misgivings?

So, Lei Dao’s eyes gradually became cold, and the Dao Body 9th layer Elder of Primal Beginning Sacred Land said: “Since Sacred Land is not feel at ease, then Lei Dao is not forced. Also fine, go back and tell you Leader and Elder, Origin Province Chamber of Commerce Alliance Alliance Lord Lei Dao, special challenge to Primal Beginning Sacred Land’s Half Saint!”

“If this Lei wins, I hope to enter the Land of sacred mark comprehend for your Sacred Land for three days. If this failure, please let it go!”


The words of Lei Dao caused an uproar in an instant.

There are countless martial artists around to hear the words of Lei Dao.

What is this?

This is a public challenge to Primal Beginning Sacred Land!

Such a huge information, so many martial artists outside the mountain gate are stunned, very excited.

Many youngsters, they have not heard such a great information.

Lei Dao wants to challenge a Sacred Land with his own strength? Still the ancient Primal Beginning Sacred Land, how arrogant?


Elder of Dao Body 9th layer, his face suddenly changed, and unwavering stared at Lei Dao, as if he couldn’t believe the scene. How dare Da Da dad to openly challenge Sacred Land?

And still challenge the entire Primal Beginning Sacred Land!

Even the original Ancestral Master Primal Beginning, there is no such bold.

“En? What, this Lei is not a challenge? Or is the Half Saint of Primal Beginning Sacred Land not dare? This Lei is waiting outside the mountain gate.”

Lei Dao’s words are already very arrogant.

In particular, Lei Dao’s approach is even more arrogant.

Just waiting outside the mountain gate?

What does it mean?

Lei Dao is here, who else dares to enter Sacred Land?

This is clearly blocking the door, and it is still the mountain gate of the dignified Sacred Land!

Even the Primal Beginning Sacred Land 40,000-year establishment sect celebration was blocked by Lei Dao, and the perhaps had to be ruined.

“Lei Dao, you have an outside of Sacred Land’s Half Saint, you…”

The Dao Body 9th layer Elder still wants to sing Lei Dao, but before he has finished speaking, Lei Dao’s gaze is staring at him, his eyes sharp like a blade.

“Go, let’s say a word, this Seat is stunned! To talk to this Seat, call Half Saint of Sacred Land.”

Killing intent, the cold killing intent emanates from Lei Dao.

Just a gaze, let the Sao Red Land’s Dao Body 9th layer Elder go through the cold.

He dignified Sacred Land Elder, where was it so scorned?

Usually aloof and remote, there is no one to dare to blame him, let alone he shows the killing intent.

But now, looking at Lei Dao’s gaze, Sacred Land’s Elder tense within one’s heart, he opened his mouth and eventually said nothing.

Because, he felt a death’s threat!

It seems that if he really dare to say anything, he may really die!

Aura of death, as if to cover him at any time.

Even before the mountain gate of Primal Beginning Sacred Land, it seems that there is no sense of security.

In front of Lei Dao, unlike the previous martial artists, even Dao Body 9th layer Old Ancestor is also respectfully in front of him. But Lei Dao is extremely overbearing and dare to block the mountain gate of Sacred Land.

Even the cold killing intent makes the Dao Body 9th layer Elder shudder.

Elder didn’t dare to say anything more. He was really scared. Lei Dao still had a fierce name. On the Sacred Feast of Exquisite Sacred Land, the first Sacred Child Yi Wuji of Grand Simplicity Sacred Land said that he was embarrassed.

Vicious and powerful, unimaginable.

If this time is killed by Lei Dao, then it will not be worth the loss.

So, the Sacred Land 9th layer Elder, also clenched one’s teeth, immediately returned to Sacred Land. In any case, this matter has to be reported to Leader and the top level in Sacred Land.

However, with his knowledge of the top of Sacred Land, Lei Dao is so arrogant and overbearing, can Sacred Land tolerate?

Lei Dao, dead!

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